2" - Mise we i... _ ". - . - . tr , A _ = , - - 8 WIT ‘55:?“ ' IAFIMIAI I 13%,. 1'3 i It . M=alliGG=lalti=iaiiaiEiqii B. C . is»; I 3 I I .)t'?7iti"ifiiii',)j!. ' VI_ :. .l iiaiii l . scr' _ -iaiett T ~ __ "wt' .7 .-ra..'_ s'"',-"'.-';-' -_ , / C' 'C, A8fSW'--, -- ___ " A. , T - re" t , YAC-, V T' ' .- ,,_ ï¬r, is -- _ '. I -7 a Eli. O orne it r I ", I,/7 I b . _‘__'- -", for he climbed the tallest tree to survey the lay otthe [itadiirviderttly ' lk' f Fr _ or' . -, f 33, _ J It,. 7 I liked what he saw and became a land agent, securing therequislre 40 ' . i I? f if . -» _ s; T, a ls/A, _ Americad families to move and settle here, In exchange, he was promised t I II.I _ I I‘ '., f' I MT -_ s i, I‘III i". k' [l a grantol1,200 acres. Jr".' 150th l 'E?,,".,', as J-'cTsra'l'i: "ttlla!, . ' .; t i {of A , ' - .lr q - The Keelers and their party arrived by boat in takepon in 1793.1he l i. a! L a , _" _ - , . . I , / lakeshore spotwlreretheylanded is marked witha mtrroument.Am:mg 7 3 7 .3- , ., _ Wf . ", - l, 3 . the Itnmdirmeiir'trrsts were families named Simmons Merriman, ' ' 'eh t! 'am Batrd a , '7 , . _ L F, . I Perry IRanlrin, Lyons, Strong. Weloster,Webh. laques, Herman, Scripture, 'f r '1 l , Fl _. _ L,, -‘ . i - ' I‘ ": ' I. Dunnett, Philp. Gould. Dudley Mutton, Bellamy, Cotton, Grover, Boyer, _ “7’ i a w,: '31, -_. - ' -,- c". I " . r" 7 T V, F Eddy, Bradley, DeWey andTurney, many of whose descendants still lure 7 , . , , I - " I , " a A . ' _ here today. Some accounts claim thatAaron Greeley, a surveyor who -‘ c4f,?i. , Eg2-i8IEi ie?,', , _ '5 k, , ' , ' .If r ' later laid out the streets of Colborne, was a member of that party . l ".' - . , w ' F. 7 a ' 7 , ' _ . r2" I l l r "t I _ I 7 -,-"i' ,.7 = . _ _ _. , ' ' Ak i 'll _ 2009 it i r,' I a?, r. - ' . : " , _ Joseph and Olive Keelerarrived with two children, Joseph Abbott y " s', , hr I n Ff .. t? "- f hl 3.? s? I We aged me, later creditedsirtit being theIfounder ol [albums and. I _ _"- i briF?2 Ai') . r t As, bi, - ' . c' I (as aton; and Clarissa, aged trot 1800, the' couple had their first f E It'. , , 3 '7?" 'Y,; 77-: ' ' .. I "I Canadianrhorn child.a daughter, Sophia, _ I, a - a». I __ II V , ‘ 7;}? 57‘“: "t '" ’;’ T , V . .--. T V ltr _ - - I. 9". ‘ 3 - = era‘s-“7,7 seeker",". I _ The eiuriestsisttkunimtwasstlgkeport which grewintoathrivlng , i _ f I I V i , i " ' 5 G fl Fig.1.??? I - 7 Si fly2,rgti1,rrss, _ " manufacturing, import and exporrceatrefyenially, there were _ 3 'ds T /,, I , r IT, N r 7 w, . ' U' rr i Upmss Printing i I . three wharves,as well as a Cdstoms iisrustrfthiswas an international i _ _ .7 I it t' l I.' . r pscn_taAtr2zi-."a"-7d.Sa%'Gia1 port). sawmill. Ihatirmili, carding and waalltyimills, an oil well, and a' a I 7. ' '. a 7 a Il y Ilt a '.