Dunchurch WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 2, [1972] - [1975], p. 6

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7w _ Page J? - The Parry Sound North Star, Thursday, May 15, 1975 _ _ l I Q, '-e'r,T,"7'rr"""""' _ . (Q. Si PP, " . F f l tees.': 'M_..;‘ Old village store being torn down "ir_'(', '.yir.')i:,'ci,-y,ri)r r,rrr./, " v-lsr/ral: , l / tweak” _ . , 1.3:;:§:;;§:?"5:3:5;$;3§the-‘i.'Vr,'il-;;:3:«;‘“ii: it?“ 2" ‘ ' r, I 'EMR "i,, ,":1),' 'l(,irctr,iii:e/js"i/'Ci'? "e 'lvCJr'tej,ri'i'ifrtiiiff; , . ' , . w l an M .11“: . Fe,.! ;'i'iri-'cli )5.j _ _':fi'if:i,,' ~“ri The recentremoval of this old Whitestone rivers on their way Until .1908 ever thin , had i', l ,413I2;£§%Ei2¢41§5§*' ." r", t, " kCttiaiii 'tii1lsttiitiiiiiiiiltiltl illtii'Ei,tiiirjltt'ji'aftt' store buildin h s roused o . y 1 g, ' tl q ‘li'SaTrJ‘i-Sr‘r’“fidufirnfifizfeff’” ' Ielgi W 'dhili5g.5NMiiiii. 'ttl-l, 16"”"0’". t" F g a a ur to Byng Inlet and other saw be drawn by heav draft horses sweaty... _ In” i';cCt'jif,i',??,i Egkrtuf& Wi. mirth». . new a ‘5’ r, ”in!“ " memories ‘to the oint we ill at th _ ' F _ y :v» f 'ib'Ci L, ’6'; iifi'i',?gii.1,?,?, ' E%aefttiiiifiiiitS' . 'i%"lral - 2f 1 "' Fiuikfdil2 M, . p . rm s ong': e waterways, from ~Bux;ks Falls, where'the ' 5ta8gi, 'fe rff,f,fts'irf?.i,ii'ij',8iaitaa .. it"? " - . " ' - . "a a: ‘3‘” . thought at would be a good jdea Alter the new building on the station wisl with train running 'tenala? '91: ’ 'i'),).?)'?)':"', 1tlllllliMF,if, l . _ ' I . ’ , t ‘i, ' .' tt 'auf, gig!!! towriteanarrative abouthdwit .corner of the main street.in on sch'e‘auiéj. .. I".-' '. "a-' _ 'laiililiiilt 23549.1“ 'glMlllllaiiql - MllBlllrlllllilllMl!!gllMlit:'tt1gry'?li',?rMlilillll started anlwhen:?11.ert may be Dunchurch was completed the The_‘C.N.R., was their-built ilg,MllilgliE'.i ‘9'”er . ' Illmll " . I Ill" 'BiiiB1-1N ' ' “M vliiMlllll but one or two old timers who business was moved over the and the' closest tstation‘h'was 11%5332535?‘ 7 r' 2 . 1Rllllll» . , ”we . It ~ ' , :96? can remember its beginning roadandabarber chair install; iilakview,or%ubamiek)'pran 1tiiiilllwja E ['d . l y. ' - i _ , " ' " I , MILES' '65; if: away back before mom of .ed. Another brother, William, casesf'hor'ses .were,_-ihsed for Fr ae'ga as" " t u i LN ll tl i . " 'lggtFgiiigBl , "rt this century. _ .Q worked at trimming up and cadging'at thi§"end. _,' '-, " -. ’ 'i?. ‘ l ' I 'a l e r!l,lil'st"iiii "ifgrsgfiiit, " if It was about the year of P? cutting the shanty mens' locks Mr. Buchanan really went all "’ , 'lik' ' i h'; I'::);??,,'), Tri, I 8,si'gftt f: ,., weare informed, thatt brilliant, after they" came out to civilizati out on a trading basis in-such . . - , . I . l q . g IIB. .' 'i'iftM . . g “of: r 'l , and eager young man by the, ion from their winter logging things as: wool, pork, Qbeef, F Ilim . - it it?" 1 - T4? . . lil M. - .,...,.. = U... I - , "ii"itf. name .of. Arthur Buchanan left ", camps.Nobusiness therramong chickens,' turkeys, geese and _ l " iilt [tli' . " l , , . H "d ’ one» , ' ', Goderiphiand travelled F0 13ml" the female sex, they all kept i the usualbutter and egg supply t - Mtg in” _ Uri Ll - - , , . ‘ 'iiiillliiqiiilr church. Some of the Journey their hair long, as nature W from most farmers who battery rellilllNllliiBililMliitttallllllgl gig Q in} Q I , Q _ ' WA Q " v' bl. q was made' by ,train to Burks tended, and 'no dyes were, used ed for groceries and hardware. lliiMllrllltiiieiili-lNllll, M 'la ' ' ’ ’ I r . ' ' t..r '8 Falls and the remainder of the to any extent. Q _ V We would be inclined to think t MW" . Irtlliiiliilt. - Illllililllltl tIllia" A I ' e l . tt ~ - '" l' ‘ K twenty five or more miles‘Wast Unless sbmeoneboiledaweé.? ,' that most'window glass in the ' " - . - l Q ‘ " IliltifltlilNI " I " VAL-.2 - ill, P, " t r inadeby stage/We News“ and did aseeret rinse herself.' . one, buildings of married . . ’ ' . " 'llglllll tlil . IlliNll i' " ' 'Kal-li.. 5’. if the ”his mum time were »~ Arm.