X ‘ e e e e e n e e n omm omm . s t | i Sunderland home closes S 1 TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1989 â€" sX f . ‘ wunnmmmmuniemmmmmmmene mm en N after 23 years i33 Continued from page 1 % & people, all from the Sunderland : area. These included not only . k y murses and registered nursins s on s assistants, but a complete kitche. You get a special attachment to During her years w1t1"l Sunâ€" staff and a laundry staff the them, and everyone on staff had | nydale, one of St. John‘s proâ€" completed 15 hours of laundr_ their favorites so noâ€"one was ~| udest moments came in _1985 every day. Licensed under th ever ignored. The staff have just ] when the Canadian Councilâ€" of Nursing Home Act, Sunnydal been a super bunch." Hospitals presented the K s as The resident, many of them _ | Sunderland home with accreditaâ€" . had "a wonderrut start,"" said adult in age, all came to the . | tion. ‘"‘We were different from C ols to bet cent of Whoms nompans etiigren berween ie || most nursing homes,"" she exâ€" had been there over 10 years, ages of 3 and 6 years, yetreâ€" | plained. ‘‘We had a different one from the opening in 1966. â€" mained as infants in their | type of nursing. The adjudicator All meals for the resident physical and mental state. We _| for the council really praised the, j were cooked in the home‘s kitâ€" | paq 77 happy kids here," said | staff." chen, constituting more home | §¢) yopp. "I‘ve been asked how Despite the excellent care, the cooking then institutional food. | giq you know they were happy. | genuine concern of the staff and Each item on the day‘s menu was | Yyou could just tell. They were .| efforts by the communityd (l)f iipireed semmicimmhanaae= j Sunderland to keep Sunnydale pureed separately to the conâ€" l‘:vï¬â€˜l’(yinga&‘}m"t}fmf‘iï¬ 8e No omm rard. onl . s foqd > s_erv_ed For St. John thé final closing day (June 30) at 2:30 p.m.," Md 4" th? remd‘e‘nts ind of the home is t’he culmination of | Said St. John who is not likely to dividual containers. You soon th yerrs d slowing â€" down... | Soon forget either the day or the . U !,0 knox)t/,what is hked“and ‘‘We‘ve been getting ready to | hour. es it eope,. close since 1979,"" she said * We tried to prepare them. had s Wh.O wouldnit cat (c : During that period, empty beds- We‘ve been telling them that gnd peiabiee they W-OUI’d fls had ngt been ï¬lled’ and retiring | they‘d be going to a new home. it back at you, others didn‘t like staff not replaced. For the past _| We started that about a year ago, a s 7 but whether they really absorbed liver anf{ the same thing would ï¬::r’vsgfldr;ugrsilgsgs Spci)r:'q?illlir?gf t of cotas hardy toGn" happen. fo complete information charts on The future of the Sunnydale + For St. John, as for onl all of the residents to be moved.. | building is somewhat upâ€"inâ€"theâ€" other staff members, the closing These not only included medical | ir at the moment. Located right o_f the Lome .h?S been n e information, but personal likes | On the main street the large white tionally draining experience. aud) dishbes exiblished by the ;| brick building will ""more then “I’m at e Fhe (3}1t51de, I:}ut staff over the years, little quirks | likely become an apartment pingiel the Inside: / she said. and personality traits that would â€"| house,"" said St. John. gheiseen 17 of them »leave. better able future care givers to As for Violet St. John, her imâ€" * understand their new charges. | mediate plans include a long ‘‘We didn‘t have to do that," | holiday. Living only five doors said St. John, "but we dic | from the home, she said, ‘‘T‘ve because we felt it was best for | been too close for too long. After ‘ the kids." .J‘hi%;zl\i“f-‘:-"5%‘%"?*.‘"?5“2,’:.t-nf 5 \\