=re=iaa'. , , distillery. . _ I _, . " , I -' w a I , 3 , t I li I ll ’ -- - ,In general, settlement in Upper Canada moved from the waterways _ _ . . " i l f 5 ,Q’ I. I i , i _ p, ‘ tl I I towardthe inland spaces. and Cramahe Township was no different. _ . "m-, l I L a ' - . l I tr , _ t 7; l _ in anackless forest. water was thieasiestirnd fastestmodeof A 7 _ .t m"- - ' i ' ' t I 77 d -, p l t Irt , ‘ i l ' I transportation. Itarso.prpvitted waterior crops and households and poweriormills. it ' I r._‘ I " . - _ " _ _ c,', -e' it _ " . I r . A. ‘ g - i It' Mh' IS . ' 'dS' . _ I Joseph Keeler lied m;s’ee settremihtrspaM northward and he was tliere (drake advantage of .i 3 __ ' 3 T . ‘ t - p " . IlllBiii!85 Bi I every opportunity he could find or create. He oversaw the building of the KeelerTavern, sometime i _ . ' _ ' ' '. MEF " Si I priorto 1821.The tit -an-style building still stands on the northeast corner of King and Parliament 'd 7f: A" '" I e _ - __ , streets The Danicrlhl ' Jr the main overland, thoroughfare between York (Toronto) and-Kingston l l l _ - " "ii; I ' . I . came through this P, l - of the country around 13GB, so there would have been need for inns every few I I l I Th e Keel get,is (3igl1 2 I! 'h, miles along the rTk'e to ensure the gardener stagecoach passengers. drivers, and horses. 1 l ' 1 . t' ' ' r 1:“? _ V 7 s _ f - Joseph ' Feeler (r788-1!i55hrs,tm ofthe Trrstsettler, was known as Young Joe to distinguish l -, #Aleen Argyris u. t x. "F _ _ 7 him from h 7 . er; Old Joe (17634339), He was a practical englneer who built mills (one at . l __ 7 7iiaarooTvors " - 1m a. ," 1-..- _ 7 "N ,5 _ comma ' .7 05. around whihthat setteTientgrew) and one in Cdhtrrne, made attire some i , _ . e _ V . LYS1fs1S. _ . 7 - , w' w" _ 'sr. _ , saFrslr, . Laude IiashutaaiatU, .. .....-,. n Ktiri V cr m-p.:" "i h. w e-e - r, c" ,..__.. - aus-"- h~r. .t : _ F:-, m. . .7 , 7 _ 7 _ F . _ ‘WD th wem'ttr _ SR ', - A- -- "'u'rr-aeithm' IM tttsttt -s . i _ - ‘ _. ," _ _ x .7 7 . ": l,' there' 'dl',' 'ICI,',:'; triiikris'eiCti% 7_ Vemgfiid irijls"g' i'/a','li2ls'i1laltjsi)',d, ',?s'tif'gfet" J, saiitv,as, was being laid out. a charming tradition claims Joseph A. Keeler set'aside land a 7- I wasda* underlhe wgtisittttttxsisirhr. re " - i - c, T hurdles a! various denominations with the proviso each would keep a pew for him, whenever he , ' - _". T .. L g 17 = _ _ 7 I 1 '" y I when to attend. in its earliest days. (album was known simply asThe Corners. . Cr' --' T" . l T ., . e _ , .7 , ' I -7 ', _ :-' . _. Beforesme !ttitry Waders " melting retreat corvedout the 5.“ lakeaand . _ . ,'.