Continued # a mar * The Big Apple hits the 2,000, pagedS Colpsenane enkoPulCd OocF . F/oy io oi nananin : "~ompniiman:: w E‘ | mjnrohm Caplaaa t 7 ‘ n ons io nc | ol‘ Fp :f]h The Big Apple has undergone ige flmm . constant change since it opened. _ ¢ | Most of what is seen today by : '*';L i ~ ( P visitors was not part of the f wl [ f C\ h original set up. i 9 7 4 j B New appleâ€"theme mini golf, f : j ". M ' L bumper cars (new in 2004), the Big . * id { | \, ho T , e Apple Express Train, the huge gift | h a . M k & P To shop and most of the restaurant j m enetu. { i u pury C " W p#4 are all addâ€"ons. They join the Un 15 w $ï¬ AK o M 3 J uP A h f evarm goats and Hamas in Animal Land. <_mhgs,â€" â€" l4 in 1| jern : | § _ C *y"*"v 1 Still to come will be a parking lot ’1'*.1*_4 Coonka.. Lt C 90e | * . w bOP NC d-J- ] on the north side of the building. f gaiéron es j °[ m Jul ol \ { | -)gy)l D ’ + s_fl t The original restaurant is now Wfl? C un 4/ _5 d | 0 Ne ~. \ xM . .. o P i Alrmmie iscc the 1,000 squareâ€"foot serving area. MB â€"% & o s /A oi) . ¢r + _ ‘Cngusesmeiarih The building which houses it, the V\.i.&ï¬lies'z:,‘:vii*- h & | y ':E thds _ «* / LA 1996 dining area and gift shop, is _ " S muld) f‘\-‘,\N | | | C o 3 # . s o * m C . about 27,000 square feet. During 4KMETTETM Y =a> | [helyohk i * um‘ f: F"‘l&"{; h p .WQ es un zd _ the peak summer season there are ie ’?12»,“,â€.â€, " Uojsiane / t’" t -ï¬ RSntalNecuip i uk ) C S about 50 on the payroll. That ; "':"{‘f‘i:’-'»/""‘ Bd 1y O t je ; NP h ‘Q\ 5 cmcrtiiannin s drops to about 20 after h h. smm .\ y . AF AWBIAT 1 thicsy > . y o ( i . Thanksgiving. Either way, it is [ 7 i94 oc inoommoiif _&%j cl8ils | in _ CE n 1. Blagk . f s A â€" e ce one of Cramahe Township‘s WR mesgpaice peee ns â€"â€".. UAE ‘;,:,,Zfl,;,yifk&;vfl;“;‘ El N* * *of / [VIMPMY biggest employers. _ Memmaraaee. Soths 02 _ . mirises } _ ‘?“"M" Eocmsad is eR o. h P o Where once they sold a few pies Lo oc mt‘ yÂ¥By dime :f%"‘{ p. t | ""lv dat * y and sandwiches, they now sell ... ssm '\ aeaoartimnais > d 1. ns ME n e 150,000 freshâ€"baked pies per year [ i es‘ Sm 5 : M gs | to one million visitors. Pies are I -\“_L}§jgggg-,gy3v‘ 1 Tok aoees i4b sold within 12 hours of baking. _ , o Jaaeiâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l s S scb Ree The Assistant Manager says [E serenddse dtoire | ._ A A people come from as far away as . m Tw formmmmmmememm in / R $ ‘ Toronto and Ottawa with lists of . 5o §EeL C NiRe a ds in NP im pies they are buying for friends I 4 W . | | | : 19 and families. Businessmen stop Aimmarse [ 2 lb m on their way by. Most of the Big . “j“]'flza Apple business comes off the 401â€" jort ‘ people arriving to dine indoors or NOC ... dpdone M Nepsimee We rrr es AACMM UR ce Emorn out. Heather McNeeley ladles out some hot soup § A lotO of those visitors arrive on ‘ | . uses. On the morning of the day | t 4 for a cool day. â€" he sat down to talk about the Big ‘ ï¬ A : ; Apple, a half dozen buses of | i 4 oT. .m mnmmommimmeteatare : tourists from France had been in. f ( \ . S nsooue , ME h Ne rr e . wlrls pire 9 U + t // Wilos \\{\ 1/% % 6/ % 4 if 1| T k a i I e o -nm:@% Bimaeldac . !. 5| I # lild | M | l"’ 'I‘x;'â€*\-": ontses d . AWM"‘» Bo s s o ie Y NU 00 \ ) w iT TTE M \r ui ; 4 '“‘f_ :. 5:‘,‘3§ { y | en | mpmommmeeimicsipBe ecmmocioe | NNA N( (l ; ue sB & o U * ..b Wire. e oo ) ))\ 1 1| MWR 1 Jn ) L 184: C s o i tm _| o 4 08 0 l ’ e [ % J U "o e * . ae, oi wA n n s t f (9e t c uy C 111| t j B BR m\ * | hy tine PNane 0| Ni i . | & 5. [J 10 m nnc‘c‘y,"~~<~ e [ P â€" "| ay ic :JP 2 pp 2; e § imuniglt .2 c ;Ar" . daey: i L , 49549 â€". _ =â€"1 is ; wl 3 m s * m #°>, j 13 \ 1 " Uaaaa®t . .~Z - Mim '{ it l‘&‘@v honng Eonl + Rikm no: / k: “M CS io( m x ." S tm W MR 0 .ls (ty LE_â€"â€"â€" eaess L. lmag : un 31;:} wA Bodraidh .EA-'L:;;i:-.'_::EL:".}L..{- an t ‘zâ€",.y.rfwa%ag t "Cumthks ‘-'-‘ijfl l 2e dn ces e ' m im | / _4 e > e \ P l‘ f uons . WMW‘ To | uD hn k\yH'JI-J,. l 'Q’v", t “__,1; 22 L»_câ€™ï¬ wan P * ;'.7' t $9> ns " Wis . se snn fls cï¬ it es M ioliks ue nft 4 o tm y o Nee n l ns t 9 y n ies ) | _ bike rows of tiny redcoats, You are here! Visitors to The Big Apple at Colborne, can place s cormem~ n tm s "Sreg oo Sippy Cups be filled. â€"â€" â€" themselves at the crossroads of the world. .. | PB 0 t ies L L on e coolne is " L Pher Dh â€" Ies en _.