. l, ft was silt . ' . he ceremonial shove er 2 - Colborne's 150th War/m . ' her Brown, still hadt handle. 2r . wife of former colbome [tteg/ec,': fanning out from the wrooden - Bud shakers behirid the establishment â€the first bank plated with three small go p t area The Keelers' son. Tom, had amid: Young Joe was one of the driving forces behind the branch in Colborne. the Bank ofTuront0, In 1856. . h Octavia moved to the Toron o 'iiiiriiltratar of the estate. Octavia _ formation of the Northurnherland Agricultural Society. Early . . d his After her husband 5 deaf ho er, their son-in-law, became a di d in 1899, she left her remaining in the 18405. he began construction of the home intended In 1861. upon completion ofthIe mansaon, he move the moved to Brighton and John in; and son-in-law. When she re K eler . . to serve as his family's monument. Kelwood. at the top of family into Kelwood, where they lived rnIIavrsh style or outlived her husband: son, dang iiirghter-in-law, Blanche Boyer e . the hill from which old Joe first surveyed the territory back next 20 years. as hefitted the area's leading family. holdings in Northumberland to her . ' . ' _ - _ - _ Coiborne and Cramahe Township, m 17891115 architectural marvel a15 room, two storey _ ' d of the Keeler era in d h . k mansion in which both floors opened onto an octagonal Keeler is listed as the builder of the 1872 thtee-smrey The passing of Little Joe marked the er;j ship role, it should be remembere f at It too more atrium type of central hall -totyk 20 years to complete. Keeler Block (thethird storey was later removed) on the Although Keelers are revered for their led er Joseph A, Keeler did not live to see its completion, and north corner ofVictoria Square and King Street East. than one family to build these cvmmunmes, Kielwood was destroyed by fire in 191 1 ' Many pictures _ _ _ P? amiserved as editor ofthe Ohome (Jimmy ' survive of its ruins, which became a popular spot for local The following year. the block next to it was also built, by [if err/if rpris iived //7 Cohome from IT": dation, a History ofthe Township Momma“ picnickers in the early 20th century. Keeler to serve as a public half (second-storey level) with f $97991; m5. fs meauz/ygrafHUW/r/W a /2y'/7 , ( . I fete my; taken. commercial establishments at street level. - WWW, Mira/borne from which the information m t 15,5 Joseph A. Keeler, died in 1855, aged 67. Nancy died _ Me r, ‘39 ’ three years later, at age 68.They are both buried in Lakeport Around 1874. he became the owner of an 84-foot . I Cemetery. near their daughters Anne and Eliza and theirson schooner he named Octavia, docked, naturally, at Keeler's M a O r S r, ty Joseph, who was known as Little loe. Wharf at Lakeport. Some sources report that he had a fleet y of schooners. . ahe Council and staff, iwelcomeym Coiborne incorporated as a village, separate from As Mayor of Cramahe Township. and on behalf 3f all): Came celebrate our rich heritage and the Township of Cramahe, in 1859. By then, the railroad A Conservative, Joseph Keeler was elected Member to theVillage of Colborne‘s 150th Anniversary " e If:0 ears had came through (1856) and Colborne was a thriving of Parliament representing the riding of Northumberland community spirit that has fluurished for more than y . [ transportation hub, served by mad, rail, and water. Leading from lah-the year of Canada’s Confederation -tty ' _ t this area from i community citizens decided to name the village for Sir John 1373, and again in 1879 until his death in 1991 . He was (Gimme is indeed rich in heritage. Joseph Keefer was theIfirst t,tttt,rrdle, IZSlt lofcanring farms Colborne, a friend ol the Keeler family. a strong supporter of Canada's first Prime Minister. Sir Rutland, Vermont in 1757, He returned in 1793 within families w o . stron in tradition but also JohnA. Macdonald, and sided with him on the importance out of