ttNttiu2.,tL-Lq1MWttgiiltKiltl2l1 R MERE - Resolutions 5 Tweedsmuir Book ' _ CORNENOR - Mrs. K. Sanells . ROLL CALL __ An old saying of your parents". IiltLAliIiililNulmiilt1 MONO 0 Canada! Our hone and native land? ..rt Your concern could cure a problem. True patriot love In all thy sons command. PROGRAH With glowing hearts we see thee rise, - mammogram, music and readings. The True North strong and free '" From in and wide, 0 Canada, Les" We stand on guard for thee. "d" .- _ God keep our land glorious and free! ' 'r'st-'" HEB“ 12.39 E H o Canada, we stand on guard for thee. 'ice-sro tr Canada, we stand on guard for thee. POT LUCK DINNER L ANNUAL 32901213 ' ROLL CALL -- FEES ,