__â€"_.â€"_â€"_.. w - i tat, bait/U“ [gaze/waif pec- 6/611 The Cramahe Community evento build their own websites. brochure. I Access Program has a new admin- When he's not assisting others, Jeremy is working full-time at I istrater. Twenty-four-year-old he's working to put a community three centres. Last Thursday he Jeremy Kessler recently started business website together. He was stationed at the Vourneen I in his new role supervising people wants to develop awareness that Buff Jack Centre. On Saturday he using the CAP computers in Col- businesses can thrive in Cramahe was helping students at the Col. q borne and Castleton. Jeremy is and that they need support. He’s borne Library. He can also be ', there to help people at started or also working on a remotional found at the Castleton Libra ,He . ry 7 hopes soon to establish a regular i schedule. Right now he is optimiz- Ing the computers and working , out minor problems, , _ t' ., Lu 0, E w P. U AI a, a, . Withhis three-year diploma in " t I MIB. 7 (5 5 U ,5 S 2 a s. 'd . graphic design from Durham CO1- I . p v, _" Ms'),, «a, CI r512 ai E fi It' m E " lege he's available for anyone who " . Kia , . tll m is; E g F, $33 ti - wants tolearn. ' A ce . . " d ffrr-c'seirt,ijtcs's'iii,il s -BOBOWEN , . - . "Bl . - a. _ ',_ , Fl F. f. " " , tD 0 Ctlo T - ._ F . - .'/r-F,ri'"r,csT%l e- - e a o a... was a " P. ' a o - ' e " , s. . - 92158 .Erge " C 1'rRS, . _, yjifs,-'iks?r' t 7 -I messages. " I l.~'- . â€is i 0 Hijg'iti15,fiijtr-y.1?/,i,(-', 4 7 i at, Trc'. ‘i‘ AIM I a. x w a m “'0 15 a g " ' I _ - F ":,iiLs,iii:ijzai1e'i,'m ', bc' .:.7.. - co._ in 4 , i it†/'rcA'al a: co .. S a an a 'iii-i" " . tt ;rr. " ',j'jr"i;'i'?i-,r,scg't:" , ' x ' - otr,'oeo. 0.950 _ ( - .. (F'yé " o j'ic?:r,g,s,i'zli-?,troiig - -------" _ ' 3. 'c'1Ci'ii:ll I D: l?, it S EST? t,ii,iifjj, 4 mourn WIDE-“H ' l , l . I a: s g E g 8 a? u-- m3 N tir19E-s, fl I g , we g." 3433?: C) g a. g E 'gct S? E ts “ ' sTchLE, IVAN ALTON a i , i , "i" "d u. 2 F. ti O ii ar E E © " At Ns residence in Colborne on Friday, DECSmbeFd1 i , i 'gt - a L L E ._ CL in a, f? 4 2002. Ivan Alton Stickle was the beloved husban o _l _ . li' a o E g 3 E g 'a u, g 4 the late Vera Bernice Stickle (nee Strong). Dear father . I .. . _ . (5 w o E o o m g C " of Leon and his wife Nancy of Elora and Gail and her i " r ‘ . - 3% tit 'dt >, 2‘32 8. husband James Pearson cl Milton, Fondly remem- I __ L 'MII- " ' " ' U) n: = S, a an = TI u: “ ' tiered by Beverly Somenon of Glace Bay. Grandiethyr oi Brent Pearson, Jame: 2igituggi/erlitf,'lft .m 5dr... p at wage-'0: m , r: -<r< tineWoodardandDavt IC B, T. - in 3 = S; m S g 5 a 3 S g T-," H s, g “J g p; Meaghan and Tyler Pearson and Qllwa and Ella _Hehn. U It “a aâ€: E w e u." m = C, m 3 g ' p CI ie, ".,'2 La Brother uf Clarke Stickle. Carl Stickle, Fern Fairbalrn l Kim H '/a'tti' Cr 'll +- 2338 tl a: TY i?,ts' i “if: M g g and Marilyn Joyce. Also German, PT, Harry. Mays -.4 '5 "d 3 5 a A - fi, it Q 2 '6 g = B tV "i', cr 117 0 _ . " and Winifred, all predeceased A private lamjly sewlpe tht 5 :3 w 3 E' I“ E I†3 E '33 H E E a a t E U m I . will be held following cremation. A CAyebratitrrt of Life _ . - . F g E f, . ' '5 g $8.48 a": a E 50 3.2 a', :23 for Ivan Will be held at the citqrpghpif,g/?ghhi m JrEi,sr1e'_./?crg.Tii',ry,'7. rary/1e"iiiiitri5Fui?r't'fts' iii7'onThursday,Desemberr19,.200 a ' p, ".', . n: E _ o "C! a: at H m tv' in Je 42 .e '5 3 <3: = O tn = ct' desired. memorial donations by cheque to the Called" r'r'gsr5'_g,'577r'ret' 2 Mb aJijiofdt',"s!4a' ' Idbea reciistedbythetamily. "r-'e'a'7é.a' “up: 'rer'.'-2't'j,yE8isr?:'.ii-y,cr,Fi . anCancisrSocietyvmu pp 11 l H cu c MI H ,.e E†5.3 as c; b, = 3 m g m 3.. D m a' E 8 [ Arrangements by the Maccoubrey Funeral Home, ate, R an is: an P. an = ram: 0 m E a a . St.W. Cisxime,(905)355a829. O 'trs1',lik"2irtr5'sy'ji'ii'.'i' faiiriiiii'iir.i-acj,jh'siiiijif, King l rrgib.8oj??lf'ro5Ha" H 55:8 'ite,G t“ conn>, â€1: rpm no C:'Ce, 9'†450mg“ L---------------.-." '?.trifirj]'i.'ije:lc'iciyjf,i'tiitr(; 'i/i/iris"?!,?,?':'.?),..?:',',"",] altar†rented. it rl H . Q-ï¬ea§=§aï¬aeg titri,i1i:e2jaije/"r.r,'é, LhEA.iiu2EfL--- -----------" U h T, a 036%: .5, 9.5-4 59:5 a; li 'ittr,1 m a a; a LotmsBev"Jyy)!ST fi/ami,'),',,'?),',', aret x C) “+4 name" a, p,'ajiti-isTf 'iie 'c9a'L'-'r'i', rrtC Vi t',O . e,warGaihcmrrirfavpsfertp?r.13rFl0f12: arg tsy Q .5". g E: 'a' F, E > m t! it mg: tistS g 4: E g a oi 5 Catherine Lounsnury tripe Taylor), bygiht 2335‘ a Jc a 3% e .-r .3 r: r: 'cil, "E. E g m ii 3 .'cli = e Tl T:', E i,'? ville, was the beloved wire at $263190 Ill (anal; of C3; te a O m Dear mother it te/tttIii/elle/et. Thomas Elias k . l . . ._ ns u » , ‘ V g g f, '3 a E g y? g wt/ $12 "a4'. 5’ .5 E E85 EB 1grc5sdt2ml can". Jngackson) oi Port Stanley and 'ro Y I = a p. g y m “as; m C 2*; E a 'rir'ii-1' g _ a lame Lounsbury (Sue) oi Brockville. Grandmother of vo s) 2 tgk?, no: v: v, tcl ga. 01... a an a†tcl a a, C', Darcy Gait (John Cooke). Laurel .Galt (Rand Simon), U Cl a m e fy.E Q Ce, t a, It, >, a 'b',,'jiiia, as cu 35 i: Michael Jackson (Amy), Sarah Lounsbury, Ann Jit?k.