e 5 N EDUCATION: New classes to beannounced toda EITERATURE & § F " j V Library contest honours local teachers 23 full:time Kindergartens iï¬â€˜ "t., aouge, expected in local public schools > S Suzanne Ke[nqghun, "She. was . really passionate . gomeries, Grades 7 to 8, should 4 l fesda g ~ 4 fielg _ Shout making suse her class parâ€" _ be 500 words or longer. VALERIE MAGCDONALD $ ï¬%;ï¬fï¬:bé dxpdeguime d Michelle Broomfie ticipated in the writing contest..> High school students,»Grac!es 9 Northumberland Today Weemiporten mmdhents f_ _ died in car accident Wedecided thiswould be a fitting. to 12, must submit stories with a NORTHUMBERLAND â€" make an announcement > 3 tribute, sort of a legacy for those. 750 word count or more. Northumberland‘s public about the local fullâ€"time io two teachers who gave so much," _ Three entries in each category || school System is expecting to _ Kindergarten classes during a R) BY JENNIFER O‘MEARA said Ms. Perry.. _ will win Share Your Stories Prizes _ haye 23 fullâ€"time Kindergarten . media conference planned for i l? jomeara@northumberiandnews.com "I‘m excited by it.. I‘d rathâ€" . of moviepasses, books and‘cash. . classes operating this fall, says Grant Sine Public School in & er Suzanne walked through the _ The contest is sponsored by | Kawartha Pine Ridge District | Gobourg this afternoon. The s COBOURG â€"â€" The Cobourg Pubâ€"â€" doors of the library, but it‘s a fit the Cobourg Cougars, The Avid Isfol;rg'm Board chair Diane ;Zligols‘w};lï¬p ‘;’flitb; rg]::ï¬rgr;l“ ‘¥ lic Library‘s sixth annual ‘Share _ ting tribute." ‘Reader Furby House Books, â€" T ating in this first ph Your éatl;yfles’ writing. contest | Share Your Stories began with a Northumberland Mall Cinemas, m;l;ht%f{,r::lags;é:f[fggg‘fl; Vt"é: ::ilélbe named at that time, he § will honour two dedicgted local â€" grantfromthe Cocaâ€"Cola compaâ€" â€" Tundra Books and various comâ€" provineis1 government untl Across the province, a totel & teachers who died tragically last nyandwasrun asa readmggmup munity donors. . 32 "u today, she said. Schools in _ of 600 elementary schools will _§ year. and book club. Since then it has __ An awards presentation © _ which the space already exists â€" introduce fullâ€"time Kinderâ€" to The library has created the â€" evolved into awriting contest for on Saturday, Jan, 30, at 10 a.m. ... are among the group because . garten this fall. This first phase Broomfieldâ€"Kernaghanâ€" _ Award,. local students, judged by wellâ€" Everyone is invited to the libraty "_no money was available for willaccommodate 25% to 30% C g g judged by y t y in memory of Michelle Broomâ€" â€" known local authors. This year . for . the. awards presentation, . . capital building, Lloyd said.. of Kindergartners, he said. _ & field, a Grade 2/3 teacher at Baltiâ€" _ Shane Peacock and Ted Staunton â€" refreshments and readings \;n{)h 1 Laztafalllthe boarddappIIEd The overall program, which * more Public School, and Suzanne . have that difficulttask. . the Gobourg Cougars and celebâ€" or classes and some Kernaghan, a Grade 2 teacher __ The local.authors. have been . rity authors. % * schools have more than one see KINDERGARTEN | Page 3 at Cobourg‘s ‘Terry Fox Public . visiting schools talkingto English _ To enter the contest, submit School, who both died in a car . teachers and distributing flyers to . your story with your name, phone 5 accident onâ€"Jan. 13, 2009. The â€" spread the word about the conâ€"â€" number and grade attached to 19 KINDERGARTEN award willâ€"go to a Grade 1â€"to 3 "test. C yourâ€"entry on a separate page. j student who shows great passion. _ "It‘s a way to promote writ. Stories.can be dropped off at ; o ; and creativity. ing and promote literacy. We‘ve â€" main branch of the Cobourg Pubâ€" Fuâ€-tlme Classes Comlng y "It‘s for best personal effort, been very fortunate. A number licLibrary, faxed to 905â€"372â€"4538, j 8 tw to encourage students who may. . of teachers have taken it on as a emailed. to rperlry@cobourg. FROM PAGE1 ‘ ‘beâ€"finding their introduction to . class project," said Ms.Perry. libl'al’y.m'J‘,CflCOl' maflec/l_ t?{h Sha(;'e i 4 reading. and writing especially _ Students are invited to submit â€" Your Stories Contest, c/o Rhonda | _ will ultimately provide fullâ€"time Kindergarten i | cha]}er%gingj’ said Rhonda Perry, _ an original, unpublished, neatly Perry, 200 Ontario St., Cobourg, half days for fourâ€". and fiveâ€"yearâ€"olds, toggetggrlrvsigiaga?g _ youth services coordinator for the . handâ€"written or printed storyTllzy ON, K9A 5P4. g;'f::l;ec?sl:i gf;er the r?gular school day, will remove the i z Saturday, Jan. 23, at 5 p.m. The 0) gay care for working parents: It‘s antici f mgli‘:ynew award has the blessâ€" ‘Muflsc‘g:zsfl Grades 1 to 3, are. For more information: to l;:ost il.s-bdhun and be phasedgig over five years.mpawd ing of the teachers" families. Ms. â€" asked for stories of 100 words or â€" &) CALL 905â€"372â€"9271 ext. 6130 Cat?]te; C UIIt))}lgh»Victona Northumberland and Clarington ‘ _ Kernaghan was frequently in the â€" more. Stories by. the ‘Mowats) M# EMAIL meny@cobourglibrary. Sharp(:a Iscm dwthmét 31‘511_001 Board spokesperson Nancy , _ Cobourg. library with her two. Grades 4 to 6,:can be 400‘words on.ca 35 : until today‘s ainsunoclé‘;‘nzzafdï¬i’i‘é“é‘:emalï¬po comment young children, Ms. Perry said. _ or more. Stories from the ‘Montâ€" â€" ® VISI copourgiibremy.on.ca â€" Catholic board submitted an a;pplicationptl; ns ll\?'lci’;irgt' 12? : = R E(il,iCaUOn but she didn‘t have details. 9 ® oungsters who are four years of age by Dec.31, 2010 j A can partici ' is i eol, I 3 < & ing ds qgp " " "" (nt fullâ€"day Kindergarten program startâ€" [ | z : § 2 § ! f f ; s ; c * 1"Gmae sart, ar »_ï¬ed:-s.ï¬s‘-cr«hsl;‘m:ywm».-ï¬g,:l_iw.;:â€œï¬ t us # 0 0n alde ns » S _ epiiccs8s! o5 $fill;s fProsife ty t ; S - e= $c20g5ss §9° Sessigs $c5ss}i0e sc4 ts ; a : o i5 o s e Biean‘â€" 3 fls o. ; 3 afes $5)50050 sssecc c 55ne tlilkitGajiligset E 4 J $ 8ae5323s ggg@gfa@ggg s§8§fliseEfar§1 00 * se m.0 d us a o 2c .6 2 S°p 2 8 5 4 3 go © ss5e5c1s ts5{8c00a88 fliï¬gu;iï¬g@ : s : § us 5z Ces d 3‘58 mcflg"‘g‘z‘â€"'hn:w <agdeers~ .8 .9 o Sls & ud 22 to >o u9 o -E:.._':v,.:,- i\ W | . 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