_ RRaaeEEEEEEEEEEEeeieeeieeeieea ‘ : 7 1 â€" i 65â€" THE COLBORNE GHRONIGLEâ€" Thursday, Mareh 27, 2008 _ > _ _ _ _ _ j 3 #5â€"â€"â€". . « & Local News - : f | ,v P 3 [ Inoonee P Ah i c9 an comeneviin n peminst n ar c e y (| CS 2 e & en ce nc t y3 : 33 s e o e A e remmee 00 0C ) WO r $ 4n 50e 0s n repnoete 2. . She hera con £ :E_ i e d C oopmmmmnnoncconnce t s | I Mess ‘k"'" 3 "f.‘-::f: u w | P o2 l e ) | e 0 e ut e e 2 To 0s oo oo AlRRp T 3 p4. 3 | mioommoue ... .. â€" ake fln m _ yul. ts 2. h"j:‘ - [ L lt 3| (ee=" B c ce # ~!| â€" w ie( ~ ~T) 1 November 2007: The sagging balcony in Castleton March 2008: The balcony has been levelled. S â€" Discoveri d delight as Castleton Town â€" By Mandy Martin Morozâ€"Cornell says. gradually. It took at least two weeks. Now, it mmartin@northumberlandtoday.com The heig%lt of1 tl;le 1sltage remains t}:ie bsaza]e, 100,}5151 WOnd.erfltll'†§ A ntomrate Th ‘ 3 & so no structural challenges are posed by the e project engineer has yet to rate the e AS‘ the res{gratlolr; of C%stleton t;I‘IgwrrlltI;Ial} latest architectural reveal. balcony for maximum seating. ‘ i gpntmues, ddei.'e htave penstiomiolle * With Trillium Fund grant money, the «Because the construction was over 100 t 1sco}‘17eryan & £ ltg o mRenes Consitoto project has seen the realignment and â€" years old, lumber sizes are different and there W endC(t)}I: Has .orts{ d 151 5 (ans ; ugllior? ‘ â€"restoration of the hall‘s balcony. are unconventional building met_hods â€"not j remoys s § &aln te P ywooth P oi‘li in agl "It was sagging terribly, about 4.5 inches, â€" built to today‘[s code, so the engineer has to surro&m 131g te * akgizla.tgrea, fv al%d although it looked a lot worse," Ms. Morozâ€" take measurements and make specific C E‘Ify wot;; e:flltsifi%ecirve]g%rvgist â€ecf:ama{h e Cornell says. "There‘s a bearing wall under calc_ulations. There will be a maximum posted ‘ m wn:h'fli ‘schief buildin offic’ial Natalie the balcony so that was gradually jacked up _ limit." > $ $ 8 $ E % from the basement library level. It was done Work at the hall is "going very, very well," hmninen i nnnnngemmnge im & > â€" Ms. Morozâ€"Cornell says. 5 tp: l uie | : mt pau n rosooe "We‘re working on barrierâ€"free washrooms 9 : » es ccâ€" _ 2 o now. On the library level (basement), we will 94. T. ts § ts pkes a e es 5@{ be using the old jail cell. The window has the o ht e en en 1. ts Slge o n l iC bars." € parer C iieieere 1e es es o. uic y n ues C . Cause for more delight was the recovery of 3 § As, £4 fx2" o ie e > * ioi the original jail cell door. It was located ; sR f 2e ‘ 3 o in {' locally and was to have been returned this ) "â€" P h as 28 e e ioath . i Rke Jt # / past weekend. + o ts s e ie s l se e P & "What is really nice is the main entrance i e _ e acie o y s , 4 and vestibule are being completely restored," a g sn . ol C x R Ms. Morozâ€"Cornell notes. y3 « & ie d esnt . "t one time, the north end was enclosed e o t _ - : 5 o 2 when they installed a kitchenette. All that has | y lc hR ca. now been ripped out. The original landing and A o eenieiiee us Seaue. i ~+o oÂ¥ stairs will be restored so entry can be by > i1 e : TÂ¥ e in e o n . PW O i ; | «either the north or south stairways â€" a ) & loa §’ . mminenin n omrrmmnmnth sdientid symmetrical entryway." . T ' : > m e ' s The goal is to have all interior construction f & _ > 4 Mapeeg t work completed by the end of may: "It‘s =~ e f se c ® m«n&" Nee § moving along pretty well now,"Ms. Morozâ€" i‘\ m o oo quar i 7 en en . e %’1\ seaupcegnmmmia® _ â€"4 ... . _ Cornell says. o C anigeanet ie pe iss t MA ie e M d »ppmiane 4. Still to come are the exterior wheelchair C i * Wiomicaamptenenpenes ie ie 0 O e s s ) â€" ramps to provide access to the lower library a 1.A frus xi kc io. ¢ 4 old in P e $ a .. oo n ol yeut 2;3 1 W s o|â€"and the upper theatre areas. The theatre ramp i f % *%&ii A 1 n w 2l _ #“3%@» Wws | _ will be located at a door near the back of the â€"> y ~xeanmmees AMiug l t * M pmmmamnamtmemmeaime ns | _ W | _ stage. For.the library level, the plan is to build _ AZe __ _ mt |0 KA e tui _ _ Resame _ . a ramp using one of the large southern C e ie T o afan e ue s S esmm e O T 0| window spaces. R j Ks« ?f-:’; aak s wait t > o i s e e e 45:.‘1’&2’; 7: "We‘re very fortunate the hall wasn‘t yoe it o Â¥ #Aid! >‘ = o8 &n‘f i me ,é&}éâ€"»‘ totally gutted" over the past 100â€"plus years, mm > o im 200000 0.; thoves ‘*:)“:#‘ ~= “%’â€ï¬q Ms. Morozâ€"Cornell says. Instead, the Ti . mm‘ m :14 i ~_ i e Weeikees o O c c is architectural features were "mostly. covered March 2008: The original curved wooden front of the stage has *be'en“qgcovered. up", waiting for rediscovery and restoration. ; *3 ces 3 Phoros contrisuren § w