l "e--"""'--'-.----- I . _ ' , e or s lggest omen s u - F, “A t li O . . l M . l _ anal lan rlglna , The 1iurf/,e1,lyomett's. Institute of Canada, which grew from ,ttr supporters in 1897 to a world-Wide organization of 6,000,000 - was the brain-child of a rural Canadian housewife, Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless. m' l . For one dollar a year and the will to dedicate herself to home, country, and the i.vo.rld beyond, any \zfltman: grandmother, grand-daughter, tall, short, rich or poor, can J01n a wqmens ns 1 lite. In Canada, where 95,000 members are spread across 5,300 rural eominunities, each group is both a social circle and a service club. Self-improve- ment is another reason for getting together. Belonging means more than being “dedicated to ------------------------- home economiis. a'1t,2'l1f1,i/'c,trai,'it,t,1,1,r,,e, and cur. women must work and study together to raise our turnl activities as some 0 e WI handbooks put homes to the highest possible level." it. The various Ewingmups have at one time or A movement so rich in its potential for doing another done all _ P.irs as pay a choir‘slentry good could not be confined to an sin 1e rovince fee to; music trttt,1dU,tr gy/et',',"",":' 29081135“ or nation. It was discovered that Aral 5min have a era course 0 ego in ule ec, meet Hungarian refugees landing at Gander, and '8NNRNhttNa_tratNetttMRRm5WWFs%?tF, . . M - M8RNRWgWBS8850 welcome distraught Japanese-Canadian women ta ‘s‘gï¬ig‘flék‘i‘? the Kootenay Brea in British Columbia after they ig‘yzâ€â€˜w°‘ had been removed from their homes on the coast in 1942. 5.. There are few limitations to WT thinking. Being fsgtt;ï¬r kind to lonely bachelors, learning better ways to ï¬lm’kf‘i sew, publishing a. cook book, taking care of chil- ** dren, leading drives for local improvements-ttuse .,‘6\ are typical of their interests. Their energy often °:<«"A° puts the all-called stronger sex to shame. ’,>§"}§iz‘f:,::§’§,:5Ԥ3'§.,?§_§_:‘555Ҥ::5it;it?fiéfffiiiï¬iiié' For 61 years, men have been heckling the work 3,::.f'.:.:'f(’3/’e‘tog:\ I???" e V and devotion their wives and daughters give to "5.'§::I°‘>A i' their clubs. But usually, they live to swallow their :1i;*;;_:j_aji;§v;:f-s;§‘_§;=Ȥ.;;it ':,if:ii1'-:jii,jiii':ji:,ji1 rj)):',':); words. There are signs of vague resentment in (1.5%... seeing women strike out on their own to get things EE'-,:»‘_ij',{.:§_‘j:_frat, '.:.r»;".§.,.,;'~.f E5532" _ done. Husbands may sometimes complain about E7};5'»_§1:§I,5'-E‘_,:: “or ff having to baby-sit, make their own dinner or shell 'ffj,i":i,':i'riijiij'jy': aa1531;:ij533;}:as.“.4:-,i=':3».-=»E;;:'-: 'ji':, out for a special fund-raising bee, but still, there {FEET ,4". 'rj/ij/ir)',')-,'))?:::); Ir: ii,,?': is reluctant praise for the girl's accomplishments. :22" " it? (ji/j'iicfiiij'iryjeiii, V Doing something besides dishes and housework is 5?}:'..;_:II::;5'E§5-{i'1:'\~:â€â€~§\ “QT-E;3:_'_1,_j,-‘;â€f;§:" .,: usually one good reason why the girls get so much 'ti'L'c: " "lim EMtttiiiriEiori,'ialltrh'c'c'/ji'c,ii:ii"i'i, "i: x? kick out or their own club. Meeting other people, " 'till-Rig:?,.,')',?)',':,':.")',', i',"r,Mmmi"t""i'iri)r, 5"- developing new interests, and finding trsiE-gu1fi1i. tl “MW†"â€"’ ment in good works are all good enough ks all 'MMIII 3;;-l_;;..5._,:;.,.,5;..:5-'.,. gaiiENR8m" "r/ii, explanation for the loyalty each member has to the " .i'f:-_f.::',‘1,523,332' y. individual Club and to the organization as E whole, itI'll-.1??? Sleds. boats, horses, tractors. bicycles and planes a-:v,:r“i-r:::.1:i have all been used at one time or another to get 'ill-EIN?,.:';.?,-.':),;,",":,'),'-,:?';: when,» to an urgent meeting. Members have braved ‘ weathers that the must. stalwart husband would h",‘:', refuse to face. Attendance at meetings is high. - Ir4aKetlgMlIh'rr,.icirrr'ri; (ii",;) 'cj-r-ttlm-i':,'-::),.','-.; And yet, this whole great venture was born ot q I1tetgNErMiNt'irr,r. one woman‘s personal tragedy. The first Women's . tIEE-Iii-girl, IMAM, "rd-Ei-tNate Institute in the world was founded by Mrs. Adelaide , _ Headless, at the village of Stoney Creek, Ontario, MRS. KEITH RAKE Port Williams, NS. on Feb. Ii), 1897. Mrs. Headless had lost her eldest President of the Federated Women's Institutes child, just eighteen months old, as the rusult of of Canada. using im ure milk. She tortured herself with the , tu/Cl;"?,,',",?',:',' should have known better. Finally, ee same pTyems in other places than stoney she resolved to do everything in her power to help Creek. The idea spread quickly to the Canadim others avoid her 'frlistake ._ to bring to all women I West, the Maritime; Quebec and the United States. the Education necessary to prevent 'sin1ilavtragedies. [ BI?! Ide',', nine W'r""?". had J,vy1t?rmsu.tytejs. Mrs. Headless believed that the educational sys- ( ew oundland gained in 1951.) During ,World tem in Ontario at that time was all wrong. Boys War I, the movement Jumped to Britain. and then and girls received the some type of education to Belgium. There was a flood ot enquiries from despite the fact that their normal life work was wine“ P. all Film or Pt world, wanting adviexs so different. "Girls," said Mrs, Hoodless, “should 'IQ, 'a1i"f1,e',',n('vi'r, "l organlzmg similar groups, The _ be e ducated to fit them properly for the sphere of Olafglcar s f? was $3181st :n international sisterhood life for which they were destined, that of home.. iu a )"lnde"i,, 1 , The Assomated Country making, and this should be done by teaching them Wogltenszlthe T as†was formed at 5 Conference I domestic meme in public Schools." gating?“ 1'l), Signâ€; R, under the direction of a. The iirs'i'%isiting at Squires Hall, Stoney Creek, ' r . E a ' Ontario, was attended by 101 women and one man, Now flourishing in twenty-seven countries with a Mr. Lee, who ‘acted as the chairman. Through a membership of six million, it is the largest and their organization}! the members hoped to improve most important women‘s organization in the world. the physical, inteiieciua1 and cultural conditions of With all the nations rapidly becoming close neigH- their homes. It was much more than a mere gather- hours, the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada ing to exchange gossip and recipes. Recorded in the is a vital link in building comradeship, helpfulness early minutes is this statement: "A nation cannot and steadfastness in a world which shakes at the rise above the level ot its homes. Therefore. we threat of an atom. I