. 5.13:3qu and Easy Branches v1.1. 195d . , ' at Miro Speedie‘a home. 1 " n , / y _ _ _ - _ V1 . . l . . .1 i-tllc-, 'rg- " e. " , r . ' Ti We; 7. " ", . " ' ( I e _ _ a. a; w, .1 , 'rl 7 _ - -a "r, ie9a a A! PA fi a , V , _ if ii . '8K, - I, (--. "F. - - _:-:r: (Net, Pw, ' , i 9:! a e til l'):,).'. le is" ' _a - N I) - F'rAiGii'i? is Tsfi _ i. ' I - 1W1“:_:1.â€.5 r" , les" f I'.'. ‘uf " V ' 'crew'" v, r r e . , I',', -- 1f... l , IT w" “‘ Cd â€dried!“ . " I... Cl _ n ' I . " f . ( c, , ‘ . _ ' _ C" . . s - /, _ T e - > n, ' " at" e ru' ' V ' 2' "e L, _ _-- - '-7"---"'----e'---rT----_c-. -- "---, _ _ c-, _-ar-:--.--,,.--,,) I lira N.Speeeie'n Jiome,Aug.IYrd . ' Front Row: Ere French,llra Bailey. Ira Morrison, gist "r from Eng-1mm, a ', Ira Speeaie, lira Leach, A.Barron,lirs’ Peacock. l _ _ Group: South Macaulay. Baby Branches.‘ Mrs Kort-lean wan presented with a. Life memoemnip . _ I ----" _ J _._J . _._ -, _ --.---__ S. - if, - _ , Quotation tmtm"tgmrmeasis"'t Not only have row. mu automobiles changed in style Int so have motoring ooameaJn the open care Lsaiea'amstatttee, were tones. on†by "mosoriireiLs"trtsLsh went under the chin and over the cop oi we hat " Dig caplbr bare neaudhmy laoiee put up person uh they rode along-the pea-soles often blew inside out; amt me cal-Jun to be stoppetho t"risat than. Many men on: well 58 Miss were "tstssett"tsoatiruretsrV my. 1 all drivers were youtletézs one out: so holu the steering wheel no tight? that without tnem there wont la cone blistero on the rhinos. " the 1949 driver-b.5110†who learned 120 011118 nerore.dur1ng or shortly afterthe an r Great Waxyinrooaoly take a. firmer gig on the steering wneei,rrom force 6 I of lustthtrthtu1 so those wooilearneo more receas1e-cerusirtV it in will _ l natural for me to grip tae wheel firmly at all times. When you. see a. at 'i, uriver lolling ,with an elbo sticking out the window. yen can safely It ' net that he never drove a car over corduroy " in deep sand or up we , old-time steps of tae bull's Gap. , --Ne-'- V ', fl, - - T _ . f I . . " -- _ we- ".111, -- - _ . we -s=r=--.----r-r-as,..c, .4- l - _ "L. -,,s,5ca