P"" 32$; 1 . . ' " i Jtt:1t Juvenile l l . or _ _ gCourt Begins an / . i The Dominion Government has! ‘pl‘oclaimcd the Juvenile Delinq-J - _ 1uterus Act, a Federal statute. m net in force in the District of Muskoka. ' rig, t It was already in force in. some of "“3 if? _ l R the neighboring areas, including _ ~ C r“ - l , the Counties of Simcoe and Ontario I . . ME," A q , I ' and District of N"rpissing. ' ' = , res in Wiuskoka, as in nll urhL'itartsas ‘ , e x ' i ‘ _ J. _, , 9- - where that Act is in force. yrv5n- _ ' 1 -eTri". , I, “ ihs will henceforth be med In the _ (at -.:-r ' ii ICD e - - tl. Juvenile Court instead 0f the Po- _ - _ A - ; . q 'ruth' "h', liee Courts. A juvenile is anyone _ - - - ~' , " . I .i- Mag i under the age of sixteen yearn To Fus' _ , L K 2 , I MtyPl ' I a slight extent the new system "iid: At', Q’ a" l ' 7 - i i . " Ions the classification of "juvenile" ln that the age is now ascertained _ as ill. date of offence whereas pre- .i _. ' cn viously it was reckoned as of any MI and Mrs ri.li. i"ifowno, . of trial Therefore it is possible; Mâ€?hree years of 5'59 Ja. “c Eown Chime to Lot tce' (ytuu' t limit a clefcndzml who is over six-. l C . P _ tn lown.hlmma Elizabeth Smith, lure " LOWE-.Came o teen may be tried in Juvenile Court! i8qis,Latrer IUD-VINE 1d . ifâ€. The Smiths settled on a farm all for something he or she is alleged Camellia when E Jam's} ,m I ' . _ d lived in Huntsville , then to have done while under that age.‘ Deer lake Aim. and “ma Wu' re ma rial] Em . Fl nn drs Previously it sometimes icrppencd _ d to Braeehridge., lived in the house now 0,4119qu John yl i that a detention! was trier! as an mm"? d 'il; the farm LD'G 9 0011- 5 Where they lured untl sl. . adult, because of being sixteen!I later tuey move '" . d . “’3" aged 73, Mrs MC Eown. died In 1947 years old by court day. for an of-', their/H death. hm. dleh.i:‘lre:l l-, girls and 5 boys ,all living fence :ei:gt1,te,ie,v1,irsi,i.yir'/niir-l asged 85. They had ten f 1 _ l ants Clarence the Joli-".59 " . ed while still under that age. l, at the time of the death Of t'atsirr Far . Gordon H, Aiken, Barrister-At- . e farm. Law, of Gravenhurst has been ap- lives out-411% pointed Juvenile Judge; this up- _ 0 J pointmenl, which is made by the . - Ontario Government. was made ' some time ago, as previously re- . corded in The Gazette, before the , _ new Juvenile Court Was ready to i i, function. _ _ _ Sesides having exclusive juris- 4 h diction with the Police Courts , [ _ r 1 _ _ . ", ' , where adults are charged with I l _ , L r ; -, " _ r 'l having committed crimes against l L: ,.., " t c, r .91..» juveniles. It _wil1 apparently be in i . _ . 4 4 \tp . I I Che discretion of the Crown Attorn.. l F T , ir5i' I - _ ‘ , rt, .. 0y and the police which court to l _ ' ., , . " I _ . r'l _ A . u- ‘s L' proceed in where the latter typo of » " . A g _ P, ' - _ Charge is laid, ‘ _ _ ' . Cl ' ,g . ',1" - 4' ' The new Juvenile Court will have _ _ ., , . _ _ 7 . th . facilities. which the Police Corals _ liE , l , It' newr Possessed, for investigating 3- _ . 1,. A -. the background of defendants bc, I . L' rr Mt a - fore they appear in court and for » a! . i E -= checking up on than] while on Sit- l Q " q . spended sentence. For first offenc- g r g , - es, the Police Courts almost always _ 1 _ --_- , turned the juveniies loose on su- _ . Tr = rr 4 spended sentence and {mm then on " "'- i-iii,"" l P. courls paid no attention to q _ l their conduct, the. Police Courts -. - ' . i . having no set-up for such Purposes. i _ ' - .7 ’ 7 T". CT "--------, _ T." "C 'il _ 22 . t TS _ l . - P. _ ’ ", " ' ' .5 t . . 2u T-' .=, 13*: t TS 7 . = id liGi, _ t "" r L.'. - ca e . ' 2liMi _. _ ( 7%.; = _ " " i'::iti5, " ,lqi._‘ - I, , ' w - 'ikEr, _l 'sal lat, g A: .1: I . f 21.9 . T" "g'M""kf',?l, 1 I - 'lh L, .. n , " . Mrl%e. - . 7 3'.- mm "SIM - - c-la., FM ., = “I. _i'A8h':i' Wi _ " Me., _ t'ir,'CfiTti, ,lrri;?irii'e'r?i't-,'ilj"i) - W -' 0 _ ..... A -- F: a Tali"',"-: .. 'i7aMli', Io... y - -_- Sr.CirG' w... 0..» t-e "sec-ts - 0-» "H N S'ii: ~~+ _ A 2et'it .c_lr;:_-:4w_-ea t i r,di,%r'P.., 'itP.,toes,1twr-i,s-,,s a; 3m :'iti:-brhisi',igiiirs2gir.attiac. av... We state Cg'rtls'itflrr, Syst s52 - fleï¬olguimnmgnwmoom 25mm Pei m ' 0 _ l ' it . ' ll, m. Siam, "ilMhrgrapltr, . _ BRACEBRIDGE, ONTARIO. 1,573,; 07 77:51:33... 1" __ _ ) _ / , “4.: " vs4e t;u_ â€Min-.17.; ou,". mm] 7 7 "n {WA tl..' “t 11'?! - J, _,. d“ me _