the forest. From then to today, Caleorne built itself as a community 9 The third generation of Keeler men to bear the name of building a railway across the prairies to lure British keeping with the influences of ever-changing modern times. Joseph was a mover and shaker like his father and Columbia into Confederation. _ . b . "grandfather. Little Joe (1822-allwas small in stature but Colbome is now the key urban area for cramaherownship. and is a key place to do usrness. large in energy, . MP Keeler fought for the creation of the Trent Canal Colborne's industrial park thrives with industries providing employment and business development System, particularly for the Murray Canal, which joins _ opportunities for the people of this area. Now the industrial park is set to expand once again along He and his family are listed among the first members -Weller's My to the Bay of Quinte at Carrying Place, about with the Village's commercial sector as we welcome a newTim Horton's this fall. of the congregation of Trinity Church, Colborne (est. 1846). 15 miles east of Colhome.At a time when road travel was ' The couple had two sons: Joseph andThomas Phillips, and still uncertain and very uncomfortabie. the watenrvays were Colborne alga offers a way of life with a relaxed pace. it provides many services, amenities and one daughter, Annie Sybilla, No further mention is made in the lastest and easiest way to move goods and people. The activities for everyone to eoioy. any records of the baby Joseph, who likely died in infancy. Murray Canal cut off miles of water travel and Eliminated Thomas married Blanche Elizabeth Boyer of Brighton and the need for the historic portage used by the First Nations There is much to celebrate in the Wlage of Colborne and we invite you to join in the 150th Annie married John Boyer. probably Blanche's brother. since time immernorial, anniversary celebrations from July 30 to August 2. Little Joe was the. owner of considerable property, and Joseph Keeler died in Ottawa Jan. 21 , 1881, before the Welcome and LET'S CELEBRATEI . in 1856 he established The Transcript, Colbome's first commencement ofwork on the canal. His widow. Octavia, newspaper, and served as its editorand publisher. He was wielded the ceremonial spade at the official sod-turning on Marc Coombs also a major in the local militia and one of the prime movers Aug, " 1582. Years later; Mrgranddaughtet Ruth Brown, Mayor, (remake Township V iii2gl2@2W' our Past 8! Looking to the Future" . All Pawz Inn - , . . . on ratulation T81', Ig '* M, " .4 .47 - g _ Pet Boarding & Training C Illllli'it, on 2 . "r;ir, .. ' 'I‘ . vs MMrBN an: - - . - ' t T " p7 u'--,? V e " - . , . - . i, '11 "'Cr1F'J'"iii2'" as -', 'r' 'dM,N so _ - , r1 , , - - 150Years i -2. 'tii/tJ)'. ' re. ij, .. . Lira;? a- a: IN iiEmRer, A, p l 905 355 3666 ': a...» i F _ 'eta, ' - _ - ", , [ _ " .. , 5:73:15 C, 5 I awz rm 426 Crandall Rd., Colbornc, ON _ . _ - . f- - .I _ ', l 5,7737 'lc,-"'"',?'?:"',-"--.,,',"?:--""-"'"-;,'.," W""." 'iia"iyT"'"ciTEri2Yetieir" $77; [as "F"'"'"""; _ " C'" . 3rd for; 'r'"h:agetM-"-'-'e'.mEt,is.Sr,-'; " ..~~. . - _ Come Celebrate with us- _ v if a? j): "'. *2 c. /;j,Wcttu, l _ _lj,'i'i'ii'ij),. .2? _ s,.' LU.. ..'; 'mr. _ 9 e,d5'lA, * I q .' . i 3%! _- kai-i; . 5 . it}: 3 '- _' . , _ Lil l o orne s t Irt ay an" "t 'l .. f'2': cria"r: a, _ _ , . , _ _ . “is. Egg; - L,': L, H d: h; . . . il Aug l & 2, 9am-5pm _- ‘I - .. _ - w...†a. ._ . I'"".""?"?,""."'."?.""' on; Mum: - . 'a". 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Open rl Days a Week - vt", till be dS 0 d . . . ale . . . woe by Military Family Hwy 4.01 Exit 497 (Big Apple Dr, Colborne) m V to - at" g e n Call - 24 hours Immediately SOUth on Left ‘..0 Conveniently located between exit 40'? d l . l 5 t _ , _ - 905 355 3715 ' www [IlmmlmliE corn tb .- " e nw.c‘.:2.?i“m "', " ' - . " .0. in .c. M It 1 tvMcssivsutd Pei Care!