B .A xoi nmmmmmemne,,.......____ Py M 4 County tags w for fee hike: fr $\ 6. e County tags wet waste for fee e: from $2 to $2.75 3 # dA o ig te L& ‘ pocése®s LxRoN&eC hAR.21lby | 19 ols . schedule. j ‘ B "We could consider collecting wet waste ASSIN 3 ggsiflgï¬oï¬humbe,,and.oday,com N [e] I"th um berla o) d CO U nty news and comport one week and wet waste and $ 4 f n bage recycling alternate weeks," the treasurer $ > a & f o fee’Is‘hs?fxecB;%r(;: li)elf?tiz g:)%%e;s:r]trï¬umgberg_ lion for a net cost of $2.7â€"million added to 3 potential for an increase in roadside Sal,ghe bulky waste vouchers are a hit in t udget is planning on bringâ€" the 2007 levy, he reported. z umping. ha j 4 (ok s R f %i‘;diï¬";{‘;g (1))00 %norepin Aedist eight .. Collection costs are expected to rise by . "I always support user pay," said counâ€" ?}11:1;‘1‘2%{* gg‘égérï¬l:r&do??h‘l Lteg%lz%grl;?ng s $ m orimert 2(508 by increasing the garbage approximately $280,000 th1_s year, so in cfl_lor Peter Delanty. But_, about only oneâ€" we‘ve got", Councillor Bill Finley i tags from $2 each to $2.75, treasurer Mike order to cover some of the increase, tipâ€" . third of the waste budget is covered by the (Alnwick/Haldimand) said. : % i Etchanan told.county March 19. ping fees would go up from $85 per tonne to us%r pay. n ns osioe Education is key Councillor Linda i Bag tags were set up to cover the cost of $95 and bag tags up 75 cents. [ Dek ouncillor Mar ovsttl_n ( Abamï¬ ton Thompsonbort nopersard, eaceasome collection of wet waste and recycling, but Mr. Buchanan presented council with Township) suggested cutting back the spending "a lot of time and effort" on eduâ€" : not the cost of disposal, he says. several options, with the preferred option. bulky waste vouchers as the cost to the cating the public on waste issues f i 0 2007 waste management costs totaled . being an increase of 75 cents that would. county is about $180,000, with a further T henmarienighasred by countilapproved \ more than $8.6â€"million, with bag tag revâ€" cover collection costs plus disposal costs at $18‘E),000 to lower tier taxpayers. an increase in bag tag fees to $2.75, resultâ€" "‘enues covering only $1.84â€"million. Grants $3Q‘a tonne: f .. "I would like to see the bulky waste ing in a .49 per cont decrease in the tax + \ and other revenues contributed $4.08â€"milâ€" This moves us closer to a true user pay . vouchers removed," Mr. Lovshin said. . ud F C system," said Mr. Buchanan. "But there is He also suggested a change in collection j