Women's Institute q", _ History of Mary Stewart Collect For many years, women's clubs in Canada, United States, Britain and other countries have used a prayer for the opening or closing ceremonies of their meetings. Sometimes it is simply read by one member, at others it is repeated in unison by all those present. They have usually called it Our Creed or The Club Women's Creed and as such it is widely known and popular on this continent, especially in small towns and rural districts. Widespread usage has resulted in some changes. The author gave it a title: when it first appeared in an obscure comer of a well known _ American magazine. 3:133:12?“ “glow the prayer in 1904, while she " . We are inclilftod ongmont .high school in Colorado. It was written as a prayer for the day. I called it a Alfred Watt 151 BtoEa Cfanadian woman, the late Mrs. w . because I felt that of the praye; I he ., or a true and correct version 1 omen glorkmg together with wide interests for author's owri ersore presented, and a little of the mg; en S was a new thing under the sun and that, to C ana d . p na story. Mrs. Watt came back per .aps.they had need for y.oecial petition and l am 1939 to attend and speak at the meditation of their own. This must have been true agenth, biennial conference of the Federated for the Collect has found its way about the world; when Sheit ak ,', Britain andl e omen s Institute idea to . g er. n 'ff, it has been reprinted in many forms E ater became president of the Associ t d Ill many lands. Country Women of the World. a e It was officially ado ted b National Fed . Mary Stew“? while visiting in England had spent Business and Professional )Women’s 0111;321:231; 153mm: time with yrs. Watt at her English home. at their second convention on 1920, at St. P’aul. It i rrors had at?!†Info the various printings of the was read into the printed records of the Congress of i giver, especially m the first and second-last lines the United States by Senator Tobey of New 2,era','irtry1r,s/t:rgi, the beauty of expression and . Hampshire, at the closing session in 1949. g tof this prayer. The author , Mary ‘Stewart held a number of special teaching pests. in Colorado and Montana. In 1921 she became ! a Junior guidance and placement officer in the expressed concern about the garbled versions which pioneer period of US. employment services She , were b.eing circulated. In the studio of Robin Watt, continued to write for American newspapers and _ the artist son of Mrs. Alfred Watt, Miss Stewart magazines. Her Alma Mater, the University of I personally supervised his work of copying out the Colorado, in 1927 conferred upon her an honor prayer, down even to fine points of placing a comma degree in recognition of her distinguished workairri, or a period. Reproduced here is Robin Watt's copy education, social and civic service ' done by hand, under Mary Stewart's close . supervision. The title, it should be noted is set in _ type, to identify it.