Sditohiiuse Gardens W . ni award f 7 b . i i it" ", bgpytersci ACP-ess-vi . sruuNvilttt y n peony 31mm - ___ _ _ pemd for years with their pennies the award in memory of Denny, News - Warkworth _ Passion- at the regional Peony Festival held who lost his battle with cancer last “PS: $tilgrJ “the, 2:321:33: ate about pennies, the owners of inOshaw’a Christmas peony my . pmew Sch 1h G . . " ' , ‘ t _ owned by Wally qillrettofIl?ra, DO Dose ardens have won Jhi.swts1hefirsttiPethey sub- BefurehetirtxHtookanestate " «M Fl .1?“ "When Wally Gilbert dredm 2000 Mi- dozens and dozens ofnbbons, but muted an entry to the Canadian garden course and that is where I ' LI t l l ll, BM a m chael went and dug up the Gonection with bringing ' Denny Peony Society’s annual show and med Judi Denny, his wife," said A . E _ , a e permission and brought it tohis fem: with tmphy ft.†the “in?†ptamyin t was thefirst time the award has Harris, as he explained the saga It , y " _ {5 u the iiriiifi', that he would spread it across Canada Every special. beenlprmented. of how the Early Bird peony they ' .- sr-. 'liil I - Canada," Harris explained. . it's about sharing a legacy," Lindsay D‘Aoust an avid coi- took to the show is connected to my a, _ N _ 'IEir ' ' "He also agreed to distribute the plants sold Desmis Gebhardt, who with lectnr of peonies and hybridizerin the Denny family and to a man, "StL"' , " r minor; Ic, siai-' to public gardens." his partner Torn Harris, have com- Quebec asked he Society to create Wally Gilbert of Elma, whose PIG- ' / _ :- s' My, 't l " 'N ' One year later witha donation fiom the "d V V , ' ti - . i ' . . a 'ke I' '1' Denny estate pennies from the "Gilbert _ l , ' " . . a N I gli' rd a collection" were planted at the Oshawa ' fl " . , = r', :3.“ ' , ‘6 Valley Botanical Gardens, where a peony . _ ,- q H. tg " , i i' festival is heldannually, . . , " ' ' ‘ The Oshawa Valley Botanical Gardens Wa rkworth to Mida I I I - l . . ‘ it Peony Garden has since been renamed the y we come I . l , ‘ Michael and Judi Denny Peony Garden. I fr . . F, _ I "We've sent collections of peonies SEEP e om Sister town in New Zealand 'slryrtheirmmmransivegatdensasabaadroptitrthivuto,rornor. ',1ge,s,fgtitcilpu" We every- 1: 2 . t - r, - dsleft and 1lermisliehhanitofSdiattlltttuse tiardens,dis in theirwin- , ' . ' , 8tSue0irkens t, {1521 /d u.. "s"st"eei2fyy-l-f5tet. 'due, alngswitharmdr8irdpeimrhrrbest'o t'la's'1't1riC1l/lll,',Cl'l7sl'll" haggli‘slbmpafrtilli (g,ty, 'ti,tge/et News - Warkworth -'The fiag of New _ '"""'"""N, “Sim aad betthttrty petmratthe attadio Amay we†'lmein sale held by the Show. Zealund will be flying at the War Me- UinrtipegA%tw.Suelrdens "We donate mats and that's how we mono! m Warkworth, as the community III; -""'-e----- sion for pennies is being continued by others. help fund raise for the Society," he ex- ct.ilebra.tes.a visit by a couple from the "Juli started talking about pennies and that's howl got intro- plained. village's sister town of Warkworth, New duced tothe Canadian Peony Society," Harris explained. And the Gilbert collection lives on in ZealandJim and Jenni McGlashan, who Michael Denny was instrumental in starting the Society about their expansive gardens where they have will be touring the area from July 28th to _ I 20 years ago, . more lhan 250 varieties ofpeonies. July 31st, will be welcomed officially by [ . _ C _ Until that time "everyone used to go 'to the one in the IU.," The Canadian Peony Society will Trent Hills Mayor Hector MacMillan and l ' , = noted Harris. continue to