l - Cr V125..-JJ(L;}L "/iry1"hut 1 Lithiarn Street in Bl'nce-' .7. _-_- , MRS FRANCES DAsrrvi'000 l bridge was named in his honor in / _ W T, .ï¬ , later Limes. In those curh- days _ . ' Last Friday afternoon. Angn Jst 9th. Mr. Liddard often drove it yoke of: , l /there took plucts in Human“?! this oxen to drillin for :suppiies. a mm» 5. T fuawral of Mus. Pranees Dashiiinml way I,tip being a Itiig (HE'S jourmi'l ", _ rl , .Whasa dew,“ tlu, previous wi/hes, hehlml the plodding mists over the: ' 5 ' l. nun morning. Aug. 7th, was r: yss,v' primirlre road, really little more [haul E l . -,l f ". in last week’s Gazette, In this. my: _ trail. Frances Liddm'd was une, ( l I _ 5mm, of the pashw of the Baptist' year old before the late A, P, Cock-l fig, Cuts-at ice I t . I T /Ohureh. of which she was a. devout, _ burn of Me0ahe's Bay Mow Graven-l l d l - ter, _ adt; .member. the service-z nt my Rey-l burst? inaugurated steam navigation! J /, 4 -| inolds‘ funeral chmuel mm at Vai: UrRvP- , in the District. of Muskoka by found-E ", (j _ -, J _ - ! . iside were emanated My the Rev. A.';, ting what 15 now called Lhe Mmkakil' -." _ N _ l M, is . j, lr, Thinker. WISH)? of 1rrarreu1"rdi,rtr t Lakes Line and putting the sidewher‘l tc"isi _ be 'w. 1- - (! Free Methodist Church. Whn'was ns- , stmmhom Wenonah on Inks MIN- ic' t a l 3 sl' P _ - I sisted hy a. nephew of the deeeogerl I I. Koka to servrM"ahe's Bay (Gruveu- l tir i q a" T ' : M). qum' Arum, Camkm, of TM: hum.) North Falls f1griMyehtdufgel, f _ _ I U , tl f, [ "s _. Jrrmtcr. an affine: of the Salvation Mid the 1ty1itla Village Wort Car- l if Ebb Il:': r" J, I r ‘ yum“ Intermem took piece in .: lirat) Wben “was Liddard “TEL ' "' _| l. I _ _ psrsusebridge United Church Cemetery. I saw the light ot day there was not " " g I. ' - ts, {The will hmrers wore" Mr.' Faint: ST lath, my; -. 7/ ""‘ . Dashmmd (a. nephew' and Mr. Smith. _ -.--.'-..as-.----aca-a---r-----cr---=a= I 2 _ ,I ‘ Math of Dttntwille, and Messrs, Peter i mile of railroad in Muskoka and she - ( - y a ' ‘ ' I MacNulghmn and Frank Lanna-a of H; 'hnd reached the age of twenty-one , "151% 'iam" t lBrncelmidge. _ ' ‘before the first locomotive on: the li"iz" J ' W, l L Death came ill the end of a long" ‘ ‘Northom E. Paeiriip Junction RU- _ “ix b, lperind of invalidism beginning on g F 'war eutcrml B1ucehciuge in 1885. if“? ' a . 7“ _ sr -= 'Nc-w Yam"s Day. 1941. when Mrs.) "c; Upon reaching young womtushood {if _ F, f? I g 'l' Dnshwood fell at. the home of her. 'ui she went La Dunnnlle and there in "-.§_ _" L _ F, - ‘hruther. the late Geiege mum-d. nn' 1 1399 she became the bride of Mr. - - _ the old homestead in Braceuridge ‘1ch l James Dashwood and they resided sum-red a broken hiv [mm which, , on his farm " South Cirrus: near ‘injuri she new!" reetmereri. After) I that Lawn and there he predeceased 'Hive months as " patient in the"; 'l) her, About thirty years ago she. H"T'l'ridge Memorial Hospital str, l [i then " widow came back to the old Pent to reside at the name of Mini 'rs, huinPstead 1101-0 to act as housekccpm' . rand Mrs, Ernest Kirk in Mitcml‘lh': 's' for. her bachelor brother, George :Towushlp where the remaining fivci HU 'She leaves 1. wide circle of staunch lyears of her Mrs were spent, during} friends among mm the Old Timers which time tshe received most kindly! and the younger residents of this “‘31. nttentlon from Arts. Kiri: whom care! l _ nity. will) will alwaws hold her in Sarrowful Drowning ACCidem: _trt the patient is gratefully mmreciav‘ kindly remembrance. ‘NI Vy Mrs. Tp,vshwood's relating. 