Coming e - f t f ' the Sunderland W I 'iii I I if . 5 i Sunderland W.l, on June 10m theTown Sunderland W]: 4i; are laying a euchre Hall from tr will be holding their. Kl on Friday,June2atg Hopefully M.? Sofia regularmeetinginthe "i, pm. in Sunderland Angelo yill be Town Hall on June 15 fl Hall. Everyone demonstrating bashet at 1:4S. All interested f ' . weavmg and showing ladies w 1 l welcome. Admission .ecome. fs, some of her other Muriel Armst , $1. each. Lunch and . . s tong :' . . crafts. Admission $1. Sec, treasurer _ prizes are provided.. Lunch will be served. Sunderland Women’s l . Sunder?“ Wd. All ladies welcome to Inst. il. will be holding a tea attend. ;; 3" ' N'= W' - 'i‘:“"3, ., ' '= ..eem _ _ FF, .- RC.t Cd t' s',' C", l . .3 ".3 ' Td Fu' . V 3w ?.r5,'i"sPR F,"fju; PY' 'm"'- Q I: ‘ 3 r C ily 7 , _ ' T B8 'ilgig 5r,i wï¬ï¬â€˜gï¬fï¬ :525: ar,? " "i', ' ’3 x2 l l "N .. " WV r, air: _ " [Witieia"iCrcC'_T,', If? r'??. 5: m,V C T," 1:55,“ - V _ we}? '3 .c " l, :3: ' "ilf ',tfriii'iiii"i'?v,,',:":i,rrii' 'ii':frtti:':, i tr'iiier?'rriti'ilrscj:y,, :2: P, 1: ' a." j? l :45 'Ir,irmt5Fi,y, r, _ i'fs'ltiyr'ii'-?rv,'v' "y/vcr,,,, 5;†w, 'tg it: s'. f _ t ii; i r,sri?irr2': 'l:),,',,"':,-')',,,?:'):'),', -' o57Rs ii'if7 _. is: _iliCt2iik, 'g At l; 't', ." _' I": t "si- a: :5, :3: 'm ',, "2,33 ' :13; le" "%i8"1 , 3 z ' 3 V a! is) . u: .3" c, ('e",'r'ser11rrr:riir, ' M _ l b:, ’ :E :: Ad. sjutt',tctr F, V T :- _ J' uni l ' The Sunderland Woman's Institute hosted the North District Annual on May 17. Holding i' up this quilt which each club donated three blocks for are: Dorothy Itisebrough of San- i ford, Elva Symes of Goodwood, Doreen Brethour of Uxbridge, Grace Thompson of Quaker l Hill, Hazel Walton of Beaverton, Marion Warren of Gumebridge, Ethel Rickard of Zephyr, i, and Peggy Wagg of Sunderland. 'rr Louise Middleton photo i __ vs"r'i"rrar Zâ€? _ _ ' k: WWW“, N"'" ., . ', 'il, :3 (i.,.?-,,,!!, " Iai1llBm, E ( 3 , " - 1 .. . - _ - l pr . ‘ " e " l ". ' . p . t ‘14“) “I?†m ,g’: ’ F " " v 25: q _ " " "' 1 ' ' - ", a'a= - f _ " " " , J, C ri: _3...,.,'.~‘. ""f.. q FeMtEg is, M Ba. . - _ '3 " “a ' t _,isti/,ii'i,,Cr, is: -'r,'-y,i, s: - " "-,'; “ ~ . . 'iisrt'_irii:t ‘53:! _Hrs/rrrr/si' 'rr.'mrr Te'g',iriiicFrisTr?', d: tii', a: " q r '3 I' , J; I:' l in -', 'i,"-.. _ _ -.= Mid, ‘32:, 3 _".'-: “"133 'i', 4:923 ., ". :5. IS; C) _:...... Ecs3iillrit1::lf,(,i,r'_scv-rs) (pi':3,ttira"as _ T - VT T _ ' .1 w »,.. 3.“. ,3. Wm 7 r " MMP. . (in. ,.,,_:_,. .3â€; , _', V" 'trgyNTr , J':yi,TCi)'t7s:rfe __ "rmiqMge! 5.: 31317,: A, L†3 ( ' . Ws?iCr 'fs)':)":"")', x‘E‘rngx“: ,-rzf TV Le-' 'ii ""'92mrm - ci -‘: " is;Vv" 7 cussTckk?,rrpitri1 T I J,", â€5?. , 'ji5r,i,ii1'jrtErg, "38â€?“ ".cr, _ __ [e T _ '"'; " Cr-irf; :1 "isiiars'jrtRi: qi_q"V_N_ J _ . . . land ' Peggy Wagg and Muriel Armstrong were on hand to sell raffle tickets lol the Sunder a Woman's Institute at the Ontario North District Annual, - T