School Teacher Butler, 1890 A English manButler walked miles to the school, On a plate full of porridge, or a bowl of gruel. Pie taught them the lgtters, and how to write, Some learned to make a paper kite. They studied Geography ano arithmetic rrnowledge, For those children never saw the inside of a college. But they could make up the Value of lumber, And measure their Wood, without a blunder. They Knery how much hay they put in a stack, And could measure their roofing to put on a shack. F, 'l r _ k _ ‘ v v Ir,, - ' . , - ‘ . . " ",3: - . , g "ltll, 15itSEE'stra,'l <1....--,_,k,._m - _ ‘ "MMr8iBi1Mt8RM' Nie, . ..:"““““'j - - .‘.,._,,7._ w.» V . " - MirMiti a; . -- _ -EEii-ttMiEMe. __--" , a 'KiBtW+ig'p, - ‘ , - V , - - ll... Eel - aBlgBlBm.tif,i'.aBl ' . - L, MIMt IliriNIllr8mllllitlMiirt1 W . ' 51551,;‘47? I " r Bl-light - - Q: MI 'ill- v r WK _iattEMi"i'i;iilitl , - . .f: _ - Mll8l1l, ilBlMilIlI5 A; , w ielitllliit'cflii'iilill ' ‘ w . , <†“W†' Mi , tti"4 we " Ea; a m- , t ' - - 1514 “xiii. 5:131:33 _ ' . Fi a 1Mawa , 'li - . Ill" . "iiir ' " - - B8ilqivNl-tiill!l ' ll gig? JEWEL» . l unman..- I _ " . - an,“ iNet-tR' " Fg ‘ MlEam _ l I " It ' I . "Sq. . gig - "1rtt' " . " . 'la, tr NE "leMMlRl, - " “ 'etiirll W Bill litir - t I ' . ’ - 4.: ieEcsii,'iis'il'iifiii'i' 'lt' - - a; q ' ll l - , gm. ','rie':,;')if,"-t'r'l - ' wl I, _', u ' ' - â€if?†Bl " " ., 7 "x‘ér-i r 'a'k'i"d'ia , Ill - ' lg»- lMllllltllll" MI==;ia- A. , _ ' gr, ' .eesM ‘~ ' ' - - 2 - ".Pfgra"iriqTrt " w' - a I 'gmlt8" - " , ‘ M IiiiIillllr I . __- " r , ' “ " MgNF, ...' V " -_, 1 . , " T a - » . Mlm-ii L' Itillell. ' " a ' , . mi; 2...“. 18 ‘ " " - - , sw, ‘- (iq e . -, "I" ' " _ Rh - . _ ’ / , ma??? r M . r tN, ' _ - , - l , An Old School Picture