- fl ---------, _ . 1-ts,i,ji5,,s,,i,iiiiiiii'giigr2tstii, Stors,1pigh--Macauiay t . te convened a tr ome o L ' ' Macagiaz Mrs. Wilbert White for their i Thy Miss Nora Bruce Nora we _ _ _ th first T t February meeting on t e A deli lous lunch was M Ethel L e he annual muting P . - as. C rs. sector is a pat.. " with [Macaulay Women5 will“ _ Mr1sss11ay. Ty members???†mnmd at the close of the meet- lent in South Muskokn Hospital . ute held menu the ““0“??? ed the PrDCeeimEE that“? p ' tag. TtignkgtoMrs, John Daley as ot Suurduy,May a. when she t ' were elected: Ct)t,h,.rs.de,t 101' the day hetng Pie y ' _ who does public relations tor suffered a heart seizure at her 3 , Art Dick: Mst si/ttpresse/j/h' Several intergsung â€readings South Macaulay WJ. who told home on Taylor road. Eihel’s _ M.“ 4)i"ig, digits, flatter: were giveit witty WWI tlh/2, me the highlights. many friends are awaiting news C 1,-';iei1i2'f,1/1rii)1lrsQ,ti.. Mrs. John theme: The sewmlg 'if Jlfl1 mpartrmsM oi Lands and For- trtt1r1earlyreamsry. _ T Titre? "District director. hlt'S. o~ came lil “It?†sehoo an m g ests at High Fails staged their Happy biNhGytoNtwieArm- , ain’t" Lced1t, alternate, M†'te Ed the skirts theyhad m R. annual dinner iindtiemortsirutiotts strong who celebrated on Sittur.. . ifiiilin white: Institute ditmet- Od Mrs. White yr.iipheirirurty1.eto.r tar tire wardens of the district tiay,May 9. Robbie nttendsMac- 1 01's, Mrs. Ed. Ruttan; this. \-. ‘and Mrs, Daley her tssista.rlt. on Saturday, May 9. The whole aulay TWP. school via Baysville George Starring in; c. “F: xMemhets noted thattMhismmiiw: “we. was represetltad as school bus, Bride: Public relationsndilta‘. "s was nicely done and that all tilt , M gathered at 9.00 tum, Milton and Fred Forrester i Wilbert Whig: on; “3:11;? 'Ili; N work on the skirtswas mostcom’ r Efme several centres, Gciiiiii spent the mid-May week-end on "' "i1/igidr1,y'ael"1rd,'iutig) 1nduit. "t mendable. The grist-leather and Miles and most townships and amotor trip to St. AnthonyLske, t its: Mrs. Ed. notion: Citizcu- Cathy Birker,.Nay,y.Resttyr, Anni: totalled around 75 persons. east of Ertglehart. a shit; tincl world affairs, Mrs. tRMeyiso and Gail D0ley pre- The morning session wostak- The riding season gotofito a t Oscar Lander: J?l1.1eati,0.r1 qf. seated M.rs., Whit? and Mrs, an with discussion of require- good start at Rocky Ridge Ranch C u l l ttt' al Activities, Mrs. ‘f: Daley each With a gilt... meats pertaining to the me Tmr- tt week Saturdlty when some I ilall: Family and F,e,'.sul'i1,',Ulf After business antidiseussityrtr, it d the correct way to fill 25 'lflLasflst visited the month i fan's" hlrs. [ifp:ttgi'ufsrtlht were completed a lovely Itiien, Ron?