“ was bltyssedin having been bought from thisWineraf, ' , V e ' , ' - " M ' 'tllNilMil, le, , ‘ V IlllllliN .31 ‘ I navtgating the_Magnetayran, a sister (Nellie) grow up" and F Store-'. it ni"‘-"'"" _ r" Il' - I , - ilEWteiia' ‘ 0 - " r: lt river to Ahmic Harbour or hot. join the brothers in a business TT After the railway was built to "t QQ _ _ . , T . l _ ‘ A _ T . Q Q However, this young man saw, V and trade of her own, she set up the Canadian West, there was a i , ', ' ( James Dobbs outside his store . _ an opportunity to start a boot ina room and worked at dress- movement towards those um . _ ' .. \ and shot business in this new making for several years prior known parts/They' sold their ( , . _ _ . _ _ _ . I community of Newcombe, later to her marriage to Mr. Bryant. wares to Mr. Buchanan and " F . I _ l F ' ' named Du.nchyrch: , They moved-away to U.S.'A. obtained cash for their train -r, n hur h n T by' PearlMacLennan Lumbering bywipneer farm- A30 toot section was added at fare in whatever way they _ \ _ q _ _ _ [ ', Ts, as well as companies was an the back of the main structure could. He was never a man to _ V C s _ at the Vet's Hall on Monday. inducement. Mr. Buchanan’s in limo-The brothers William turn a friend down. It has been' Mr. D. Roy Ma ie enjoyed a about service into Ardbeg and About 16 attended. Mrs. Roy first work was handled Home and. Thomas then moved up- said, "he always met his cus- week in Toronto] tely visiting Whitestone, the people in there Maciie attended her District log cabin sitting on the hill stairs and continued their share -tomers witha smile and often a his brother and two sisters. could hoist a flag for the zone Rally to Magnetawan the somehwere near the present I of the business on their own.' joke, in back-of his head to Bereavement came last week summer. _ " same day, ' Bert Bell residence and across Arthur used all the ground floor relate at just the' proper Q to the new family in Duneluirch Happy Mother's Day' to all The Rug Class ladies made the road trout where he later. Q sinaae-y11wenti.ntothe General moments" _ . ___ v-. grsvrogi.swiwr.i.Tsd,.Wu:s'u'rr this weekend. I don't have a their annual bus trip to South- built the bigger .storeQ m 1890, 'Store business in earnest. A ‘ Young Arthur prospered to basal call/rom homezaboutt motherany moreso, wewill just ern Ontario and stopped toff in after the purchase of two lots great deal of bartering went on Q, the point ivherp,he decided to passing of azparentn. (30nd _ sit/quietly through the hours Toronto for supper on Tuesday. from Mr. Millan. V A“. the earlys6aysi.' I.. T Q get'. married." He took ', Miss ' ances to these peoplealstitirt and read some oldeoems about . Sorry to leain' Mr. Frank In the 10.3 ctmstructed shop i Th? new _ttort stottcoltist.e1 .Agnasv McLlwain of. Goderich HarrrBrook family, andMi good 'mothersw, -, _' _ 'w Barkley had to undergo" surgery Arthur r eceived many or.rers of things like wagons, sleighs, l, forhis bride and they wed‘on/ England of McKellar.wh0‘ha Mr. and MES:- Floyd Thomp- for his stomach ulcers. from Ed Kelcey atche budding cutters, flouereed, paints, bedd- "Sept. .30th ' 1904. They hir a had recent bereavements.