Kay Loni: an Embro-area man has gone missing 1 E {0 -- An 18-year-old Emilio-area man whose family has not heard from him since Nov. 10 is being treated as a missing person by police. John Sherwood, a Stratford Central secondary student, has not been at school and has not contacted his family since that time, however police say a friend reported seeing him on a main street in Stratford as late as Nov. 25. Const. Ray Dobbs of the Woodstock OPP detachment says Mr. Sherwood has not broken any laws, but that the family and police are concerned because of the "abrupt change in behavior." , Mr'. Sherwood drives a grey. two-door 1986 Chevrolet Cavalier, licence plate 579 RCH, He is described as five foot, six inches tall, with dark brown hair. and blue eyes. He weighs be: ' tween 115 and 120 pounds Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Mr. Sherwood is asked to contact the police. [75 (Shot/0161 Conant (7/2051 KuH-y LuFTc-m THE FIRST EMBRO Scout Troop toured Zorra'Town- ship offices this week. From left are: BACK ROW Coun. Bill Semeniuk, Coun. Wayne Garner, Scoutmas- ter Wayne MacKinncn, Michael Green, Tlrn Cockle, , JAMES GlEB David Grieve, Ruti MacKinnon. Scouter Chris Cockle, Mayor Jim Gibb, FRONT ROW: Jlm Bailey, Dan Meer- veld, Chrls Heather, Brian lnnes, Adam Van Egdom, Ken Walton and Jeremy Van Egdom. Troop scouts out council chambers ZORRA .-- The First Embro Scout Troop visited the Township ' of Zorro council Dec. 1/91 Coun. Wayne Garner gave the scouts a tour of the township build- ing. The scouts sat in for part of the council meeting. "We thought it would be a good opportunity to see our local gov- emment in action." said Scout- master Wayne MacKinnon. The visit helpedthe scouts earn a requirment'fdr their citizenship badge. While earning the three lev-, els of the citizen badges, the scouts learn about their country, and how._ the different levels and areas of government function. Scooter Chris Cockle said he be-- ' lieved the visit would also bene?t their troo by showing scouts how an officia meeting runs. Because Zorra council meetings usual] start at 9:30 a.m., the 11 First mbro Scouts had to take a couple hours off school.