“ The warden Issuing the and took off on the saddle trails. s was ')?ptd"1rsiAel B “If a n; was served by the hostess. permit must always sign his Marilyn LaRose, of Tot-onto, and l 'tlids, Anni" Bayrom --------- name, name of the township and Carol Veitorel. of Bracebrldge, , l ',ifl rsreaaian or the toth so on. Anoit1e1a1itomtham1rry are guiding there ttgaiittllisyear. Sound ttfiiee was on hand Greetings to John Bailey, 3 p . - to answer questions which the student at Bracehridge High,who e _ -tiL00 afilltti l l wardens asked regarding their bad stoirthditythis week,Monday h a11a1 F y, w, . on ' work. Each township has aChiet May 18. y 5 rr ' (rr___ev "T 1'1““.«15555.â€â€"1T'awtgwxm‘mï¬m l tire wag-gate: plus ttr/Eur/fd; Thursday May 14, Pe and B were given mica“ lo " fm Il', . 009°†o Field day was held a race- Macaulay quilt, the Sim“ IWWe “We: . “We: is Gimme wtartiettttm bridge High School (BMLSS). , Nora Bruce pair of men's home - limit "healthy. At noontime all en- i' socks. The at†will be made (eyed the splended dinner which As mentioned in this column , Sympathy is extended to the Se tember 2. Members recent: - last week trreSot1ttrMaean1ayWo- y p ' †us served caisteris style. Out l I relatives of Mrs, John Slut-let ed wool to be knitted P, 'lht l 001‘ demonstrations are usually men’s Institute CoanDEG at the or Macaulay ceme' whose Emily; to t'gtt,' Ilizplilidrren ‘aid in the afternoon. home of Mrs, Norine Midtown. death occurred at SE“? A"; F333 Ian = 12d scarf] from Mrs. Charles 'd,1ti',,tpM11itgt, tt21i112t k h Hospital on n ur a: 1 . . _ Km dated nesda o a or a man "aging May 311She had bee-n win“ L"gr'f.i" closed with mi -trht. 2r2, 'd'h"."I'stril 'lii'fti'll, J/h/ld members and - a tggh,f,11rTissiei? $3135.; Mr: Yorke Murphy, the gt1esi Elation and iii. and Mrs. Walter a visitor had an enjoyable arter- ‘Ei I',"',,'),',',')),) Sitizens and MH- speaker, recent-1y horny trom titan, currently on stun-week noon, Dr. Bennett, of Brace- ri' Cathay Centre will not be the Africa spoke on asmmml ) lidsy in that mid-west state, bridge Health Unit, was the _ .a same again. tottrs in South Africa: 'sg i among mm places visited speaker and told what the Health , ur, Mr. and lits. Sloper ccle. whiteh the Ptt'ii2'sisiU2 ' old town of Uldfi',Va1l'lfi',' Unit is all about and spoke at ei:) braied their Golden am!iverst non, served a ' l ti . lst,' Eisenhower Chapel. The some length ondrugs. Themoito- m'i ary with a family gatherrmg at Being an agriculture 92:†“2% --d depicts abig Sign on rustic A happy man any, s the scenery Emily-“311v homo Oct, 22, 1357. Mr. the roll call was an 1 ll, . d reads 'Atrileatt and when he has to tld a detour. A1‘3‘Sioper was prominent in it??? Agritirulture from some of or 'l'3'L'l'1l1o'2dl'h 1858 1900 The roll cub-Name a farm , I _ C ' . n or tin . . - n (it l4y11,u',1sy1tlij.,if $5.51.“? he. “in...†Charles .Ruuan had a tack " Guns“ Marshall implement and its use. There mi E-dlth Biker) who was New card from her sister, Mrs. Hi" * 'Wild our Hickock, 1371. was a collection of membershin art ceased bv her husband in 1950. en Stevenson, of Eli-£9111?†l, lived all her married life in til; 'ggi'""'" on a Visit in ng- . . ' ss the 1‘03, an. . 