1070 - 1972 Climate What was the climate like in Hagevm n Township, you mny Hsk? We cannot go far astray by saying it followed the calendar dates of the four seasons fairly accurately. there is often a hot spell of a few days early in June, followed by a cold spell with a northerly breeze and very often a frost follows, just about trrsns- planting, time. The gardeners and older generations have become more cautious and hold back a few extra plants in the hot-beds until about the first week in July, at which time the weather becomes favourably warmer and the most perishable plants can come out of their springtime beds. At one time there used to be draughty weather for weeks at a time in this area, but in the 1'st twenty five years summer rains have been more prevalient. In harvest time the ground soil is very often soggy and the tractors become stuck on some farm lands. The autumn frosts come in October and colour the leaves until they fall and are all down by November when hunting season for part- ridge and deer begins. The white-tailed deer here are not so plenti- ful as in the first decades of the century, when the farmers meat consisted mostly of venison. Dogs have been allowed to be used in hunting season by the sportsman. Moose season opened for two weeks in 1971 and 72. The winters usually become quite severe after Christmas with the temperature dipping down to 40 degrees below zero and sometimes even colder. One winter in 1950 decade this writer experienced a temperature of 72 degrees below zero one winter's morning. It, was so cold it. took your breath, causing coughing while outside the heated house. We all here practicwlly used hardwood fuel cut in stove lengths in those early days. The stands of timber were plentiful and of little value, especially the knotty parts and the huge limbs. Snowfall reaches from five to ten feet during the winter, while summer weather varies with rain and sometimes hail during the change of seasons. 92 degrees ls considered to be extremely hot in our Township. I 3. . -r-M IFa72al <1 i~ "'<~a7..a_~' ssiic,, wxcc(r?i), ’ i t ,- T _ . .. , V V r; t ' b' “my. . ' Ua