, --, E? '.h, :1, it? til 1. A I WlLDLIFE: ISO-pound cat was at large for several days 1412/ W' ’6}? 2 V P 25/ it I l "r , 31.4243 i ' , C. in glimm IW?) 1r‘4:""il'1 I' ILe, - " b',':), n . " BE [sc) 'ri-le, M1. _ (2 i :34 r “ a 1 I , (il'; r "w, " . r r r _11 /1 C, LS? . 1 317131! l l " 3;â€; new: 'ity - '13" J 'd') Northumberland Today , l 'l r 1 i It . Fd l ll, l', " l P. _ L , j 'il I , 1' i', GliAFTON '.' It was ahappy 3 tlf r _ K J 1 'r ending on Friday evening for ' 1 , " _ _ _. d both a cougar on the loose east of "'/ " " ' /,c': Cobourg and the residents who 1 _ " ‘ , r ‘1 livenearby. " ‘ l, - , . 1'1 (i The ISO-pound cougar that had 'rl 321115511; , Scsi, s,',, _1 , 1,? "f" ( been spotted numerous times in ' w j 111;: 1 1 'iit;ti,i,i,tttttiis1 .r the area ofCralnberry et: Road, _1 _ 7 f“ "A“ '1. ' T “J ' 'T", ""1“ 'i':" " 1 approximate y one i ometre ' l I " I (liilli,li.it' rii',isii'iti!)lf3i!)"t',i'li'"- :11 north ofHighway 401 in Grafton - 1 . r N l ;f.§,35‘i'm (fi/r) I,", c, ‘ .1 since the beginning ofthe week - r - - ' " ‘ 1- 111,2.3'3, 41:11:? ? .t" 1 if. _. is" was capturedinabeartrap Friday l 7 r _ _ - ' 1 . " 1 1 ' evening in the yard where it was . " r C ' f: 1 'l, - A __111 1 1 last spotted, in the yard of lean 1 . . ' s/rr/CC',";'.,, f: l. ' Wilson. ' _ . 1 . 1_ 1. - 1 ', 3 V ' 'is",' I _,'"; _ The cat had been spotted by Hu i» BY rr I I I rp) ay‘ng 1 family members roaming the "a - [ y . '= A" " 1 "l 1." . h' . z- _ :1 yard, restingunder the deckofthe m 1 ' ‘ . , -1 i' _ p' 11 1, '_," home, going through avegetable t iN f), - . i _ ', at Games1? garden and eventually settling in . " , . r "V",e r , 1 f, C , 1 . .'.c, _ 1 1 byashaded area ofthe backyard. _ . ‘ " _' _ ' fl . ' 1 , / 111 1 2 Ontario Provincial Police were 1 _ r ' :1: LN ‘ I - .1_'..‘ TI TCC" 131.1,. called and contained the area A I 1 . . , 135‘ 5 1 ' 1 M1 ' Ctr itfr" ' where the cougar was resting , "t . , i t {1' ' a I = _ l IC,' LII, an» _ ' waiting fur Ministry ofNarural l , A I "r Jfs N “I 1 ' “1.1;";1.‘ , "- Resources ufficialsto arrive. , , 1 - r _ F, hf" _ , ‘ 1 in . TJ. IIB, - 1 Police stayed at the scene with L'! , 1 .. Ji ' ‘ l . I - E ME IEEN l long guns in case the cougar ‘2- - . " ' ‘ ' Ri'; 3%., 'll , T I " 1 1 made an aggressive move, but it ' ‘ _ ' . '. 1 1â€â€ C iiGr. ' ' M RF, ' - _ appeared to just be taking in all ' ‘ "c,',-' 1i Mil I' " " 1_ theactionaround the area. r _ 1 I ' "m... V ' i%lil t l! 1 _ _ ' _ "i, _ , Duringthe time,Wilson's hur 1 . . " ‘ g .1 , " _ _,?"', crci tg , , ConstableMarc band even went out in the after. 1 1 rr 1%,; ' Eli, q " 1_ ' »- l tlik','; Mlil r Bellamarre is 'lcd m picksume peas from the Itlgtiit Ea. rr - , ' s , " = _ T 'ii':,")';,'):")") 1.: ' ‘ "-cr' _ ' ' V . _ en. . 1 ‘ - .. ' . , " " w. ' Him, . "d I _ tir!iistsr1tipti!l1t_ Ministry of Natural Resources 1' l I Illllllhi', Tr _ - "i' 'u.' ' I Width“: , (roMutg Pollce In arrived in the early Thursday , 11 _ , d- " __ , 11 " , l 111-7 70151:}? ‘ . e . Fs _ V ' . evening with a bear tra .lt was . ') i, ( b; " _ ' ' '11, . 1 _ 1 . Lr, tsi 13:11". I _tiot.ytt..i!lilioiv' A2 the fimttime ministry "Jk'21 can , :' 3 ii," i! ' s54'j'iir '", t f-.' 3-54'5131 A , 1i's' , n34; L i" ' 5".“ ’ - - . _ '. _. recall usingabear trap foracou- ' 15 T _ 5-7431" - r - . ESO' Fit 1,1,11,11,13 _ ', C 11;:‘711: u; Mr. ' I - ' gat _ 1 "' s'. 1, y '. l gra' ?alaiLL l no 'rat 1 11 _rrer._ 1 _ Irwas set up m the backyard 1" " ' ' _ , J "I...†TeV . s" ‘ 1 _ . - 1 complete with a t-bone steak 1 F I -, tc, 1, - J f ï¬ï¬f“““l‘ a l _ ‘1". T. . and a raw chicken, it was a wait- . - , we" 1 $1 ' if: it 1 n me news and-see gametolearnifthe COU- i ', r . . ' ‘ M ' ' Ti b' C? (s 1: , 3 1 . - so gar would take the bait and the 'l "in†', '-tllijit C ( , Mi "ty. 1 1 I metal door would close, trapping . -q..eq. _ 1 l, _ Air,. ' 1 _ _ K, he... . 1 the cat. DAVID “WWW ‘ tht k' ue'stion' Nothing happened through A cougar that had been spotted in the Cranberry Lake Road area north of Grafton for several days last week sits in a bear trap set by the i IS we s q . Thursday evening and Friday Ministry of Natural Resources Friday. See more photos on Page Bl, . 41 - 1 Did you watch any a number of people visited the A), M t-/1 iiHbiML GHQ Tiht? y (NLY I9 I q . of the World Cup' home, including OPP members, Ministry of Natural Resources The cat wasn't spotted all day, the animal. and immediatelycarne to pickup Wilson said the cougar was occer coverage?. officials and two members ofthe even when 200 officials along "The catwasatoundthis evening the cage and animal. banging around in the cage for a Riverview Park andZoo in Peter- with an armed ministry official and it eventually wandered down "We stayed away from the trap while, trying to.get out, but when _ an}? borough. searched area barns for any sign to the trap and, of course, I imag- and let the cat stay as calm as pos- officials removed the catfrom the , My: l', . B, _ This time, MNR orficials came uit, ine itwas hungry and went in after sible," Wilson said. propertyitseemedto have calmed 3 ;. J '.E _ prepared withatranquilizer gun It was around 8:30 pm. on themeat and thetrap camedown," "it must have been around down. " a il ' - I " E in case the cougar didn't end up Friday evening when Wilson and Wilson said late Friday night. somewhere. We heard the bang /l To . . _ " , ig gun voluntarily going in the trap. others at the residence spotted Ministry officials were notified and the trap was down." See WILDlIFE l Page l?