“? UP & LJOMIN G April 19: Charles Rtithcr- plays, :'/r2,si,1,:,rpe, and will] giv(e: alril Ttt on p6?“- p" a i: etlchrc hourly door prizes, 'vcryone ci es. a . urray or [ r t1o:l2f'cy,m0riiitl,1r,1"e" welcome. For more info, call more information at (905) 2-THE COLBORNE CHRONICLE-Thursday. April 16, 1993 COMMUNI Legion. guarantee $400 total ie11r/." 355-3771 or Walt 35:33:27 May P. The 58th -tTkis7GEr5pSrgEia I - - .. 3 - _ - . - . 'ca',zn's,'i,"r"i1nr,,yycoe"j,'eCriilr"tn, April 25: Brighton Volks- Northumberland Music chli- a stl eto n P S S C I e n C e Fa I r ner. chhistraiion from [1:30 march, meet at 9 a.m., val2,vi,l'i'l'vo"2, (‘dlborne ' . - " ' ., i .m. Bri hton Bakers Dozen . :- . [ f M 6 a m grit]! Ir., Hope Donate gifbmaahliieaiFglfdngI 31:23:: O p e n O r VI eWI n g ay . " .. . ril 26: Colborne Ut r _ . ' ' 11t1",:1f'2rDt1icr"" at Legit?“ Branch 187 dart tour- April-29, 7 p.m., Colborne CASTLETQN - The Kingsmill and Kimberlea _p.m., April _23. April 19: Family Activity nan-tent, two-men, two- municipal building. ChstlyyrP.eylic School Sci.. Puffer. _ . Upcoming agenda items Day, 1:30-4:30 p.m., Art women teams. Registration May 1, 2, ' fcellyy'. once fair' wilbe held Thurs- . Ill . include {517073 from the Gallery of Northumberland, li-ILM a.m., play 12 noon. “WWW annual. Country day, May. T. However, the dis, _ PrfchooHievtl special Fundralsmg and Facilities Cobourg, For info, call (905) $25 per team, total payback. Yard Ie', 22 King Stree plays will. be set up May 6 Education. .h1y1tif.ictti.oe committees and, review ofthe 372-0333. April 26: Colborne “My West, Friday 4-8 p.m.; Sat and be available for parents to meeting originally scheduled school‘s Homework Policy. April 21: Colhorne Stamp march, meet at J&R Variety, 8srmc4.iyme Sun. 9 iI.m.-c View.at the open house the for March has, been reset for . Ill . _ Club 7 pun., Drop-in Centre, Victoria Square, 9 a.m., Col- p.m. Collectibles, bake stall evening of May 6. Judging Thursday, Apr1123. _ A reminder that Friday, Victoria Squarc,C01borne. borne. pickles and preserves. Al Willbc done May 7. Parents involved will April 24, is no'longer a Pro. Show preparation night. All April 26: Festival of proceeds to charities. Students from Mr, Peter- receive new letters tom the _ fessional Activdy Day. Regu- members and helpers please Hymns, 7:30 p.m., Colbome May 2:Volkssport walk a son's class who competed in school board indicating the lar classes will be held on that attend. For info, call Norman United Church, kick-off for Grafton, 8 a.m., meet a the April 3 regional science times cdtheirappointmemts. date, . ' at355-3771. the 58th Northumberland Homegrown Cafe. fair at Northumberland Mall Ill fy Junior and Senior April IP. Colborne and Music Festival. _ May 2: Eden UCW Unit were Jennifer Christie, . The School Parents Coun- Kindergarten students, it is a Area Community Care two- April 27: Colborne & II Quilt Show, tea and bah: Danielle Burnett and kathee cil meets twice in April. Once Star day. four other students day training program for vol.. District Horticultural Society sale, Dumitrnald. ine Allchurch, Brandi already April 2 and again 7:15 and staff, it is an extra Day L unteer Respite Care program. monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m., T May 38: Volkssport walk To rc ister. or for more infor- pros ect Missionar Hall, renton, aan., meet at " Ch I I . 6 000 matidgn, call (905) 355-2989. Colbgrne. Laura Lh1l1' ney's Bar & Grill. OCO ate sa e ra ISeS I All welcome. Training hosted with Brighton & Area Com- SOUTH CRAMAHE - The Belong, Grade 1/2. They won seat for the Spring Concert at munity Care office. . chocolate sales fund raiser a $50 gift certificate from South Cramahe Public School, April 22 tk 23: was a great success reports Northumberland Mall. the concert has been sched- NooTooYoo sale, St. Paul's Heather Harnden-Russell, Top class sales went to tiled for two evenings, Angican Church, Kingsley chair of the Parent Council at Mrs. R. Clarke's Grade 1/2. Because the school gym is and Sanford Streets, South Cramahe Public School. They receive a pizzalpop limited in size, the school is Brighton, Wednesday 22 3-4 Close to $5,000 was raised. party. Second place winners requesting family groups limit p.m. seniors only; open to Thanks to all South Mrs. B. Chattcrson’s Grade their size so everyone fits in. public 5-7230 p.m. Thursday, Cramahe parents, students and 4/5 class win a five-pound On Wednesday, April 29, fam- April 23, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Then, staff for support. chocolate bar. ily of JK, Grades 1, 2/3, 4/5 bag clearance 2:30-3 p.m. A special thank you to II. and 7/8 are scheduled to Lots Ofgood bargains! Shannon Roberts, Carolyn The next Parent Council attend. April 25: Second Annual Campbell, Amy Patton, meeting will be held April 15, On Thursday evening, Salem Creek Trash Bash, 9 Leanne Ferguson, Cathy Watt 7 p.m. with guest speaker April 30, family of SK, Grade m, Salem United Church, and Mr. Brown for their distri- Shirley Mitchell on "Building 1.2, 3/4 and 6/7 are invited. sponsored by the Salem bution and collection Mforts. Self-esteem in Your Kids and Show time is at 7 p.m. Creek Rehabilitation Com- The school's top salespco- Yourself". Twitchers take note: the show mittee. ple were Bailey Campbell, III will last 45-60 minutes, April 25: Apple Country Grade ' 3/4; and Stephen To ensure everyone gets a - The school newsletter Stamp Show by Colbornc -- Stamp Club at the Royal _-----------" Canadian Legion, King Street East, 10 am. to 4 p.m. No i admission charge. Dealers, 5 consignment table, youth l booth with surprises, dis..