first chosen, but last wasn't like- _ it's still a miracle from my boy babies dying at the time a second. And it's said you " ly as often as one is prone to point of view, though clear- of Moses and then of Jesus in daily think about 50 000 dif- ' _ "T2'nth " 1y not my womb mates, that I basicallyh a [“13“ of fthelsame ferent thoughts. when, you flex [i, , Dam bunder world on lt//eo.0k2it1ctkha, lotfgn my actually clam; "I walk this ivy: Is‘ltory. J',Ve “13f; fa eader your hand you use 70 different a _ United Church . ng l e, u e a 1"' some east ' o l you ever t in as see e f l y many, muscles And there are as many a " minister in Grahcm nuns have tended to fade, while you d like to win the lottery over the deaths of al those little boys bacteria on thrrsurface of your 'i', ',. M and Comm†even ifgeflspictive a: nmihzs otherls, 2ll Lnlght asdeell know mull their lives still ahead of body as there are people on the 5: _ remove e urts, use ‘n s you a tea y ave, an ig time, em. ' surface of the e . . F, of events can come as quickly Who survives a serious car it's wonderful we can take for want to know thafrdijdnytoylogd E The greatest to mind. In spite of all that, the accident without appreciating granted the 1py/titudiyt"e mir- The mystery of your birth, the (i positive side of the emotional the fluke that you “lived, while acles even within our bodies: mystery of the love you feel, the E f ll ledger still seems more promi- so many others die in what may lread recently that when mid.. mystery of the deepest part of E mÂ¥5terl o a nent. appear less serious accidents? die C is struck on the piano, the you are all most improbable ptrt, #436 859111! Indeed it is humblingto think There's a parallel vein, in piston of bones in your inner What a miraculous incredible _ 'iid",',','-', 2g,fdt' as: T, 15:15:23:le air-121$“? the party line of all those little ear vibrates exactly 256 times contingency you andlare. e mirac es . ent x f", Y 1 er- ---" ifsâ€"â€7,. ta ke for ranted mg one. Y) exist perhaps only I aNMf'TMV LEVELS: Film Willbe centrepiece at event g by fluke because one of my . =ard7e7 MP great-great-granctfathers out of A; 05 M W145i aâ€; 7 y th/F Why was I the one who was lots of possibilities even then, born? took a fancy to one of my great- u rc eve n 0 S a Isn'titincredible thatlam here great-grandmothers, and out of at all, quite apart from enjoying all the thousands of possibilities I so many worthwhile exppriem> of sperm-egg connections, Twas _ ' . _ es and rubbing shoulders with the one that accidentally took. fl C ty I I l ca S a ro u n US so many wonderful fellow pil- Which means that because I was grims on thisjourney called life? burn, I was born instead of any ' . Yet somehow a negative event one of a few thousand of POSSl- GEDILlA “SMITH atSt. Andrew's (located at 137 Old It's a special event of interest earliest Stuck more mdellblr in ble Slbllnss Who didn t make the Narthgmberlargi Today Danforth M. in Grafton). Refresh- to anyone concerned about the one s brain. I have these pro- cut to live their dreams. _ merits and discussionwillfollow. chemicals around us, and every- _ verbial memories from going to And had my mother not had a GRAFTON -. The chemicals Also on hand will be anumb of oneis welcome our one-room Plainville school miscarriage a few months before in our bodies, how they got there vendors offering alternativeprod- Admission is a donation for the _ where the chip truck now is, of I made my presence known, I and what can be done about it ucts, including Northumberland Fare Share foodbanks. being the last chosen fur base, would not have been born, had is the subject of a May 10 event Soapworks (natural soaps), Pure For mureinformatiott, call 905- ball teams, Or atleast, I have this that sibling lived, So whether hosted ly?e St'Andmws United Joy Herbal creations We?†349-3766. imagination that says it might it's survival of the fittest in the Church United fhyrch.Wymt.ty salves, lip balm) and What s In 4kV ' . have happened; it possibly did womb or destiny or fluke the Unacceptable bevelsrs a film stare (alocal companythat deals cent| and I can't 'm . b ' . i [ll , by Ed Brown, which will be the in health alternatives for personal - 1 agine ever eing lury s stt Ll centrepiece of the 1:30 pm. event care and household cleaning). twlter,cam/NTpasinith I CRAMAHE TOWNSHIP _ ' ' a) it: 1: S , r'ii.