" ,2: " 3 , in, tB ’ . l, he um, . A - g E we“ " PLIa ' i- " - th M, G (s" C . l . . ta . ' Women make bicentennial quilt F l t ti n to premier Davis . J. i As their Bicentennial project, the m were: Mrs. James Holmes, Kingston F Federated Women's Institute of On- .3gg:gs:5§-g::ivi.;:-,;:2;.-g5.5:5:3:52:§.;:_-¢-=.5.~_¢_:r->;:-:1.333;:;:,:-,:;;:::5:5:53:.5;5-:;:;:->in::;;:::.<;:;:;;-.;:;:; Area WI president; Mrs. Clarence tario have made a quilted wall hang- , Wayte, Kingston Area WI Secretary- ing, destined to hang in the main le- ,*/“‘ treasurer; Mrs. Duane Williams gislative building of Queen's Park in to§f€i°’g§â€,‘\ Federated Women's Institute of On: Toronto. The formal presentation to h‘ngb‘dmé,‘ tario treasurer; Mrs. Hugh Knapp Premier William Davis, will be made *mf‘é‘" Kingston Area WI board member: ' Monday. June 11, .at 3:30 pm. Follow- v 31%;?th -.:;.::‘f‘:e'5"_:§V Mrs. Reg. Watson, first vice-president mg the presentation members of the 'ijijjiiLs'i'i'a""" _ 'i' ":i5'"'dij:fij:)ij?i'iiii':ira1 " _ 'i"iijifijijjj':j':, of F .D.W.I.; Jack Ellerbeck, F.D.W.1 EWIO will be honored ata reception. ijjji' _ l [iijiyrSirfiri: r " . " 'ji'jjji),'ifi. secretary-treasurer; Miss Susan I; The centre of the embroidered E:'_ ' 'lllE,'i,iiy,trijr ' " = . " .5555? Levty, area home economist; E. R. handicraft features an illustrated 523' _ - 123.5 I ls5i?ii, . "22 Jennings, Frontenac County agricul- map of Ontario, with the province's _ ' ’ -- tural representative, representing the tiidentenial logo and the institute's REG WHITTY Ontario ministry of agriculture, crest appearing in opposite corners. ____________ which has jurisdiction over Women's' Institute members from across the . Institutes. province designed and embroidered Most of the county' branch . ' . ' . presi- fihotst2,r,,he,e'cLhtir'i11stehti life: member, and still an active Pitts. dentsdor their Je/,gi"3,t,t,t,i,v,,'e were in . . Ian . s . burghWI branch member. atten ancean rought greetings. - a picture of Ontario 3 diversity. The branch has had the honor on Congratulatory messages were Att.er the institute s colors of gold two occasions of having one of its read from Mrs. Frank PEPPER a for. and Toy! blue "Pr used to assemble members advance to provincial of- mer Fttontttryr.e.e. Distrct WI presi- the ““15“?" positions, a number of fice. Mrs. R. J. Penney preceded Mrs. dent; Mrs. Cliff Robb, Mrs. Fanny skilled quilters from gruce Centre English as Kingston-area board mem- MacClement and Mrs. George Stan, Distrct added the rmishing touches. ber. Mrs. Penney also represented ley, wift of the Lt. Governor of New Women's Institute members from Ontario, when she served on the na- Brunswick. Mrs. Stanley is a former across Canada will be visiting in On- Liana] level as Federated Women's WI “£91236! of the local branch. tario, June 16-20, when the institute Institutes of Canada citizenship and ' T 13b 03911 5 Institute must hosts the 10th national convention of world-affairs convenor. sin-e y e l e to make undisputed the Federated women's Institutes of Mrs. Penny had a special pleasyre claim , being. the most enduring of Canada. The expected 800 delegates at the 60th anniversary celebration, a rue. organizations. After 87 years will be in residence at Saugeen-Mait- in being accompanied by her mother, or. fP/1tPyou? operatiran, it is not only T V . . Mrs. Elizabeth McHarg, 97, who had still thriving m most farming areas of land Residence, at the University of . . the rev b . the honor of cutting the anniversary p Ince, ut has expanded its Western Ontario at London. Wednes- , h t b l F . " . tt cake. Mrs. McHarg has been a Pitts- reac 0 em race 60 countries around day; June 19 will be Ontario Day, the world. _ V . . burgh WI branch member for 53 when delegates will visit the homes . The world-wide o . ' . of the WI co-founders Adelaide years and IS now an honorary mem- known as the A .rilan/zation is G r ea and Erland ber. ' "ociated Country Hoodless at St. eo g . . Women of th W Lee at Stoney Creek Also included Current branch president is Mrs. , e Orld. The ACWW' on the tour will be Niagara Falls and Ross McLean, representing the met I; Canada last June in Vancou. the-Mennonite area. McLean and Clarke families, prop?" zelr. .C.. with two local women as Congratulations to Pittsburgh Wo- nent pioneer settlers it): thedtown‘lship. 'a"tili1'h,t,',1t-,-, Rigs. Cameron English l, ,. , . . . . Mrs. McLean contri ute an um- ' . ' ' Prley, men s Institution ie r.61t',1,1ria/1annirtri orous reading “Talking Over The b While the winds of change have gitry celebrate P, ale tPtute eel. Line-Fence," While Mrs, Gerd/sn een sw.eep1ry over the countryside, WWW Women s ns is The lat- Barnes portrayed m Pantomine the “tillOVlng first one-room rural ebratlng lo, years on 1N3†ti l will be pitfalls of "Helping My Husband At , ools, then many of the little coun- ter branch a 60th_ce e raséod ual The Barn." . _ ry churches, the Women’s Institute In tPnJuneti.on with the r 3n; ct Mrs. Horace Spearing led a smg- has remainedx Providing an anchor spring ptet.iyf lst Frontenag dish 1 song of well-known country and folk to.r aftPlrn8.nlty to cling to and re- Wome? s ,",tt/,t'/rtoe,;/'e, gambit; tunes, accompanied at the piano by 1tam its identification. In fact, some young arm WI e . Mrs, C. Bullock ormer country churches have been area, Mrs. Thomas Duran. _ Mrs. D. Gammeljord. conducted a saved from demolition, by the local i . pittsburgh Women s lastittlute wasf trip down "Memory Lane," a pictorial WI branches taking over the building '/g,iy,1zg,', iEu'llh4s1t,tthhe'r' bel',',',', 3r review ofthe branch's many projects 3551;113:3333? as a??? l . ' -..._ '. T ,eingsano eri . tl re- over the years. . . . _ ( 'tfgi/iagngesrteeeliiititrlt"dt1"earrei speciaiguestsssxtendinggreetings Wm...