%ometime before 1812, Young Joe married Anne (Nancy) Day.Their children as listed in the Keeler = r . k . - . sttaixshMttrllhg hill; fitlWi%eatrCe femurs. and left rich gravel and Iimeitpmtdepzits. ' . . . , _ . _ r l v, I . A " ' . . " V l 7 _ Family history, were Eliza lane, MaryAnne. Harriet Maria, and Joseph.Sorne sources alto list two other . tit _ Jhe firsthumatt "mhabitmsts we knoonbotrt were 1tyhtyoki.aryire.afim.r W'hme“ the fitst daughters Sarah Augusta and Margaret. who may have died in inlancy l , - t 7: Etsmpeatsetthes arrived, théy tiMihe Mistiisa tag; nation inhabiting the land.Among their t ' _ _ 7. I . 7 ' . 'I Jr, 7' , 7' . descendants are the mttutisas:Wrtrpte 'ey-ae Aldemlle Msetve, Tteift Iioseneath. _ In 181 5, he built a small store'in the village that also sewed aspust ofWe, this tgx4risi - 'w,, . 7- 1 V" ', s, - e " _ a 2) T: r'., 't " _ '.. M T _.. . l . Colbomefs fiat W osition his father had held in Lakepon,Young Joe also sewed asjustioe' _ cr" . . {My Colburrte and crem.pirrttiir.esiiettiry of the WWW "9me WWW of the péacets entire Nehtle Bistrict (which encompassed the later aunties of Durham emf _ r e sic. ‘b‘EMi'V-‘m the stt<ailed Late Rret., Joseph Keeler, an Ammanlmm 1reormrwh? WW†_ Manhunt and saw militarYgservice in the War of 1812, for which he was awarded Welland _ If: t iytr,rierrt789pixueass after the Frteiirnvfegttrtrrgsiegstttiert Crown sympathizers loundI grants - , . ' . I ,- MtIaT mating social and economic 'iaraJt,rrr1u': J" , _ 7 . -. I . l _ 3‘53 I wr, & ir, . it ite, 32:â€. ' V Daringth _ - ns, inseph and Nan -' ittthe house thatstill stands at? Chord-t Street East. facing a Eai8 - ' {anode was actively (WWW 'gfjif2tl _ I _ C tseeutfytB1he1l)i; because south down M lane; l has the itittitm"of hiring meal the few local Muses of the period to I _ " Illilh' ' abrrtrarz1tstorypktoIsimilatr, .- tband)) A , ng WWW?“ -= - ' " have been ,desl --, orarry ' tld bears a distinct resemblanceto the Barnum House in nearby I t E I? ".T s ,', E "ttl ' 1. _ l , " l _ l _ " . Grafton. ltwa . slings "s, ehorrie ot'thtylate Nick artimariittcmlir and is now owned by l . '" t-" 2;; iRirtv. a Itkither I . r. gBt" 1535,3189 trip Joseph Kellie! came-hereby boat #9111 _ their dang Home! Tran novelist Jane Urquhart: Onluly11,1839, Old lure died there, aged _ I $Wi 'irit,Kriiaimss, ihr, Lquflanctm‘anedgetwooqwttgpmmv ' 7tr. IE; ._.I If, ".' _ J, ."J.,zi-. ", II . 1 II I I I 7 Fl I ia'; . ces ' "3:333 , = cr,.,siia,t,cr_LLss,3sz2.iiv'2r)yc,,ut A tr:, ,1cias a w_LCrrLic 1cr":stiCrLvrc-r's,kr'2c-st, - __ __'-,, i , t - F I I q"" -. V k 7 ‘.V n 7 - f 1 , i P I Lt.., ti M a C .3 '/ Mmr9iier> 1,. V y t f _ I ’ J i / ' ' "sc-tcz-ci-tcr-T-" I k '-= r! V , ll WHEY PHARMA 7 _'" . a " locally _ _ . / . . Owned _ I 1Bli 355 2825 a a "r" Comm-n , . - I F sec" _ . a ' Pharmacy ' l _ bp- ' ' 7 as: _ :' l C V 9! . l thank you to all of our loyal customers through the yam , r; .1