, . , . tcow It I 7 f-e Sydenham senlors surroundihgs super i SYDENHAM . --gqll-BMriBIlll. And the housing corporation ' There is something different 'N _A.. added its own little touches. Coi- about the Meadowbrook. it is Sy- e ae ‘ . T orful wall hangings by regional denham's new __ and first - 25- - .. T artists decorate the hallways. unit senior citzen housing apart- .5,“ :e,eiip.; Benches built by village high- ment. - “he ii'j8Ff:; school students are located out, it looks conventional only on i ,ltijj, _ycij,,c,rr, _ side each apartment, affording the outside. Pass the front door EI (y"t'g'jre;'ri'r'rs ' the elderly a rest spot but also and you sense much has been l l2,311.5g;.,fj_'¥'-§'.V:_:;:§ providing handy storage for done to reduce the institional 1i:i;j:iij,fi,',i':jjr, 'ii'iii'iijitli't?irri;i' grocery bags while unlocking the look inside this apartment corn- 'c----,:".;';);"" m.“ a apartment door. , plex for SOs-and-over in Lough- HARRY KILFOYLE The residents also had a lot of _ borough and Storrington town- -.-.--- say about the building. They de. ships. . _ vised their own security system The corridors don't run They bought' the land, erected - a combination Neighborhood straight through the building and the building and furnished it for Watch to prevent crime and a the zig-zag appearance effec- $969,590, all within government buddy system to report sudden tively reduces any hogpital-like rmanelal standards. illness -- and they vetoed renting feeling. On the Pram?“ side, it A lot or thought went into the out a security job to a young per- tdds much-needed living Space building and in some cases gov- son. That meant the apartment to yeh of the 25 Ititc.hens and eminent regulations were either could be rented to an .arsa resr dining rooms. a1lswing often bent or broken. dent seeking accommodation. overlooked kitchen wall cup- ' The Meadowbrook is operated boards to be erected. ' The government doesn t en- by a private non-profit corpora The size is important because, courage second-floor' laund‘r'y tion, one 25,000 units in the prov- as anyone with experience T?.".", but .,rt,rt'/,'a1"'dr/v"i'd' 3 ince. It receives monthly grants knows, often the elderly's first builders decided that Ilv.i e of $6,800 from the ministry of complaint upon arrival in a se- laundry iacrlttres best suited the housing and $3,000 from the Can- niors' home is that the units are needs of the residents. ada Menage and Housing Corpo- so small, particularly if the new Th; 1rg,v//,gii,t,1tobl2rg, T, ration. rem' infrom ousreco estnes , . . Titre,',"),",),':',,,,':?'""' o its view, they're too unsightly. In I And if you think you Iate.a . . . arge mortgage, think about this, There's one disadvantage that Sydenham, the unit has its OW." Lou hborou h Housin Co ra- probably won't affect residents of clotheslines because the resr- “of g " g rpo . pays $10,000 a month In the Sydenham home. _ dents wanted it that way. mort a e a ments? Housing Minister Claude Ben- About the only disagreement g g p y . nett - in town Monday morning that the government won turned The Co.rporation rents 13 to officially open the new unit - out to be a hollow victory at best. geared-to-incorne apartments. It said urban seniors would com- it refused to budge on the size of rents the remainder ny rent at plain that the staggered hall of- the parking lot, believing less the lower end of the private-sec- fers a hiding place for thieves. than half the building's occu- tor rent scale. The Loughborough Housing pants would driven their own it has 31 residents including Corporation, which operates the cars. They insisted that only ll seven couples and one pair of building as a private non-profit spaces be provided - but it turns newly weds: A few months after corporation. tried to be as non. out 16 were needed. he moved in to the complex, Ken comformist about the building as The housing corporation will Watchhom got married - but he possible and still remain within correct the oversight by enlarg- found new wife Margaret outside government guidelines. ing the parking lot in the spring. the residence.