I ._ __ _ . l l Average villa e Former Cramahe Township led hm? [ . population growth Standoff , l The former Cramahe Township was easily the In ' l Income 02 3 leader of any population growth between 1991 and _ 1996. The population grew by 312 people from 1991 to . 1 l . , 1996 in the former township as compared to just 53 ast eton _ new faces in Colborne village. 1 . ( ll I The 1996 official population for the township was C OSes ro ads I i 3,420. ' . . Crunching the official numbers from the 1996 cen- A Cran1ahe To " . . . ' N l% Well below provirciaL average sus, some lnterestlng details evolve: of the 3,420 peo- in custody 'l2lltsivj,tha11yh1, was L a 190; “ll t CK for? In]? .JCV, /Q/d l ple who lived in Cramahe Township in 1996, 2,635 ing Monday in the Omara1 hear, Br MA MA were over the age of 15 years. Twenty-three percent of Justice in Cobourg £01113) Show NDY Rim of the population. or 785 people, were children. standoff with police on 'r)l?lt' a STAFF WRITER Of the adults, there were more males (1,345) than night. M ay You could never " t . _ females (1,290). Shortly after 9 J, underwent a 2tuvyii'yc2i),reWgl1ffs2s.0p/t Of those 15 years of age and older: called 911 and l‘epolrtlgci 3113:1118 village gained 53 people in from 1991 to 1996 accord» n 1,110 (585 male, 530 female.), or 32 per cent ofthe was going to kill anyone will?) ing to Statistics Canada Census information The adult population orjetow.ntirHIiei, no high school came on to his property Th 1996 official population for the village was 2 054' _ certmcate- That IS close to the. Ontario av.erage of caller appeared to be in a meme: _ Colborne Village and Cramahe Township. offi- 33 per cent of the total 8434111111011 population with agitated state and refused to He 2 many amalgamated as one municipality January 1 no high school certificate - and much lower than the re Hate with police on the phone g I 2001. Prior to 2001, the municipalities are reported 41 per cent of the 0-0-1 borne Village population with Ria Shortly after this call a 596mm as separate entities. Data collected in the 2001 cen- no high school certificate. . "tSC 911 call was t'eceived this tim sus ls not yet available from Statistics Canada. continued on page 3 ‘~ from the parents of the sus 39 f Crunching the official numbers from the 1996 cen- . reporting that he had threatlenid 81115, sameinteresting details evolve: of the 2,054 peo- In Cramahe Township: ct death to them as well. 1311:: 90061?ng Collierne in 1996, 1.600_were over I 380 (210 males, 105 females) (it When threatening police, the meme ady hie-h ere ore, 454, were children. had a high school certificate; 7 imp?“ cl.a.irned to have firearms females tegf,",ilt,i'sst, 82;? wedge Stlgnlflcantly more _ a 235 (all males, 160 females) had HI Il,s residence that he was Dre Ofthos li, . em " o 740 males. some unciompleterl post secondary pared to use. . l 650 'gf, Wins ofage and older: education; Patrol officers attended the adhlt 0L ul itna e, Eliminate), or 41 per cent of the I 705 (330 males, 37,5 females) s?, 30.9118 and Setup containn10t1t c Hp pt a ,1ll1a1 o'. e Village, had no high school had trades or non-university cer- U at ound the resulence and evacu- g, l lea f: I at rs considerably higher than the tlflcate or diploma; and _ ated the houses immediately sur'- l thoughts at 33 he? Cent of the total 3.43‘mila _ - 205 (t40 males. 65 females) h rounding the suspect's home to l Igog leauonvlmhno highsflT?1cyti,fiHte; corryollted, university. t ensure the safety of the occu- _ . l o ma es, 170 females) had a high school Analysing education for the pop- F pants. eertif.1fet,ej, ulation aged 25 years and over; s Shortly afterward, a K9 unit, 111120015 males, 75 females) had some uncom- . 7.3 per cent has less than V gembel‘s 10f the Emergency p e e post secondary education; Grade S); esponse 'eam and the Tactics 9460(245 males, 220 females) had trades or non- . 59.2 had high school certificate and Rescue Unit joined patrol university certificate or diploma; and or, higher .2: officers at the scene, .85 (45 Paris,, 40 females) completed university. I 37.7 per cent had trades or é: After approximately three Analyzing education for the population aged 25 1?.oryur1ivey,si,ty certificate or O hours, discussions between the years and over: diploma or higher; and & suspect and an OPP negotiator I 12.5 per cent has less than Grade 9; I (IA per cent had completed ulli- ‘Fj resulted m the male leaving his I 61.6 had high school certificate or higher; versity.