['Innotapat,'jiiFk" _ . ap WON man te 8 T J.; 0 Am _.-". l , Jo ge fl P '2M6'sotcysau1, News Man 7N7 . y as McCarthy iail,butl , " I "eaxt/e')l,th'vdtf, ban?“ 11:23? also non for more than a year. not associate with Christopher Mc- $150, COBOURG - The impact of a cont ll d pp "le/l e CHSS Mr. Hockney was ordered to pro- Ginn or any member of the Dude “If \tou breach , . ' break, enter and theft or II I ea ta no money to trust for vide a DNA sample. to report to a lcy family. He was also ordered to ( f ' . ' anl- conditions . I _ 1 a VlC- the Victim, noon the accusedh d . T ' C _ _ _ 0 probation), including manna um and his family was hear d in known he had I.,,'),- ta .- 1 hli a Probation oflicet for twrryears, and repay $11,710 to the Dudleys, with payments, you will end up at in: 3:53:13: Ontario Court of Justice 1 nun o Iga- to live and workwhere approved, to monthly payments of no less than Central East Correction Centre." Donald Dudley said his family I lint their sense of security and that till; ei2,Th,'e,i issues, following at the family's new resi- V Elem? on Old Hastings Road, in the I" - - --e" ___ ---_--_-" I H... I l . "rnici,tttyvy.rei:Hij,s) o fl Nov. 29, 2005, the home, R u f l which was under construction at estora on orig I ‘ the time, was robbed of $15,000 Sh . WfOrItli of tools and supplies. Some . N 0 tie items were recovered, and tr ffi V t the outstandingitcms total$ll,707, regls y 0 ce y I the victim told the court. ' "I just want In stuff lv, Ir . . . . I . Dudley told 003.. .tno.§§;’3l§§ Designated building is a tourism . letreclrhtf/pl it"; ','d) it?“ attraction for Cramahe township . I no 1c u ' _ _ the items from where the?! wet]: by Ray 'trurkowski _ tourism coordinator, m dumped for three weeks, I rue INDEPENDENT b hertreport. '2,peltt,7clt wtm . RAMAHE COUNCIL has e- era es as an - l “Sign? Tyler Hockney, y, of Geome a patron of the laboration of artistic talent ‘ on J, who pleaded guilty to arts and is an important part of r bleak enter and theft and posses- council approved sub- tourism activity, she said. l 5-10“ nf property, was also ques- l mitting an application for "It is the goal of this ttoned by the Crown and Defense i, Ontario Trillium Founder partnership, and the result- _ . Counsel Wayne Rumball, before i tion funding to restore the ing funding application, to l Justice Robert Graydon passed sen- l exterior of the old Registry further develop the Col. . tence. l Ofrice at 51 King St. East in borne Art Gallery as a key T When asked, Mr. Hockneywoultl i Colborne. As well, plans in- tourism attraction for V t not identify the other person who l elude installing interior Cramahe Township," she joined him in the crime. display equipment and 11p- said. "To maintain the les- _ "I'm not a rat," he said. grades to the art gallery ignated historic building 1 Mr. Rumball said the other per- i The grant application for continued housing of l so 1 v , ibl f , ' l will include a request for the gallery IS a value to the I was “5mm“ C or p awning ca ital funds estimated at community" some of the Items after the two ' $55000f0r the upgrades. The application has men dumped them†a wooded â€The township has beena been submitted for the - area. and that. his client had iool- l partner with the gaOeryfbr March 1 intakeforTrillium ishly become involved in an event j 10 years to provide a centre consideration. that was essentially someone else's 1 for their operations, said idea. Mr, Rumball also suggested Rebecca Goddard-Bowman, the possibility that another party i i had stolen items before his client "m-i-i-Ir""""'"-""" l and the other man had come on t the scene, because of a missing l, piece of plywood over the bottom I ofthc hole made for the front door. l Justice Robert Graydon told :, defense counsel his client was a i party to the loss incurred, and that 5 the truck used by the accused was '; capable of holding all the items _), deemed missing from the rosi- t deuce _ E "The other accused remains in I thedarklikeasneakandacoward," ' i said the judge. i During sentencing submissions, _ Mr. Kelneck said the accused had ‘ no record, and he had no wish to , minimize the impact of the crime, l especially the safety issue, but l noted the Court of Appeal recom- mends that young first offenders not serve jail time. Restitution of the $11,000 plus, "won't make up for the emotional impact," said the crown, who asked _ for probation for two years and V community service. _ _ "Hopefully he has been making efforts at restitution," added Mr. V Kelneck. 1 Defense counsel asked the judge to consider a conditional discharge for the accused. "T he family should not have to feel fear," said Mr. Hockney to the lii:i) court. "I'm sorry." \. T To the accused, Justice Graydon "-, Said, "1 should be sending you to