'd . To mourn her lass she leam‘s one C 1 S l Frances ledard was born in what] [ Son 1toaald, an the Brrath can“ ar auntie†am: Weuley Daley were urowmau On ‘13 now the ann of Eracehrxdze Dni I , homestead, also three brothers, Chur- Lake Muulwku MONL‘W morning .Apl'il 20 1'947. NO \Al'm 20th, 1M6, a Jalal-Phe:' If, PM 3 les at Bracehridge. Walter M Aspdin inuiuation of the trmgeuy was 1sarasu for ' , If1 :3" inthgs. 01:38:55 Anglia; - I :‘and Prank of Windsor and four sis- Dragging operations failed to fina tile bonzefeur I ma W0 " in seize ' _ . . e ohn- ' . a ttarme,tead m the me“ unorguniZ-i l in: o7rte?td,"gsi,.vri2's" . J. D. ', 13:3 'lr,] new been working for Haunting. noon Sgt-201.3, " towrsttip of Macaulay and wsmmi Stranger of Barrie, Arm (Mrs. Harry C , " cutting timber on Browing Its. anahaa , in a little log house which stand 1mm! ti Cameron) of Tomato and my. (Mrs, IM7me home for the week autumn took bum-2143a an- la few months ago though its mace: E l; Neil McDonald, of Acton. ' Ough to last them two weeks. Aygureutly they /y':e2,ti',,'1re'2, 'v,',,vi'ile',nd,'r' (,1','1) 't Besides her parents and her hwy i, Tift',","";"":"), ol.) CID-2.. unis. gov,- yaLss had been 1LU,' Liddarrl was horn "P.racs . h hand she was predeceasvrl by one SOD . 0 S e Passage home. handy (which has since grown 'iii') it‘Georga one mother George and Hires, ', n unday June 13th. Er Doleyos body was Kit includes part of the aid L'uiriard lsisters, Ella (Mrs. Herman Preston.- : found floating near Big 18.Fis. samderrs body was ; homestead) was a little hamlet Cul- ii tyarrir: (Mrs. Robert Wl‘hley] . â€Tm found in almoat the same “.401: on June 2Uth- dad North Falls forming part of the '1,sTrnCi)'rs? George Ytxstl. “1111:? -trP15 Carl was a son of Mr and Mrs Barry Sauna- unincorporated tmwruitu'p or Magnum. F. " Yost died. only tour mow“ a?“ “‘1 er: of hlauemuay.Ke married Miss Edna. Dole When she was Mme tot M three] 11 is the second "leak this "931.1“ tloel, sister of Weale Th . . y g a . t , ' . . . . mam-a family. i y. 65' had five thi1t1ren. wears, the United "mm-snaps of I',','.')': "fine old ptoneer ( Wesley was the youngest son of Mr and fer. Mumulay. Stephenson & Ryde) Eâ€; _-----" I Mrs James Daley .early settlers and was not :Were orgnnlzed in 1868 " a 'munici-I E married.Both were geterens of the last wa ipulity and her father was us ti"'"'; i Wesley's brother Alan P. assessor and used to gave: the (our . was killed DVel'BetTP,. ' , I m Apr11.l945. tovmships on mot, chiefly on Snow- .shoes. when making official lrzsneC-l I They were huried in the Ltuurrord mm _ Cemetery. _ "N*ai---- - -- a.“ re. I "PC' %. , A.) --' _ d