w. I. Program- Antiques and Current Events l I i 1Bahy"Auiput,l950 Articles from picneer we were brought to the meeting ty members and friends: tin-type photographs, beginning of the century school hooks, country uuhuol yhotographa .fifty an“ lore years. cups. mugs and shaving mugs, a watch dated l86u, an old chrieteuing tone. [rs s'auyl5s'-tavroutt wedding bonnet, A milkldgh/ jug belonging to Mrs Cooper‘s greats-great- grand mother. hand- stitched fancy BernS. Ar, the Huskoke mat. Fair the Inst. got third prize on Sues quilt. . , New Highww: Work has begun on a new four-Lute highwath cute the farm; Easewarns, George Kirkuld - Clarence Me Eown. F-d From St James Msgtszuse,quotetl in "Commentn" ,iu the Gazette 1945. g q (NSept.,l874) l C Muakoke la a. district in Ontario devoted to Free Grant settlizijut a. few 2 years ago and now becoming ' with hate-Liehmg rapiditym great icultural E county. The settlers cons‘at or contrinuulons from every ous, or aOLIEqut The traveller ,wno 'r1;i?'ililf. rough but hospitable homee, may pick up storied U tt " adventures. chengerm lulu tortuous livea, new concluding in peace and renew-mile vrosverttrwhLsh would form an endless held tor the novelist mm aoreslisT. agxr-is1ergymers,ex-uerrers. military mea,trs1esurea,"ges1t1emers",sre to be foam smug-ht old ssi1ors.msvvvaip,eserivnntura1 lunourerujliy Lrwyer'welerkss, _a curious and motley,yet "sorous.tsoeiesr,tion which.1n the “Ext generation ,wlll no doubt come a wealthy and educated population. Local Couple .. Meet Irish PM. _ Word has reached Brace-bridgL . T" . . . ' mm. Mr, and Mrs, Wm: Hawn nearer sili'Gef, ï¬fan?§3§12‘rgllugla:lf’ present at .1 barbecue Ewen reeently I of Dunnvllle _ and Mn-and - Mrs _ for Sir Beil and Lady Brooke at i 3 Since Burialdson and son of Orange; Southern Pines Carolina- Mr, and l t' ville called. on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hrs, Hawn were among the ty." t , Coopers orv'.Mortday. Mr.RiehaM EI-f . hundred guests at the affair WWW. gym-s tathtir-grmm to madhnod with . included apomhers 'f, _,tit.,cM'"s',7y, thelate MrIlVeff who located the! Sign; r2ttriirlm,ts,i"l" billinistel‘ “Ti _ farm now ty""' by 'Hrr,P"' l Northern Ireland and is at present l . touring the United sum-verb H l