,_, '....-Ar gs,» . 's' . am#w. V F", tats: . resists: .1. ' . r se - ' ems-.5: WMtWiE8 Wlligiil%g9aiigm' Retief ,, . _ l,, ser,'," Cf, F MN s " ,5, tiliilmNiMagNNtl ri-ttaims;-" “risers Me We! Hf%Bih' Qt "Na-=5" F8giMWBE)8lt BEiWii P9W8? ' G" , B8ERF u. - _ a c" "ry/if?-, t M Ligim ills/a â€:03? ' he». as l MMttERp, p , g n . "5 B. ' Vii» me q s s I Ret? RF 6 am 5â€: ’ . ’ 'fpr'tiieiifi:ris,i,r: _"igtiil8ihiigtilllililliilANlltllllll BPairi' gt ' , ' 'i G' j l p, ' ll [liigii7 " Ail b' s , ' ' ly' ' aim allitlti - 'il 55:7: 'i'taWiiMlliltarl N8imiiNN t q 'c, . m 44th YEAR-NO. 125 SUDBUHY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1951 Pages 13 to 22 ara trt , 'ri s\;'<; '1: v†/i x . ---------------------"dC_c' 'ag-lt i,'vi;i7jilMmlllMiiitim ttl JlllriilllliMlllEa " - t 00 s ow Irsl onefvi e C 00 x M! 1lliliililiigirliili.gl.iri3Kiiliii, . . . “We r'irif:s,',vsil,Tit,ji, 'igBiiliiUlillil aaatiE , lEl%IEBMM. Increase; a r roves uccess u 1 a , KFttltiriri:rt:,tr'sY%taxisisv, twg5itaa SP, h s " “we'- .5, 'vC'st 's-iii:,?,':)),),":?',',?, 1rs'i'iiitiiCirrJt {a Wi ,1 Etta -'s _'i'::"iii,"iii:'s'i':_ (Special to The sunbury Dally Star) , New, to The Sudbury In,†Star) â€"3533": . 'ycy"2, " .5 ( AU', . co 'aEr&EgiMBllirg ' 'rkt2ttaEgt% - - :5 we . . ' _ 4‘s - _ “z '1:ii'i?ift/Jit,'ts «yeï¬â€˜glw’x - new Thessalon, Sept. 5 t Back to MonetVllle, Sept. 6-Monetville VNV" _r. ' "i'., ,5 __ ,___ - , 'ihatre, Qinéaf’â€): Mit6 MIN', 'ifi)rie',ge,'t, school again, was the big event in Public School has had its first Att' " , . s5†'rNU lh In; 333% - Wratm :, It" 5 ’ A8M Wi . 2 255:555 . so.†_ 5 . _ MiggSllWt'ggM8MmtW?MaN1aaR1NSM 12 : " _ U '-r" ".itk3i,t,s,I'i'i, 'scky', rr:ici'aWr,sj,'r",:ts",i' - 'ilMM i:ts'ciyiiy'jii"ita the We? of many Th?ssuon young- school fair. The day, which MiMaigattiElltEtiitaN+ " . th TV KlagiiE CW, a" BE EliNieri';'(sr'iCs)h,i'ij,'4i"gg SUVs 1'uesday morning when we‘dawned dark and rainy, cleared 'gNiMlMllllllrtllNlrllim 5. ' I » 'I,t,?,5-2al ~. I - " Mi-ttir " .5 PN tim 1BNMikga'r - iiiisyi'i'iai3 old school bell rang out merrily before noon and the sun came MliijlllIil1%liMIN a la , P3, "ed"itMFP, ftt?": im 'NmltM' MI, Iltiam5t+ . lt(:'cifi'tT%itr alter a long rest. i . {fatn‘ matli+ - 'gg . 'aR%Ptdry “(Grew :rjktN+ - (I " - e . r"l?ri'aMag?, _ _ out, and shone bright and warm MgL"agi+ 5.\" c, " .,,,-;;:;§§~<:;15,7«(a " ac = w= 'IN BriBrI y 'i" . - . a " iii'))',).")"" {31110le new“ Cragsley. of it}? ! the rest ot the day gllRglENtWWg8ig8lMMie, "r _ " “1.3.â€5‘3’i-33’xis‘2f‘ t 't"ijifr)ifi, - .=':"-‘ 1'. . $239 ElenLCOISC27%Ol uglye,diepnis 23:3?â€1 Due to the fact that many of‘ 'iN,glliaittlimli,rillBt, 5.†MI - 5:“:Ex‘»:?5*an£1“':5é\s~ . rii'iiijis)jg""?ii, l t "iy,rsss'ib'tir'jAm" - - B'vRit'm' . T p p , ' T the farmers w ' b ith h "aa%ertti'i' -= KWFstTNtaKi' - RtWg,Aiti:iricrra' Knresï¬xexgyg urrtr:yte'iat@Bi" "t . - BBy'aiER% Crease or six over last year. bros-5 ere usy Wit t e 2%'W'iFa ' " (â€A “ngt‘ti/fsesffnregév" i. or Isley said he expected about l5 threshing, some were unable to “they ' 135%)“ Top ho We» 0:69;? lee: pupils mm the next few attend all events, One housewife M'iEjji'siiE .5. we school in NMN* "tAt mtRaW%rlit'iiS%E%%im5te ftiXiWeWt%aak NlMlSgi88miiimWI 5 An enthusiastic group of 27 new l, the wr,. by bringing the whole 555x bEt?-,?i:'s; F' _ir?,sirir)'s'cTra) tse-tiam rize t A WINNER -- First prize in the calf class at the Monetville lpuptills were enrolled. h b _ ttihiffist,iyfnyt"ird 1lstuig'nugndis, "li 3“ ""kssrt'r'tl:':d' it; Enters: o e. . . 