, _ Regional Councillor YVONNE Christi di By Kelly Lown Following the November Early Saturday morning school board trustee, a posi- . V "Ni' l Port Perry Star election, Mrs. Christie had she passed away in her sleep, tion she would hold for 10 Itsifu = "3. Funeral services will be spent two weeks in hospital Mrs. Kendall added. years, '1’ " "Hlilli1; .: held tomorrow for Scugog undergomg a number oftests. Mrs: Christie came to She served six years as the . _ ' N . Iq Township Regional Councillor Several minor problems were Scugogin the 1950s and began chairman of the Durham . f I k Yvonne Christie, 62, who detected., but nothing consid- teaching at both Port Perry School Board and was very t: r", f" . . passed away early Saturday ered serious at that time. High School and Cartwright involved in the financing M "r, w-e' 1 Mrs. Christie, who had suf. Doreen Kendall. Yd)" has High School. aspect ofthe schools. r, ' "wt f cr, fered a stroke January 10, been close friends with Mrs. "She gave her best as a She left politics for a time » r' 'Ar r" I , _ had been transferred back to Christie for more than 30 teacher and expected the same and returned as the councillor oetr. ‘a 't , I Community Memorial years and will give the eulogy from her students. She lov- for Ward One. Six years ago , (raF.'-r' " gt , Hospital from Oshawa at Weilnesde.y'? service, spent ingly was given the nickname she was elected regional coun- l’ bis, _ a' . ‘ General earlier this month. every daywith her friendsince Sarge by her students, many cillor and was serving her " " I She was beginning to make he, stroke. of whom still refer to her as third term in that seat at the . t " k, . ll progress at the time ofher Friday we had a great day that tioday," Mrs. Kendall said. time other death. © ‘ ’ death, but family members together, laughing find talk- In 1971, Mrs. Christie Mayor Howard Hall and . ’ were told the recovery procese Ing. s1tp,et making 81.1911 began her political career Mrs. Christie began serving - - a would be along one. progress, Mrs. Kendall said. when she was elected area Turnto Page4 YVONNE CHRISTIE