- son, the newly weds have arriw T ', locality of Loring, Ontario He mg and beds, dressers,jewelry,. daughter, Mary, and a son,' . Wehave reason to behevet ed to the farm ranch for the kept three men (including his -pocket watches for men and George. Neither of the children ,work on highway #520 will so summer., They dined with g " , brother Thomas) busy on the watches on a neck chain for the married.They retired at'the old Jre' starting .just Q0,“ oi .D, Floyd's grandparents, Mr. and shoe bench. The local people fairer sex. Box stoves, cook home in Goderich. thureh: Now if the Bell wot _ Mrs.Edd Moore one day ceeent- _ here abouts were steady cust- stoves, prints, harnessL and Vt Mr. James Dobbs was hired-W prdyr"get' their much (can ry. _ , Q, omers as well. Shoepacks were factory shoes were stocked and . as a clerk in 1906 and remained l ., _ r . "Ilhe Senior, Citizens group met . . _ made. and. soltho almost every the grocerysheives were well with the Buchanan family until ' _ ' I . man m wintertime. These were filled with china tea in bulk and Mr. Buchanan passed away on the bestfotytwisar Eonsh‘owshoev ' iRiokreii"-iit “square tin loans: JDieemssr""2ir," Igg1. Mrs. _ ing. Calk boots were in great Q Crackers came in a barrel, as Buchanan carried on the busi- demand for the river drivers in did vinegar, molasses and corn , ness with the help of Mr. Dobbs' . the spring and summer', when syrup. Pepper and spices could until April 11th, 1927. At this . the big booms of logs were sent be bought in bulk, but not the time Mr. Dobbs took over the down the Magnetawan and F variety we have nowadays. Q business and he held title of the V store until he decided to close up r and retire'in Burks Falls, Ont- . EATON'S . . . comes to You ario, about 75 years from when T . he started as a young boy in the HEARING "ALE through T/ Eaton s order business.. The Dobbs couple 0 ice in _ . SERV‘CE _ _ have both passeonn. Q " - " PARRY, SOUND Jimmie Dobbs (as so many Q IIB " "ll ‘ _ our hearing aid specialist Q called'him) also made caskets - . "itil' - V T f C , ' and handled the undertaking l . Illl - '..,. tlit. KEVAN BARTER business for miles around Dun- Illlltlllg ilir?,i;)t'rs'tlu8 Millgl tests and/or adjustments INI ', kets to the upper floor, which he . I 'tMerril)' ”’41" 1'. _ . _ r was told by his doctor that his r MI- p, Ill., IiilNElMll, PM. work was too heavy and de, IllillllIll ktj% Fi')') ' PHONE 'Wes.' FOR AN . manding fora man of his age. . I my???" = _ APPp5NT)1ElyT." . Mr. Dobbs married Elizabeth e e , ‘ 'iii'ial 'tcF/fi] , H i,," Reid of Parry Sound on April . ', Fd Bi: tsi EATON S T 9th, 1928. They worked together; ' ' . _ _ in this store with the help ofa ' , .girl clerk during the busy sea- Q . _ _ . . sons. They were all kept occup- Q " F- . _ “a"? , - . led with this expanded estate. T /, _ , As we said it came to a close at ', . last and now the building has been vacant for some years, . . ' during with time the structure _ _ has become delapitated. Some - Tq -, i . . . chaps have been tearing it down Tenders are ithted for the purchase of the for Mr, meson, who has bought several buildings on the old OIL property, on, the village lot. V ',' . C Highway 69', across from the ClL Plant. C tags“; 'ld/Ugg, 513%: _ - F re' ' . . . v‘ ' ' [ three and four gothirriirimpivs Tenders mst be In writing and addressedito onthree sides of the upper floor. CII..,, Nobel, Ontario, c/o G.A. lngelson. Tenders This made a' big pangjob when __. . . _ aintin time, role aro M. ( . mst be received by May 31st., 1875. The high ghexstEre was a cream Fahd Ca est or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. green can“; is long as, I a“, l . . ,' ' - . . Q 's", _ remember. Thatwas about 1910' Q Successful bidders will be notified by June 4th, t,rf1j2,t:1,a'nb'rdai,'v1evtser'r," ‘ " 1975 and will then have until ocipber 15th.. 197,5 'twooilny stamina day. at, e to remove their purchase trout clL1property., _ was jo.v.ial aboutPyserrTsners , Q _ ' / . in asking the best price he Q. Q rT . Inspection of the buddings cagrlie'rraoged by - would giveiorrnnyQew poQunds of _ _ . -' white was e woo.. " contacting G.A. lngleson at 342-5213. _ _ pure l ' i T, 20AWre by Pearl MacLennan F NN ‘

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