In 1962 A Christmas Dinner and Party was given to all Seniour Citizens 75 years or older in Loughboro Township. This was sponsored by the W.I., with donations from the Red Cross,Board of Trade and later the Legion ($25 given by each). Thi&_xr func%c.g.ion has been continued every year. NT L i. 1963â€"64 Activities and donations were: To Dairy Princess Contest sponsored by the Federation of Agriculture; Pennies for Friendship; Swim expenses; adopted child; Senior Citizens‘ Party, School for Retarded; Achievement Day for 4â€"H. Girls‘ Clubs; wreath for Remembrance Day; Save the Grand Theatre in Kingston; paint the W.I. kitchen; prizes for Public Speaking contest for Public Schools. During the Summer of this year, the fortyâ€"fifth anniversary of the organization of the W.I. was held at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Maybee with the District President Mrs. Norman Bracken and Mrs. Joseph Heap, the former Marion McNaughton as guests of honour. 1965â€"67 4& hat course given by a Toronto leader was very successful. This was the last time the Extension Department sent a leader to the Branches. Branch members were trained in an area group to return as leaders and instruct their own members. A grant was given to the newly set up Centennial Committee to plan for the activities for 1967. A new project at District level was to help furnish the Seniour Citizens‘ County Home, "Fairmount". Each branch helped raise the $600 necessary for half the cost of equipping the ’ "Sitting Room". 1967 A wonderful year of celebrations of Canada‘s Hundredth Birthday took place. Some special projects of the Institute were: An Old Time Ball in costume in January; A Homes