$10 to $15. The Annual Water Carnival was a joint project with the Board of Trade. Another Hallowâ€"e‘en Party was held. A donation was made to the new local children‘s Hospital in Kingston instead of to the Toronto one. 1952 . Another canvass for the Blind was made. A bus trip for W.L. members only, to Watertown was arranged. A street dance was held in July. Dinner at $1 per plate was served at the annual Water Carnival. 1953 A trip to Ottawa for Institubte members was organized. An appeal was made for Relief for Korea. A canvas for the Blind was made. Water Safety programme was supported. 4 cement block kitchen for the W.I. was erected on the Point and an oil stove bought for the same. A Water Carnival and a Labour Day Regatta were supported. The final Hallowâ€"e‘en Party in Wesley Hall was held, These had become so large they were unwieldy, many coming from outside areas, so it was decided to drop the project. 1954 A membership in St. John‘s Ambulance organization was taken out. . Money was raised for a Bake Sale, and a Bridge and Euchre. A bus trip to Toronto Exposition in August was arranged. Sydenham W.LI.‘s Thirtyâ€"Fifth Birthday was celebrated with a big party in the Town Hall on June 25th., 1954. Special invitations were sent to the District Officers, the Charter members, and neighbouring Institutes. The Board of Trade presented a framed charter to the Institute. 18