11. Iflf /itli'i,g',i1Te, attended as Syd Hutton of Miliord fshy. " a girl. Mrs, Steiner was afloat}; “:11th Ire 'ht 353:; aid I . bor I d a good r1011 ur ay an e ' . . g l,1e1ghhnt,,,rlrr1fri, enjoyed a 1oniflNora Bruce motored to led; South Macaulay Women' I . l m life well ClVOl' .. f,T,ur,'Til, 5“.::.:.5‘55. 5.55555 Jk1he',1 There we . s rtsfitute t T C. - grieve ny a ivisl e r in 'iijijij'si.iiii:kj',ru, in? aullire - lung! 'iitifilvf, BYE??? a",hsletht't attending the “1111;13:21ng swered by n..aming the floral t f (e, d of our farm y, Epi 3 w, ere . , em a n 55:... Howarth was 55:23:: )ei,gtithuiVe,tis'1ffituf, 5.33333; i't or, â€he South J,'e'lgl, of a Canadian . V k to ospi a av . . men S . . adt fprlLss/'l1hs1lf,1s'i'li10dh) he left 50mgI tgg."" in the use at the home of Mrs "€335,563 The guest sipeaker . t Dim visit withâ€: It?, and $15.15.? JSeP2bf:-., Leader. The motto 3.01. if: Norma Reid, who told am: 1- -t' - aw, - l', an . . ' . . . r- 1». tgga)g Howarih at Tonawanda V _ wr . " . ( meeting was I Home IS the her imp to Chimu, as one of a T El NY. Trimming tNI the past â€5"? - - 'rai I anchor for our nation's life": curing group of nurse 1 I t n'ccliend m ;.......t.y. . " I as- Fv55i:%aihiil I and the roll call , year. She illustrat d S ast ( a: Birthday greetings to OH? ' I ' Ffi5re" , 2, l _ _ was am with pictures e hee talk- I it Deaniss who celebrated 'm siei) , "‘\5f?’53?533%:73?"mtw _ _ . _ l fl dray, May 31. For the past two; ' E, x-.. " an; . Ive...- Gary has been rat-mutual. - ' .. = ' "----. . '5 "of Oakley Townshlunsghml Edi ',%MrE - IIE per - - come September WI C: on el _ . f t aching staff of Huntsville imit-i SEE AND DRIVE the 1970 I 1 WI I if: sclllool. l TDYDTA _ out aoail ar aspects t Birthday iyii,i',iligj',,s, :10 Biff)? . 40 g ' . _ I . . '11 ee rue 1er . ‘ m.p- . ’ S 1 M . $33231; If last week, June 2.! . whitewali tires ttthr A I mentsaet ll and tahser cousin Joanne Cet) a bucket seats a . . . 1jhte? . tam who celebrates her 6th on . heavy duty heater and MACAULAY -- th Ma c- ll / _ Thursday tyf Ihis weelt, Jmel defroster _ auiay Women's Institute C ‘a the work Dn the skirts was ll. , . 4 speed or automatic vened at the home of Mrs 3.33%103 commendable. The girls, The June meeting of South . 4 complete series bert White for the Febr irar, ,1 Gather and Cathy Baker', Nan- ‘Macaulay Women's Institute} . sedans, bardtops, rg'"" meeting, J EWRUHEW Arline Meeusen and! was held at the home of Miss “dud from 5199 Ten members arrived in the‘wiitl'lt Do; ey preset: ted Mrs, {Annie Barrows wed-1:159:33; BEG. leTH MOTOR it?!†afternoon and enjoyed “6192:3251 Mgiiel tly eats]. 55.55 555: aryd Ndvember ysrti.necpiansmr2,i,gt,i,',r, .5 'lrf;cr'igteir/s1sesitg1,'i,ftii,iii,i'il'h was served by .5555: meetings of the wr, 35 did. Sundial Dr. 8tlHm eral interesting â€5.31:; “is; Srl': , her mue_r_b1e?yi?_h1rli_re1---er---ys-----------e _ sheen with safety as the theme, m "C=cc..L.,--.,,.-.---i---- .. ye Sewing club girls ca 1 -_v “BRINGS In after school and modeling?! [the skifts they had made, Mm! . White is their instructor and Mrs. Doley her assistant. . Members noted that the hem. - 3115 was nicely done and that], --t---, -----,