The W.I. heard a report of a meeting with the Board of Trade in connection with the Loughboro Memorial Recreation centre. Each group put up $250, making a total of $500 for an option on "Lake‘s Point". The following were appointed trustees for this project: Mrs. U. F. Blakslee, Mrs. Harold Millar and Mrs. C. H. Maybee from the W.I. to act with 0. H. Berry, Garnel Lewis and ‘ Miru McDonald from the Board of Trade, the latter being replaced by Morley Holmes. The annual CGovernment grant to the W.I. of $3 was used on a subscription to the Reader‘s Digest, which was to be circulated among the members. 1948 At the suggestion of the F.W.1I.0., fees at the Branch level were increased to 50¢. Public Speaking contests began in the schools and the Branch Institutes sponsored those in their areas. A committee was set up to work on getting a Juvenile Court set up for Kingston and District. The W.I. catered to a Masonic Banquet at $1.50 a plate. It was moved, if approved by the Board of Trade, that a village dump be set up on the marshy shore of Sydenham Lake, beside the Point. The Institute gave their consent to the erection of certain boat houses on the Point. 1949 The W.I. ran a booth at the village rink on Saturday nights. Mr, Sirett, so long Agricultural Representative for this area, and with whom the W.1I. worked so closely on school fairs for so many years, retired in 1949. 1950 The Good Roads Committee were requested by the W.I. to erect School area speed limit and caution signs at the entrances to the village and at the four corners at Mrs. Helmes. This was done. 16