‘ "Cf reyidepce voluntarily, He was ' , 37.6 per cent had trades or non-university cer- The “mum? a.yl work statistics hike]? i?to custody without fur- tificate or diploma or higher; and for Cralnalle indicated the average er Widen“. I 6.3 per cent had completed university, income tor township residents age “01181ng with Utter-jug a Death The income and work statistics for Colborne indi- 15 let“? 'ye! over was $24,253,023 '2l"ti'ltt JS Mark Gaffleld, age 42. of cated the average income for village residents age 15 pet let}, as Compared. to the S e on, _ years and over was $21,023 per year as com ared to provrncm average of $27,309, The th . ' ' p 7 average male annual income was e pcovincial average of $27,309, In Colhorne for $30 694 1 r the same category, the average male annual income t am $16,595 for females. was $27,191 and $15,034 for females agl1d1 39:93:? 21%}: 1/i25 pleople ' 0 n O 01' e Tl - Io'1996, there were 810 people aged 15 years and 960 males 600 females l p eyed, LECKEY, ROBERT GRIFFITH older employed, 470 males, 345 females. However 2 405 reported on id I PWWGI' C" , V WD., F.R.C.P (Cl S(BUD), 1,490 reported unpaid work (670 males, 825 females): males 1 215 felnaIES; X01 15 1efl 'ii",")))? l" January on. 'iid. dherlshed husba d For some reason, 10 people less, 1,480, reported reported unpaid hon tuft? 2365 'ell'))),"),,',';',)",; Hume-rm)‘ devoted father of '/il'fln/ unpaid hours of housework (665 males, 820 females). work (1 150 males 1 2350? _1f,'/l'esct. F) the: of Mele')-',',:,,:',,".'?:)),,','?,",) David Blam' and J/GE/ Some 340 village residents reported unpaid care of Sam 44,; ' . TI? es). ID is x) and family At g grower of Marion (Mrs, TAH. seniors (120 males, 215 females). i 1g),ec)yci,o)c1/ilai1?, Sicsnlents "it; I†â€we Family and "/fal,sneTl1esitn'v1r,rgi'tr/,ti', will _ The 1995 Colborne unemployment rate was 10 . C F seniors "N J well lived, A {900131an will t k Gee rale a ' _ pe1 (230 males, 215 females). January 2611 2 a 9 place on Saturday, cent,. a percentage point higher than the 9 per cent The 1996 Cramalle Twp, uUem- 't [one loll, 'ii)kdf'i:y2,r1rie?e mg“ 'lt Grafton Vil- Wigwam} unemployment rate. ' " ployment rate was TS per cent, a KY fool: were Bud's passion. In i,r1'luTd I1::'anoell-nsta- Snapshot of families and their dwellings is also perreyntyiie, Ipoint less than the l ‘1 balding“: r1"; ysblE made to the Nature l?dls1i,/d'/'Jy"li ‘ provided for 1996 Colhorne. There were 505 married pr ovincial 9.1 percent unemploy- oii/.Hfriei/2, £33933 AX?“ West, Suite 400, Tor, or common law families with an average of three ment rate. WWW" tty the /1e)di,bli"fltde2i Arrangements I people per family (as opposed to 3.2 across the In 1996, there were 920 married ' t'i'd'il'/C')?lt'llct,'drt'aUtl"lrsec'g/'22ril Home, ll King province) and an average total income for married or common law families with an is?,, _ ___ . 777â€" or gimmonlawggrlnllles of $48,474. ' avclrage of all people per family Q Peace! ll 'te/lee,',?-.,',)"): ELGIN ALICE lâ€; ere were one-parent families with avers e ar" [lil ave age total income of U y a mm“? in Colbtrrme Th family size of 2.6 people and average income if $55,054, t: rtc%eti,'e12,; Elam /iil/Ji7i'liriLk' Sifffxajf; $25,598. . There were 70 lonsparent fami. 3: 'l1'a2'/,Ul,'r' origami? 0f, 't late Jonâ€. Brinkwarth I The village had 815 private occupied dwellings or lies with average family Size of k rs and. Richard and his wile Iti2 mod his wife Ann I households of which 555 were privately owned, 255 â€â€95 people and average income of b f2"d,',usi (ttg craig Emma“: gfl,'l1'fnthLt rented. The average value of the owned occupied $27,783. ' mrb'stycf Cl (heath) and Christupher Chamhellaln: Sadly homes was $139,616. The townshlp had 1,180 private rs) and Mellssa‘s [avQ'ral311PA'e,u1i1esr; Melissa Home, And 1996 wasn't a year in which any of 54 addi- occupied dwellings or households At Illnentl Koo Bellamy, A Floorsâ€??? by her special tional residents since 1991 could be claimed For of which L075 were privately C, (2ifipf/,"s,y, Funeral Home, ll King 50‘6“,»st Tam M ' _ owned, only 100 listed as rented, v “â€9 on Tuesday, Janna 15 ' FF olbornis, 1996 there were 30 births and 30 deaths recorded r moot w t W th at “am Int l . â€13 “32:90 value of the owned ‘3 or lo Jvi11reiTitg; ViShelton was held one ku7j2 ' F . occu le 0 . V , r u . _ J . Se Wishin l ' Given the new Cramahe Township IS formed Ff, 1l,1tmgspr7t11i1ylioi,i th 'v fj2ge,1'p II WW? lo the 9531:; (ttfda/pig',") from the amalgamated Colborne Village and former and 15 deaths recorded li' s L brey Funeral Hails: ttrl doms1ions to (he MECCOU- Cramahe Township, the 1996 Census gives a last 'iii'r-%"r-"rc,'"LQLdc------- ISO, , . ‘3Ԡ204,Caliaome,ON, KOK opportunity fora demographic detailing of the new , ----H ' _ A . _ ' - _-___ " larger geographic area. ' ) i