honour the memory and con- local councillors at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, 1 i T' . ' ‘ Befiorelknrtydied hetold his wifelo givehis Early Birdpew tributions of Michael Denny for years to July 29 in downtown Warkwurth. l Il in _ , , nies to Harris to cultivate. come. ' The McGlashans operated a marina in ‘I yft ., c. , "The Early Birdwasone of Michael's favourites. We planted The Denny Trophy will be displayed picturesque Bay Of Islands on the North r I I." /r's . ' I it and it bloomed on May M," he said. at Schoolhouse Gardens until next year's island of New Zealand and recently i , (fe,,-; I Cutting two blooms and keeping them in the fridge and later show when "we hope to bring it home moved to Warkworth, New Zealand, They ' l ' ' *tzgar 'rt _ _ on ice until itwas time to go to the show, Harris took one to the again," said Harris. have been touring North America for the ' natkmaeompetition tory .- ' _ . '" 1m _ ' past three months. ' ' whileGebhardttook _ if As dl l, tk Jf "sr,ri, kr I ' Bill Osmond was made aware of the 'm one to the regional E Wr My, $5 ;lr'j7Ҥnlirim up. couple’s trip here by Dave Parker, their 'ss show, because Ixoth "33 , V,' F F) , counterpart and contact in Warkworth, r t were Ming held at ' L, I L"") New Zealand. \COVERT G Willi G W the Sametime = ' V“ ’ " = w, "We are an unofficial mu of 0 le _ ', eorge am .. eorge F Gebhardt's it I. I MBIS r', L _ who helped to arrange tie tinvinni’:gpof Seven m 13's, fli2.tlr 1ael1t',ag',et, at A bloom won best in T2 " IE I _ " Warkworth, Ontario and Warkwonh, New as?) on Us, 26t ' 20.14 wit IS long li,r,r,2 _ class and Ham's's 7 . ï¬t?" “it: " . . panlon Barb Davis and other family , H... rn in; Zdaland about 10 years ago, said Bill l members at his side. Husband of the Intel" won the Denny Tro- ' . Osmond. . ' l Margaret (nee Duffield). Loving father to phy. . "Dave is a keen proponent of bringing l sons Bruce (Danica). Scott (Peggy), Lee, in fact Gebhasdt = » limb-mi?" » together the four known Warkworths in ) and daughter Melanie (Pain). Pro-deceased brought home a . . ' _ "ttNI . - UK,Austmlia, NewZeaiand andCanada," by sons Brian and Barry (Sheila). "Popper" total of 19 ribbons ', , ' , he added. will be sadiy missed by grandchildren Ryan, from Oshawa and - N ll TaT "The public is inviteiitowelcome Jim Jordan, Mtep: 2itgr,t,: Mackenzie PM V’ Ham's won 18 at Itl ' and Jenni to our village." is,',"") '2,'e,'hit', 1girns Em" and ’15:.‘19 the national show in This is the Early Bird peony which won the Denny Trophy fertile best hybrid penny in the rountry, . 1l(rl"l i',', t1',T,rli','l,1'; tfl"tuti11 FdiE Winnipeg. 1eh1thtgasptesentedtotio hanisotsdoilhttate hniertithrhttrrth.frhotw.sne Dir-Item many years George was a real estate and we; _. --eeee. --- general insurance broker. He then took a ' position at General Foods in Cobourg from 5? which he retired after many years of ta." service. He was most proud of his times] there " Union President of Local 1230. V Friends 7 are invited to call at the \ MaGCOUBHEY FUNERAL HOME, 11 King Its St., W., Colborne on Thursday, July 31st l from TB pm. A memorial service will be Y, hold in MacCoubrey Funeral Home on E Friday, August Ist, 2014 at 11 am. tr Interment in Castleton Cemetery. ll desired n' donations, may be made to the Alzheimer} Society or Castleton Cemetery. George's family would like to thank all the doctors. nurses and staff at the Northumberland Hills Hospital for all their care and compassion over the years. Condolences received at _ wwwMaoCoubreyoom.