#.r,a, 'is"i'iirii:'ri1 Consultant looks at sewer needs tl f,,'.v",o',piii'/lit'riiiio ‘5 H = a . . f, ij,'ii'?i,'ii.'.rati'siiih',':i'i' P04714509!†tattbegg.rar TDD H67 y/yr RD Ji E IG; ' T,; an“? _,iyr,'ls. .3 ad ri,,d'lr,'e2lo,s, _ .. Studios at a cost of _ million. a a 2 5g .5 3% S 3 3 E Jw y _ C "ts, But Bonner cited cnvrronmen- CD X C' E i "i'," a p, v,'; .5 c: t,':a,s1's, I', CRAMAHE TOWNSHIP _ if i er ' tal concerns, and the approval _ (I) {273“ Is,', gig" C' a E iij'j "J. , 8 Cramahe is to develo its indus- is}?! a l process wouldbe complex. It, Its' m ii'8 d i; 5 ii iri,a,?,Hr-'ie, trial ark inf t p will t. J too, would provide some growth ' o E. Q in 0:3 0.2% g a S b Ill , ms Incline costs .1 _ \ potential but not a lot. Land I i5i2ii as g E 815:5 B 37"; Mg 1t1yi, d _ ‘51.? _ . would have to be acquired and A 5L3: also 53' 3 aâ€; g; th a appears who one of . g .. consiructionwould be difficult. I CD S 1: a. _g fc', ES 5-53 g 0 T emessages given to Cramahe a _ " ", T The approach preferred by L - ownshlp Council by D, 1fn.vllls , ' . l Ed Wills would use Eight Street as , . b, E, SE "i' fd E * "i', r.“ if w', grandam Bruce Bonner at its May g Tf' Eâ€? - the connection linkto the exist- CLI .8. E E": m g ,t'iit,' ii E g,†meeting. D. M. Wills was asked , I / q " . . ing sewage system, All of the , U, sl' a g E 5 gig at 5' o by evaluatethe Options ! I ' I so ' industrial park would be serv- = a E Edi. T) G E g Ti g to 5 LorprDVldmlg standard sewers to L' , _ , iced by the line, but the small E g sch-u 1: g E E E g E 611185565 m .the Industrial park ,, Illia' - ' bore sewers would still service a a) g g. /d p. 2 .5. 3 a an a, m which lies adjacent to Highway " few properties on Percy Street, It cr-.' g "d 8 td g E53 g- g a 40%;. "and th f ki, would requireypumyings,t,atiT . E? 9 ',%"r'i'ici'd/) i?, 3-122 l", u, b three-inych ey Tite/lee andaforcc me.i.nrarylwould. cost il s. “Lg-e ' a: g: g '33 y hi h "P ore saw about $_2.4 million. The environ- N d: GHi E g E " Eco; Cf, ty 2: ersw IC are prowngto beinad- MarcCoombs mental impactwould be limited, no E 'iii' 2 2%. w, " a, st 'dr, equate for current and future there would be optimum growth as E a E 3 g â€2g a. S 3 nee s as they restrict sewage Bonner gave the Township four and minimum effect on traffic g. m = o >, a w o a ti t a, flow. Standard sewers are a mini- options and some ofthe conse- as Elgin St. is not well travelled. 2tm, - H u u: a, M :1 g E S mum of tight inches in diameter. quences. _ On the down side, it might delay -F-' TV ' if"! ty m o ' Bonner says that the small The first was to do nothing. planned upgrades ofthe road l - , a. .9. T4 E E = a a g borers not good for industry; it That will leave the Township with surface on Park Street, % E k a E g g D' S o E E tl,', air {estricts flow. It is the weakest ' high maintenance costs for the To help council with its Com- a = Q g a g a E E g p. m a 5 ink in the system now that the smallbore sewers. There wtlllbe parisons, Bonner matched the g = It 3 3 g o 3 ..'-:,) 8 ipC E township has an expanded treat- no construction costs if nothing costs with the potential increase Clt E Q :5 O: : 'd;t?.,8 N E p, g, mentplant. is done,andno .relei.ncesw.ert in serviced land,The increase of ._.. a E Fs sas. p, a, g S g g a S' lance, but it will result m limited 112 acres in Option 2 would cost g ll F, m F.,' ll; 33% 3 g a 'f growthpotentlal. ' $22,000 per acre. In Option?) the a: E E a g a E li,' q E a 'o" tp The second choice was to fol- cost for: the increase of57 acres Pa: g g u u g g E 50 "ii/ii low the same path as the small wouldhe$40,000 peracre. Option at CD de .3: fi 5:: E - Q 3,5 E bore sewysyryier Percy Street 4Would open up 200 acreswith a t: e an 'syecr-i',. on g " m E and into the industrialparkThat custofs12,000 per acre. I CD U E g g E E 2 E l i: will cost an estimated $2.5 mil- The next step iicuunci; decides ' D a ir a: 12 E , lion, This route will nut enhance to move the cbncept closer to growth potential significantly and reality, is to initiate a Munici- might face approval problems as pal Class Environmental Assess- It would requireltearing up the i ment. After that, a design would 33:51-33: which is less than two gegreaied at a cost of$50,000 to l The line in o no I 1000. Mayor Marc Coombs >Q _ P n 3 would be cautioned that the sewers will "s; buried east ofSunnyside Markets not be built without rovincial J and run between it and Hoselton and federal money p