5 . 5 d Guernse i' roe new teacners ave eon n, _ a EF%'Citts,j:ibrri'i5rird w?a â€â€9591“,;j’xst/z Rg, ' school fall was won by Roger Fryer with his regrstere y ‘added to the public school staff, [homer at.eonsilerable expense and as? rritiii':vi'iC"ii' TS, ‘53,)" as?†first priz calf, Fraserdale Merry PyXie. _ 5Mrs. Olive Thomson, of si',iit(rij,iiiii.i',',vir,ri,'r1? for so large a num~ as; †Wu =;Ft'ri'rti'frfi,)i'gE number l T,-.,'-,",-.,---'-,,----:--,----)?)?)','),, Arthur Hutton who wasirr, ber-in her small home. EBF?. 5 'eitiiihi' flowers , . - charge of Little Rapids school last, The long tables set up in the tFe. 'tiii? ' W Id B C R ac term and Glen Turner, of Thessa-ialldltorlum served admirably, 35 E 3‘ plays, I erry rops e Ion, a recent graduate of North to 40 people being served quickly E ‘ !'2raN .. (Bay Normal Scnool. Other iiiilr'ie' erfieusntly by the women of , 1'tiredt'tfJaeftiiiI . bers of the staff are, Alice Rothera, the community centre‘s unit. A , I 'erteelrSiG2 - K ecor Pea at onel VI e Mrs. Ann Dunn, Mrs. Gladys lhot meal ' as served at noon, with 'is' 'GiTEiieteytQ,, " I 'tlt uee , Rogers and Mrs. Betty Crossley,5sandwiches, hot-dogs, cup-cakes, jars: W , k'1lS. . tSpecial " Tlus srtdbury DMly Shtr) _ _ iallgiv 3325153101331 prove m e n ,tslicvevfirga11ietae/1 and coffee for the]; - W a it . 1.ronetville, Sept. 6-No one can ‘tucked away, for they report 1igrweif,i', noted at the Public School. , Being the school children's first IE BR , " â€KI: _ ' 5 E fri t “We rHysmber' 80 many wild ber. Ing mums 300 Iry.yarr bas e s The new wiring system plannediattempt at preparing exhibits JIMMIE PURCELL ries as this year; at least not forjof blueberries and selling ['he."1'lllri.i,or' the school has been begun by with only sketchy coaching and . a 1ft1si'dopLtimifave hung lush lf/g/uid'? tlTh'2a2itreitis Agni!“ â€WE 'iiPiggisatith the new complete ignorance on the part f) Boy Champion l ( . . I) ' . rservice axes install d. most arents as to re ulrement "----.---- huge and red and delicious for atievertone, . Not little maddening) Fluorescent fixtures, blackboard many Elundm were mgde especsi: Dean Jeannette Purcell C 11 least Six weeks. Ind though wan-Hines in solid blue patches, that youllights, electric clocks and adequate all in the vegetable and rai Vandcrbur G F l Po. (Special lt 39‘]; thefre {arehstlll 930%)“ for g grab frantically 33311“ spite; og‘hglwall plugs will make the system claises However all l1l1l1si/i'lra//1/irvdehTce 'a 'lfdr,dhytrs2ylf {Moxieévul ls o res rasp erries an uncontrollable a ition 0 ea l ltel -to-d t. C" ' t ' _ ' 0 mlua ys cream. .Blueberries were where twigs, leaves and tiny green 'yj.ir)c0'rl?l',err'lyntul'itf 11:5: steps of the the 11rg succelss for a stafrt. AftertlDean, Connie Plurcblil), Fred Doug- community, blueberries never were before; ries a pail or basket never, "everlschool have also been repaired and e ln yd exp anatlons or. Romeol as, RuthGIIDojug Iss ld' Thorny mania and foliage, yes-but btrries=neyerl. WIHVflll up. This year in this area, the extra classroom has been Peroux, VlSil‘llCE agNculturallson ins†“WW urce _ _ 5 Guests fr Nearly every fruit cellar boasidt least, berries well over a half‘lrcshly painted 519P§85?ntaUV65 wno Judged the Ex ,1, _ C, fr? on (if-Why lniwhere the s an average of 50 to 75 quarts or inch across “lprp [hrx common run, It 55,, i, C" . , 5, mimics, a much hr’lit'v' (my- ls the xi mm c tissirmm To further boon thI-ril morn mm 5a mummy li. ,, i- T sl, _