‘l 3 2 oo d o oo en en sn aniac, > Ap e +4 n :t Operations Director recommends new approach to roads Page 1 of 1 Operations Director recommends new approach to roads & § | Written by Bob Owen | Saturday, 06 April 2013 00:58 | Cramahe Township Operations Director Dan O‘Brien recommended at the first | Cramahe Township budget meeting on April 6 that council take a different | approach to roads construction. In the past, council has approved road work | and it has been done by staff, sometimes at the expense of maintenance. His | scheduling has been further complicated when weather interrupted ‘ construction. | This year Mr. O‘Brien suggested that the township hire out its road construction | and keep the roads crews doing the ongoing maintenance work. I | By dipping into reserves and gas tax revenues, the director has assembled a | more extensive road repair budget which will cost the taxpayers only $200,000 | directly. That‘s the same amount as budgetted last year. Mr. O‘Brien hopes to see $850,000 in road work done this year. If the budget is passed as presented on April 6 the township will finish Durham Street ($35,000) and Pipeline Road ($55,000) and rehabilitate Cowie Road ($60,000) and Haynes Road ($100,000). Also rehabbed will be Hunt Road ($155,000), Beach Road ($185,000) and Barnes Road from Beach to County Rd. 2. Industrial Park Road ($125,000) will be completed under another budget. Mr. O‘Brien explained to council that Hunt Rd. had to be added to the list this year due to heavy traffic which has resulted from the closing of the Barnes Rd. bridge. Repairs on Hunt Rd. will be extensive and it will have a fabric liner placed under it similar to the one under Cowie Rd.. The OPP, Emergency Services and bus companies have all documented their concerns about Hunt Rd.. Cramahe Council meets again on Monday, April 8 as it continues to discuss the 2013 budget. Last Updated on Saturday, 06 April 2013 O1:17 http://www.cramaheâ€"now.com/index.php?viewâ€"article&catid=1 ‘latestâ€"news&id=3598:ope... 4/10/2013 : o