gey @ ' :j /'f‘\:x â€" \C\J \"2&2/ ) a E im y "57 R CragpfS® Sydenham Women‘s Institute Our February meeting was held at the Meadowbrook Apartments with 23 memâ€" bers present. The residents were alâ€" ready seated in their large, cosy comâ€" mon room at 7:30 when the meeting openâ€" ed with everyone participating in the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Carol Faires, the music teacher from L.P.S. had arranged for musical selectâ€" ions from four students. Everyone enâ€" * joyed the piano solo and three vocal Theâ€"Trlangleâ€" P se Is);:n;relgtions, accompanied by Carol on the Sydenham Women‘s Institute Congratulations were expressed to Mï¬_ï¬,ï¬g‘ï¬?ï¬ Â§ M (%‘ 5 the residents for lending their support / O’ 7 ‘g% to the local Recycling Program. Volunâ€" __/?gg\im$ teers transport their materials to the depot the last Saturday of each month. * P Yummy refreshments and a social time 15 members and 3 visitors answered followed. the roll call at our Oct. 16 meeting. Our group concluded the evening W. I. groups all across Canada are with several items of business. embarking on an International Project On March 12th we‘ll be back at the called, "Knitted Squares for Zambia." Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. We are having a We are to knit, and ask others to knit, shower of gifts for Interval House as 3â€"4 inch squares. They will provide our Roll Call. desperatelyâ€"needed employment for some Beth Freeland of Harrowsmith, who disabled women, in the district of is coâ€"ordinator of the newly formed Mazabuka, who are paid to assenmble Central Frontenac Community Services articles made from the squares. program, will be our quest speaker. Leftover yarn will also be sent. She will update us on all aspects of This year, Tina Rose will receive the program. All women in the area are our W. I. Bursary at the S.H.S. invited to attend. Conmencement. We congratulate Tina and wish her well in the years to come. Cur guest speakers for the evening were Terry Bergeron and Jack Segodnia from the Sunshine Foundation of Canada. They both give a lot of time to this wonderful organization which now has a Kingston Chapter covering the area between Belleville and Brockville. Their aim is to give "a dream" to children 3â€"17 years old who are terminally i11, physically challenged or have a lifeâ€"threatening disease. It can be anything the child wants that the parents can‘t afford. They have fulfilled 9 dreams since the chapter was formed in Oct., 1994. Terry had pictures of these children. Their happy faces make the work of raising funds for the dreams all worthwhile. Our November meeting will be on the 13th in the Township Hall at 7:30 p.m. Donna Rideout from Victorian Florals on Portsmouth Ave. in Kingston will demonstrate how to make some of her beautiful arrangements. A warm welcome awaits all women in the area. /ammmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmzemennmnene en _ _