rat I n c O'R- c/ ' Cell e I] g WWWW 7° ssrjp/ ' . _ W“ C we ' IR, 3rtts2)tttPi, "tr., '\-, r "c, F rr,,ta, hv'. it _ , f/ a ' ;///y . "m _ :r\ FtN'I lu- I,', :r 'r,r, g .\l.-‘: ‘l ll" / / "C>fe , Ia7tl , - 2:: 2c'sii?ritci" Q' "C"si'st , "lit, " “@354 iiii)iiitltili(i. "'17 'lr: 2’. - . M' qiMSS, QM]: r m _r _ 'sh" a“ s ahtt.9 i. _ "H j ofst"it _ . - j f e». " Mbi, Tlrti't, Ml8fE'ti7sl,k(s")'i. ml, Etkiiri.? iii r"" 22> 'i-gat _ . a rt,i'e8iPfil111r,,. l:. 'fi8 git'i'/ia' , T r I? _ = .1C7e/crspa' v, ' - IC,,, F. r h i 7 F I ilEi3iii 'IR Fl i'iPN'8N " ' EFF"c, - (ti,". I .." .. MI' "' t F ug" IM H r" 't .1 Mt .1; " "vi'()iis't?t,N , L-" _ F. ' "Vt!" F. I ' in...“ , B. MI ' " £21K“ " Mite " _ A "Vii-ff EE, {I "r"':' ' . " r','-, I' . a " he Bi $3 i? "332‘s?“- - MI Ct.'" CC-N, Tr . er»: IN tua-dat il ©% .. . ' . M EN lil " - r, "b, . '" LE 'llrsifi" "tcsc-Q 'LG' "sr"d tE 4ei"iat3(ig?is"i"rri/ ";iii,.' - J F25B Tr r» - ',", , - i r ii , , w, . '25, Let“. LI - , 1lll 'r'ai,-ts EBlI . , _ T _ T “if? ic l , _ " tili6ltt' k 1 ' " 3:25 ci" lu), i f , I L ’9 r5 ":T, . 1 , - n - a.“ , my. .3 , . 1. e Ft),), , ". " , _ i, it it "Bit' _ _ _ //Jr)r-,Tritk , [ F ta 'il, LTre1 I rt/ 35“ '!iYu'l" ‘ ' _ . . ter": - r r .9 " g ,' 4a - YI 31;; . _ A ' "ei TI V ', P 'f ', a, _r1MMi e .0 " hl " /i, 2:: , A , "s ~- C m i l . Am '2EtrcLiCc.iet.)g,,1 W' ' _. T , The sun shone on pow wow participants Saturday as they celebrated their culture. _ _ ' mrrrwrrvumoiieddm' mull ,,__ E -__ _ â€"â€" _-------" 5 Work of Toronto artists will be featured In festival i'iiiC'i, E V WWW - T Mews and a few others I have lo they would like to take part. s' i l News-war*wurth-Artistsfirrm cimfinn." Mostoftlternreadilyagreedand i an'onto will display their work at Theexhibitswill be available for since then she's beendol'ng site vis- i various WmonMain Streetfor viewing Wednesday through Stat. itswith the artists. " 16dtyslngirmirgnextmorgh. day fum ll am. to 5 pm. opening "All had been unaware ofWark- , 2 The contemporary arts festival, dayAugust23, however, will begin worth prior to these site visits and 's) c,, T which will hm from August 23 to at3 p.m.aMamtinue until 10pm, were blown away by the village," '0 RHTWAEE. James Harald "lrar. -Feacetlillr R 35113an T, is being organized as“there willtxspmjectioisandwe she said. “Everybody I take up at me r),i,t,riij,ige,taghs"tiilutsl"ll :5 '. by Sunday Drive Art Projects, a necdittobedark,"l'hompson said there immediatelyfisltsinlove with _ _ mMarg " 11egtlgli'l'l' ot tle late ' ' 1otdliptxtditotatiatiotrSixdin The artists'worls are "mae ex- Wat'kwotth, so I feel like ies work- A 15dnyét'triar me Reed), Loving new . :s)e 'l’nrdftm._ - perUtial" which make them 'Nay ing already." cmml Beaudry (Rene), Melissa HmwadUE 'i, C'yhit1r'rttyiigtoaisering interesting.†Ustyearstmihsy DriveAstPmj- [ s) 'ill-rl/Ill)", Reina (i1ltttigtti1.,t "te, l a.ttifkekimioruthymsimi Although "new and different," eels applied for a $150,000 grant i h and the firte We l." N ., k l . , ' " , . . . ' . l ufather th Ellen, Krlslaln. She all Q thing that amtt'tmrmylly exhib- they re "just an expanslon of the from the Ontano Trillium Fuumhe l 1 am a Klara Jemima great ranulatllerol l , Miriam tinn’snot really activity going on day to day" in tiot1totmnsformalaasl garageirlto t b Kylie? Giiiiif remembered it WWW ' A asrmrtrayyueioiratosian Wakmmt adesigpatedarts com- a gallery and to rmdenlvrite pro' , [ Lillian Bailey. 1i,t,,1iirgtl"i'h1e1ii11glttgliiil, , A _ ongoing bans,†said Ihohsy Drive nullity. gtmtmingbutwasunsutscessM. , ' sisters Barbara, SEMI; “$3.53er Jack . M former Tat-lit: Thumpsnn. Th; '7heteisiatiamnityforaeative "Wesh'drhgetourhmdingwhich _ i U #M'fqï¬fiigtelaniiiynravesldeserv‘lce ' y MrFMmmheial work so it tends projects and St) well been: of was *"saptximtinglmtthe feedback ', l 'v'iii'iC'iai in (8ltm.re.0itr!! Cemetery. A 5' is tdhi,t',tg: of It to steer may them." . was we should carry on and do . i t ietgtt _i1dih'2iht12iil1111t, , a Pmt% or small manure; . Thompson said she warm to our ,?".R?yll11',r, and try agam so l 5 . 't11i'hulllt ii'ii'iGi'iirtiaGiiiiia/i.m i’ gr units, and lean maretaward an itttnaUe Tomato muss lathe-arts than what we we dune, Thtmqw l l pd to the Canadian Cancer Society. 3 u WWW. land of irtetauitrrex- community in Warkworth because son said. "We were well supported l, 4 Eminence received at N k Mather than somethingyou I,t,t5t2eiti,r undmere peo- and did - to get funding for i WmhMai0usbreysum. . 1etailihxmhtse" - peshuul Imaw' abrmt itotxiO this ied'-t46po--aad will I ---- ' Kl] . So far. six 1oeatiunrhtvt been native people." y 'ltio','rl',ot', operate this way "until lined up mehompsnn'hopm that SrmaIprxshidanistswlirtmve wecantAearm1hereraokattinding willexpmdtoas manyasnine. been active in Toronto for 20 years pemurmornca" _ “Sartre of than are vacant and or mere, "as well as some newer, Tb learn mom about Sunday sorneoflhem unjust mused," she younger ones [who] are doing re- Drive Art Projects, visit <www. and. "We have storefronts at the ally Interestmgthmgsunnlred it sundity6ivtutgr, "A l y