_ _ - ,, . . . l Conn libraries et i Pe» l [HE INDEPENDENT MAY 9, we? l cash boost for books ‘ T , . _ ree damage can be fatal by Paul Dalby W‘I 'l/o 7populations of less than that enable them to partici- THE lNDEPENDENT 20,000 people and all of the pate fully in the life of _ . . THIS IS SHAPING UP To or. A county's libraries qualify. their communities," said , l Expert on rural envlronnlent says brushing often not necessary good month for the lie They are: Aldcrville Ontario’s Culture Minister , brary users of Northum- First Nation library, Al- Caroline Di Cocco. [ by Paul Dalby unpleasing and for the veloping a stewardship some situations where berland County. nwick/Haldimand Town- Meanwhile the THEINDEPENDENT most part unnecessary." program for the Oak tree pruning is definitely As part of a new $5 mil- ship public libraries, Brighton public library ALEADING AUTHORITY on He said there is evi- Ridges Moraine and rural necessary, such as close lion initiative by the Chr Brighton public library board has extended the the protection of the dence from the logging in- landowners proximity to hydro lines. tario government to board, Cobourg public li- opening hours for its main rural environment criti- dustry that this kind of' "There is a tendency to He said there is a grow- support rural, remote and braries, Cramahe Towne library in Brighton and its cizes the use of modern shredding will damage a lot less management of ing pressure for rural mu- First Nations libraries, ship public libraries, Port branch library in Codring- _ brush-cutting machinery the tree, causing it to stop the side roads today but nicipalities to change every library in Northum- Hope public libraries, and ton. being used by municipali- growing or quite possibly that has more to do with traditional methods of berland county is receiving Trent Hills public library The longer opening _ tics like Trent Hills. to die off. budget cuts and a short- countryside management a $9,000 cheque. board . hours were made possible l "Last week I saw the " Dr. Hilts said the previ- age of manpower than en- "There are different peo- The one-time grant to "Our support will en- by a one-time grant of [ termath of one of these ous system that employed Vironmental input." ple living in farmland support literacy, learning sure that all Ontarians, rc- $5,000 from the Municipali- l shredding machines. I a crew with Chainsaws But Dr. Hilts said there today who'are non-tarm- and computer access to im gardlcss of where thcylivc; ty of Brighton during its l have never seen anything worked "perfectly well", have been some notable crs," Dr. Hilts said. "They formation benefits li- have access to traditional final budget meeting back ' like it before. It left a ten "They went along country efforts to allow natural are supporters of the braries serving and digitallibrary services in March. l rible mess," said Stewart roads, identified specific environmental restora- rural community but they Both libraries have [ Hilts, chairman of the De- trees that encroached on a tion. "There are sections have a different apprecm- " E L PI N G H A N D s shown an increase in mem. partment of Land Re- right of way, then cut of the 401 where they've tion of the countryside." . F'" - ' - bership and book loans in sources Science at the them down and removed allowed natural vegeta- Dr. Hilts' department " , - . s the past year and the call University of Guelph. any debris. tion like sumac to grow at Guelph is part of the - , -’ y ' ' » q for longer opening hours [ "This machine cut Dr. Hilts’ department is back in. university's Faculty of a. . I 4' " t F, Cal,",) Pd was the most frequent re- trees up to 20 feet above currently researching re- "ft saves money on Environmental Sciences, “$5 ' ', . 'NN. P . ir,) quest from patrons. l ‘ the ground and just forestation success and roadside maintenance, it established in 1992 to pro- " . â€$33,.“ 2 Brighton library will _ chewed the branches off failure in Ontario and T looks better and the pub- mote education, research "cp, C", , " p, E «f tir-d" E? now be open for business _ _ and left them lying on the preparing a reforestation he likes it." and outreach related to l ,, . > ttE m, ‘ every Monday (except holi- ground. It is aesthetically handbook, and is also de- Dr. Hilts said there are the environment. r". ,3 . ‘ , V ' aio! days) from 1:30 pm. to 4:30 l T__-_--.-- _-FV-_-i------------ ,i.,,,ig__,,A#_AAi ' i t tr, l . Tk pm. in addition to the pres- ( o . . 1 Fd " M, it ent hours At the Codring- , f , lil I “2, ton branch, extended C1 S Cl e pu C sa e , _ i ' 3).. hours mean the library is Volunteers from Cranlahe Township give a Show of hands now open on Thursday Continued from page 1 "We've got to weigh how r7 EDO _ iiEtl at; EM8E " ,. . ataVolunteer Recognition Evening atme keeterrentm.The mornings from 9:30 am. to The proposal to close much public safety we're , , Nttt h' we,“ 18,tNk' " , 'tWai-MI . 85 volunteers at the event each received a pin from the l1:30 am. The longer open- that section of Concession willing to sacrifice for aes- 'i, ' _ it; C " #1. - gnaw“ , Fa Eirili3, . township and gardening gloves because they’re "taim to mg hours come into effect 2, "thereby saving a mini- thetics/' , [it Ix:- r" r-. , - K% tji?is:d, ' a ', M m. m, ' get then hands dirty" Ill gmwmg a better onmmundy. on Monday, May 28. mum of $200,000 in taxpay- Mr. Peters said the pub - '; & a . ' . 'gffL'sy.ig iiME aw " Gf rm - - ----___F-_---_-__-___-__e__r_i_'_e_-_e_T_e__--, ~77 ers' money," came out he meeting, to be held with- , , T , 'alttiia 'Si' _â€"‘ discussions she had with in 30 days. will give ‘ , tt . . . ' Kira I - MR Peters and Mayor Hec- residents with "a special ' , ' j - - a ' tor Macmillan. love" for the natural envir v ‘ h, g T, a _ . l Ms. Pillsworth said ronment an opportunity to , . ' , n r . Trent Hills should be have input into decision- I 7 Cu' L 3.11 - V known for its “thoughtful making that affects their _ _ Trl J - . e .1 ' management of...sreen- lives. But it will also pro- " ;.:.. T Cal, “a: a f ' spaces, not negatively for vide them "with a clear on i cy, ' . ‘ T ‘7 ’ __... the decimation of them." derstanding" of the Jill 'lee,',','),',,', asked that removal of trees be suspended “Roads were never de- obligations and risks being pen Ing "Mew. _ signed to be greenspaces," placed on the municipality, the mayor rejoined later. he said. Trent Hills pays "There have been alot of assured him that he was "They're for traffic." The $250,000 for insurance each people killed on municipal "not going to clear cut any- consensus among munici- year and often has to deal roads and county roads and thing" and that "he wants palities in Ontario, he said, with settlements that range most of the time it's been to leave a canopy along is "that trees will be re- from 8500 to upwards of from running into trees," there that is reasonable." I moved from fence to fence $100,000. Coon. Bill Thompson said. Mr. Macmillan ex- because of the issues they “I want some communi- He and Coon. Gene Bra- pressed hope that "a happy are causing," having to do cation and I want some haney voted against the medium" can be found be. l A with public safety and ex- compromise," Mr. Peters deputy-mayor’s motion. tween council's interests \; posure to lawsuits. said. Mr. Peters said Mr. Kelly and the citizens' wishes, l . l _ _ l T l