g i of ' the \big winners at the recent 4-H Achievement Day in Embro, capturing advanced honors for completing .18 r T," , . - ' '1 9 ' tor ?armera Show The Oxford County Junior Farmers will present the musical "Guys and Dolls" by Damon Runyon from April 25-28 at 8 p.m. at Woodstock Collegiate Institute. Shown rehearsing a crap shooting scene from the play at the Embro Town Hall are, from left, Roger Garner, of RR 1 Embro, Craig 4-H Achievement Day in limbo Joan Morris, left, of RR 1 Embro, was one' ' A Photo by Thelma Hiuse n homemaking projects. Margaret Fleming, president of the Oxford North Women's Institute presented Joan and the other winners with their awards; . 4F". l lqg??'hoto by Thelma Hiuser Piett, of RR 1 Embro, Ron Marshall, of RR 5 Embro, Kim Topp, of RR 5 Embro, Scott McLeod, of RR 3 Embro, John Hazeleger, of RR 1 Embro, Frank Tousaw, of RR 1 Embro, Keith Garner, of RR 2 Embro and Hank Hazeleger, of RR 4 Embro. L 6,1