"H "t i J-- _ ots -c,"rN l- __ "x 3 r------, a i , , v,rr's' l . . a: (j,fii, '-li1,si,iiifir,iii,1/rlr, as; ierm;- F:i":'r'ii;_ 'tsy, 'i-fir I,,' - siirj?tt,f,cCtC1Pi,r,r .tssw'- “i ",/r _ i as}: Itfe (jj) ,y' T $1.9 I'-"--, sl, 717:: .'†_ ;’33:. (:iri), l i, I. ".' "v, ' 7' , l Ono of the programs torwhich the Wl is well Mrs R. G. Purcell, FWIO President, presents . _ _ a cheque for the Cockshutt tractor, destined for known, "Pennies tor Friendship,’ was launched Greece, that the WI purchased with the proceeds T ' , , _ , u - . . " . . in the If)30s by Margaret Watt, a Canadian of branches Pennies for Friendship collections _ _ . University of Guelph FWIO Collection living in England. Pennies collected by members were pouled to assist with the works by catering agricultural society dinners ' and operating food concessions at events such --re--, as ploughing matches and tall fairs. Despite their ', rather stereotypic [one these efforts have proved l, _, immensely successful, As anyone who has " it"? -' N, 3/ attended an adricultural lair will attest. the local l a [in .. :5 ,. fe /.,-r-rce'7s' . _ ii a.“ f'T 7 it}: Wl's tent is the best source [ordelicjotcs, l _ A: it 4;) _,' _ _ V i: l W? wr' r" nutiitions lood. 4-7. =c' .. .L' †_ 3, is" “as; 491‘] WI iriemhersknew that the health and well-rw/uw, l) "s. " ID T _ at young mothers and babies were not only of l .. immediate benefit but also would have long L_-, A WI member hands over the keys for term payoffs in terms of health care costs. Hence the ambulance the Institute purchased . "Well & li /' 'iro Irnrn . in rur'il t't iniriiinities for the community of Port Dover, Ontario. e frtlt)Y r Jfl C I h r ’ J University ot Guelph FWID Collection across Canada often benefited from WI support. This figured purchase of items of benefit to the local or in the purchase of equipment world community, ln the 19530s, after civil such as baby scales as strife had rorkod Greece, the Wl's Pennies tor well as volunteer Friendship drive hnuriced the purchase of a Cockshutt tractor that was sent to assist Greek The operation ot 7 _ _ C portable "Well farmers to produce food tor their nation. Otten Baby" clinics WI members raise funds to support their good was supported by many WI branches. University at Guelph FWIO Councilor-i