f2 ..oen‘s Institute meets in Castleton Page 2 0 os B ~uf (a. P#i & sol 2 _______ e Guest speaker Andrea Velineff of the Ontario Pork Council, recalled having attended a Grade 8 dance in the Castleton Hall. Now, a University of Guelph graduate and nutritionist, she noted the "Back to Basics" trend for food. That‘s a good thing, she said, given oneâ€"quarter of Canadians get over 35% of their calories from fat. Oneâ€"fifth of calories are derived from foods other than the four Canadian food basics of fruit, vegetables, grains and dairy. It is recommended adults have at least five servings from the basic four food groups daily for a healthy diet â€" only 50% of Canadians are doing so. 8 â€" .e | P =. 3£%* ~ ] v,) ks "‘ ;;‘ % Ts ~@ . LE y stt\ |||||. 195 4 ï¬â€œ is Nt +€. 34 ol s C. 03. 1 e / T TE WO 4p0A vel > [ï¬: al MSANO Ap : Je ~*l L. W / n se . /C e ty Moa&pL.+ P â€"=> Ms. Vellneff emphasizes simple recipes to maximize taste. "Go to farmer‘s markets," she urged. And, teaching children how to prepare meals can pay big dividends not only in terms of health but also socially. The gathering elected Mary Shortt as new district president; Colleen Stickle is past president; Kathy Tend, treasurer; Shawn French, public relations officer, Mary Whittaker, R.O.S.E.; June Peppy, Tweedsmuir rep; and secretary Bernie Rosebush. Last Updated on Monday, 04 June 2012 17:50 “ http://www.cramaheâ€"now.com/index.php?viewâ€"article&catid=1 :latestâ€"news&id=2777:wo... 6/13/2012