I BITUARIES I Ed Phil d di d e Cher I na 1pwas e icate t a I ‘. Edna Philp, who taught for some age of to in the Ansley area. She met her lives she had touched," said her daugh- [ years in Centreton and llundonald. died husband Howard (Hap) Philp while for Marilyn Phasey. I , at the age of 95 on December 24 at Lalo teaching in Northumberland. Their son Mrs. Philp was predeceased by her ‘I eridge Health Centre in Bowmanville. Ron and daughter Marilyn were born in husband, her sister Lillian and her , I Mrs. Philp was born in Norwood Shiloh in 1935 and 1937. brothers George. Percy, Bill. Al and Bob I 1 December 22. 1906. to Thomas and Jane When Mr. Philp enlisted in the air Duvall. i Duvall Cross. Mr. Cross was killed in the force. they sold the farm. Because Mrs. She is survived by her son Ron and I ‘. Battle of the Somme in the First World Philp got a teaching job in Tyrone. that his wife Joyce of Oshawa, and by Mrs. ‘I War when his (laughter was IO years old, is where the family moved, Phasey and her husband David of Col- I I And not long after that. Mrs. Cross was Mrs, Philp taught in Tyrone for 10 borne. She is also survived by grandchil- l killed by an automobile. Mrs. Philp went years. then in Maple Grove for three, dren Wayne, Kathy, Brenda, Karen, I l to live with her grandmother and grand- then at Bowmanville Central School Wendy, Margaret, Rhonda, Cheryl and I l father. and her brothers and sister went until she retired. For the first 20 years Christina, as well as by 17 great-grand- , to foster homes. after her' retirement. she kept busy with children and one /ydat-i,rreathayifihil1. I l Mrs. Philp attended normal school in Bible groups. . She will be interred at Shiloh Ceme- 'I Peterborough. and began teaching at the "She will be sadly missed by so many tery. _ I _ . . . . i. Patricia Kernaghin, a community legend, , Known as something of a community them, they provided Mrs. Kernaghan "And Pat and Jack were always there I ! legend in Haldimand Township, Patri- with 11 grandchildren and four great- when things were needed, Pat was such I I cia Kernaghan passed away at home in grandchildren: a great person. Certainly, she was a I Grafton last week at age 72. in their early years, the Kernaghans very vital part of the auxiliary memben I . Born Patricia Harnden. she married supported their family with their Shell ship, and always there if we needed her. [ Jack Kernaghan on September 17, 1949, Oil farm tank dealership. Mrs, Ker- "She always had-a list and was I i in Haldimand Township, says her naghan would do the administration in always very organized." Mrs. Raymond l daughter Peggy Thomas. But much of their home while her husband delivered said, _ I i her life was shaped before that with her the furnace and stove oil __ until he sur " She would have this list every day _ i devotion --r. and that of her sisters fered severe burns on his right side and cross things off- the things that I ' Eileen and Shirley a to sports, when a gas truck exploded, Mrs. didn't get done, she would transfer to I Mrs, Thomas thought of her mother Thomas said. Then, her mom pitched in the next day. In that way, she was orga- and aunts when she saw the movie A for six' or seven months and did the nized and kept everybody else in herlife _ l League of Their Own. They used to wear driving too, with her father working the organized, She looked after Jack, she those silly little skirts as uniform in gears for her. . looked after her family, she looked after I their own softball days. lt was probably Grafton resident Anne Raymond, those she was connected with. I 1945, Mrs. Thomas recalls, when her who knew Mrs, Kernaghan all her life "She was very efficient, If she Com- I mother pitched her team into the all- through mutual family ties, recalls her mitted herself to doing something, you I I Ontario championship. driving her boys to' hockey practice at 5 knew it was going to get done. That's all "We all followed suit," Mrs. Thomas am. there was to it.†Mrs. Raymond said, i I 1 said. "As long as she's had kids, she's been Mrs. Thomas remembers her mother l With their parents' enthusiastic involved.†Mrs. Raymond said. "She as a caring and thoughtful person who ‘ I i, encouragement, the four children took was secretary for the recreation board, always put others before herself. She I l to the area's ball fields and hockey rinks starting back in the early 1970s, and she spent her last months teaching her his ', -- though Mrs. Thomas' sister Shelley was secretary for minor hockey maybe band to cook, do laundry, groceryrshop [ I _ preferred the score-keeping and orga- even earlier than that" and take care of himself. l, nizing side of sports, which she still Mrs. Kernaghan was an active volun- She also left her children enduring ‘ I i does with her own children. leer for St. Andrew's United Church, gifts, like the competitive spirit they all g If you want to know about brother and a longtime me.mber of the Northum- share. l Marty‘s career. Mrs. Thomas said, check berland Health Care Centre auxiliary, "And we are all cursed with perree- ‘ out a large display in the Grafton Mrs. Raymond added, since her father tionism because Mom always said, if I. arena's upstairs seating area. He was had been on the hospital's third floor you are going to do something, do it . i scouted for the Camrose. Alta., team at and she visited him daily to feed him. right, I do the housework, andl can still ‘ 18 then played in Calgary and was When he died, Mrs. Kernaghan stayed hear her voice saying,'Wait, you missed 1: finally scouted to Sioux City, Iowa. on. She was a past auxiliary secretary, a spot.' it Marty played on a gold medal-winning and retained her membership all her "She never complained, and she was 1 team at the Pan Am Games and was life. going through a lot of pain, But people , 1 once ranked the best fastball player in Mrs. Kernaghan was still the recre- would never know what kind of day she I the world. His parents travelled extef ation board secretary when she died, was having. She was one in a million." [ sively to keep up with it all. and only left minor hockey about two Mrs. Kernaghan was predeceased by l Still in Sioux City, Marty is now a years ago, Mrs. Raymond said. her sister Eileen, and is survived by her _ » i pilot. Mrs. Thomas is a Cobourg police NHCC auxiliary president Mini Had- husband Jack, her sister Shirley Johm . dispatcher. Her sister Shelley Ruther- den first met Mrs. Kernaghan when ston of Grafton. her four children, 11 l ford is a homemaker and volunteer. Her their boys played hockey together in grandchildren and four greatwanclchii- i brother Sandy owns the Husky Oil ser- Grafton. . . dren. I‘ vice station complex on Highways 400 “She and (her sister) Shirley were the â€" Carma NASMI'l‘ll 5. and 89 near Barrie. Among the four of salt of Grafton," Mrs, Hadden said. _-----