uahe to designate Trinity Church Page 2 of 3 s Vfb‘*‘}“:: _H- li h: a l on . . WB T l [ m O 5 â€" 0| C PS 7 ..:'3.'“"' ¢ x ~Ularlk < 4 â€" 4 7 s f“% “;H SE i( aA# % ts s3 rs rc t VC PAAd 1 _: "I should mention that the prayer rail has already been removed from the church," Ms. Urquhart said. If the designation is completed it will have to be returned. After the notice is given, there is a 30â€"day period to receive objections. Following that time period, council can proceed with a bylaw to have the building designated. "This act of designation is a local act. That is important to smaller communities," Ms. Urquhart said. Typically, council takes recommendations from the Heritage Cramahe committee which prepares documents and recommends action. However, Heritage Committee member Roseanne Quinn pointed out, "You have the authority to do it. We advise you. In this case, if you want us to advise you, we would. If you do (designate, we would do the paperwork for you." Under a direction of closure by Bishop Linda Nicholls of the Anglican Toronto Diocese, a deâ€"consecration service is scheduled for Trinity Anglican Church 3 p.m. June 12 "After that, the church, its contents, and its trust funds will all belong to the Toronto Diocese to do with what they will, unless certain steps outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Culture for designation of the property under the Ontario Heritage Act are taken by our local municipal council," Urquhart said. "This church has stood in continuous use for over 160 years, and it continues to stand as a symbol of the integrity and the industry of the agricultural world that built it, maintained it, worshipped in it and, in the case of the people who were not members, patronized its fundraising and social events," Ms. Urquhart 6/13/2012