Church has a name Page 1 of 1 Church has a name & Written by Bob Owen â€" Sunday, 24 February 2013 22:45 Late last fall the congregations of Colborne United Church, Eden United Church and Salem United Church voted to become one congregation. With the Prebystery‘s approval, the amalgamation became official on January 1, 2013, and the combined congregation has entered on a path to bring them together in more than name. And it was the name of the congregation which was approved on Sunday, February 24 in a congregational meeting held after the Sunday service at Salem. The name of the new congregation will be Heritage United Church. The name was f chosen over Colborne Community United and other suggestions made verbally and in the balloting. It was also agreed at the Feb. 24 meeting that current funds from each of the former churches be pooled. R The congregation will meet in the Salem building in March. £ A needs assessment is currently being done. It is expected the needs committee, f made up of representatives of the three former churches, will recommend which building will continue to be supported by the congregation. The decision will not be an easy one. Colborne United Church is central but the most expensive to maintain. Eden appears to have the most money in the bank but would be more difficult to reach in winter and is heated by wood â€" a problem for some with allergies. Salem is not as central as Colborne, but has a very active congregation. * Also to be decided will be ministerial needs. Currently the Rev. Anja Guignion g= serves the congregation in a fullâ€"time capacity and has been very active in church 7 and community life. The needs committee may decide there is need for only a partâ€"time minister. If so, the position could be offered to Rev. Guignion or opened j to others. It is our understanding that she has not been asked to stay or been § given her notice. That may await the recommendation of the needs committee and a meeting of the congregation. % Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 22:53 http'.//www.cramahe«‘php?vie“:arlicle&catid=1:laiest-news&id=3497:chur... 3/2/2013 ? 4 ; 3e iD