- a) E as al 3 £1 r-4 E; Tcl = a gifs, o 0 H33 ir',", .. a son, David ounsbury. Alana Gall. [Todd Free), Patrick 2 Q) T, 3 ' rn = C - 8 m- E cl o In the = u 'ala E _ 1tegadyt',e'//,' Lounsbury and Colin Lounsbury. Great V HI _ a) W E. pr, 5 c, g 0 E 0 {if} t, y, 4-' 3-9-5 g grandmother oi Maeve Simon. Sister of Jack Tall“)! ty 2. tif, a. c“ 5?t = ET“ - “s l " ..9, it _ a 2 -S E 2 (Ruth), Jae Taylor (Pat), Helen Smith (Jack) and Peter w 0 _ co 'T3 cu u. t a: 3 a . gm L313 '2 a; g o it Taylor (Ann), also MaxTaylor, Betty Cuthberisurt, Ge- Q o o it .23 y'?) d E 0 fr?:': 23 £4... .T a 3 it,:'.?. ?r'il, on?“ his Paterson. Bill Taylor and Tom Taylor, all prede- I:l Q y, tl . a i? (17 2 E w a y, $2: an o a =e, (rg, as a :5" ceased. Sister in law nlJack Paterson. Alamlly semee F '5: Cl E- m 7,35: 'li? a 3 er tHi a E es'. E a: 0 E will be held atthe MacCoubray Funeral Home. 11 King x.) NJ be g N “to E a E t', an; .2 , ttS a?" © gtiii. i" a St. E., Claiborne on Sunday, December 15, 2002 at a N 3% GE E a g L. O lh' g'ii "3 O E ?hra, ENE tf, _ s-, 1- l 2:30 pm, Cremation to lollow. ll desired, memorial \J f.?, g g JP, m- T, .,t 'd E: D g i'? g a e, fi fig L' i I' g donations to the charity ones choice would be appren- .-1 5.. 3-4 m a; do w .-. no . ted, H ACI-""-' gag rrsrs)cii,'s'ia1'ti.Hiijfyt';)-'fi'ay,eigyto'.'ii1 a due meager» we: vjatgitiir'i",, or: _ . group Opo’nh Ha, O a “‘45.." a asses “it a FC-PF? =' a t.ii'iti.?i, Sins? o is 2 whsgowxaumgmgwmummï¬nE:SI-r Q E283 tip, 2E: DE .5.?,Et,Eira';'rs"a,i5ee = a as Bees tstik's'-,i',s.1'; amaze a iiire dare 'Jijiiiit', ir'i-rl:'r'.iiii',.5,s as .S'p, 9-.de 53:62:: noun-go ,5 do "i'iirra Pas 4-. â€Ann-Ida]; o : (g'erir-p,tv'Gip Hl.?ig"s'Q 53555321 tli/ry/ii',?)--:,)?,')!, â€use F,1ii,'iiizrt . E M94 am rie1er'e m A» th, jTiire Q 5-. z $3“:ch as: m=$a ogre» m a CC" N â€-1 .-, a; a to it: cr a) v, or: . 'iEt..rcreei,REouc', qua-1m .mm# 4.. 'bt,yTe'ir.rr.'r,'sr,Pu;5hTco "P75 Em Enrica“, okonmo 'aid'. “QUE .1't9e's"cetl', 0 ?5,rt2GTn'.l5i/a'tr.'-Cil,iF.'.'ti3, m titisgkGrt,tf a e rr:y,'i'Cgr'ii'sl.iti7sgi1,i, 'jt"aLa'"giii,5,iF.tr'i1, a (tit,f,iti'tiijigtiEi)', sr,'ii'iy,:iiiii.iirltiye a Sitoyg.,ayt/.jiiigii's g,t,itirit'r'i?itiC.;o?j.9! ,-" 'tiir,iij?ieiriie,'i5jiii?x 'rf?i'y)'riylpg)5,gjy-!-'if,',-"', CD vii2?,esiiigi',c?,'tiFa' icir';"irs'ii.tuiic'yr1itisuc's ' :21 a ' cu a; I H I-, m “if: E © v, bcpio"su'r5?,'ie?,i,'s2ei?g tRel-Cx)",'.',?:',?.',?:,'.';',,:',-',?'.: f) rkr,5re,.,r,.'iiv.'Cij'r.,8d f,'j'i"t1,i1i'ir,r'2t'ri,?j,tvi, Cr rfr1c'yi.t',iy.'yr2ti"i1trsi'<ui'.r,1r7 ravage _ F-C--'. cu asir:27Ti, mw:é3 '?air-g'g'g tg 33 :m’EB EBME moon.