- . Exit ' lBoth sides anxious for results of Canada Lafarge test burn till/7t ' Plans to burn to I Bydohn Roe 5 district editor I EMBRO ---- Bureau- 5 cratic snrals have l stalled a local cement company's plan 1' to burn liquid industrial waste for fuel by at ' l ; leastsix months. l And while Canada l Cement Enlarge is taking the delay in stride, a citizen's group opposing the project is keeping its fingers crossed. "it will give us more time to organize our fight," said local farmer Joe Moss. a leader of the Embro Citizen's Group. ' "But we're with apprehension for the (laboratory) re- . ports. Right now doesn't look as it" our waiting it' said the company has taken much longer than originally planned to apply for a permit to burn industrial waste. This has set back the entire project. He said the company has been working on its application since early January. But it still needs the results of :1 passed, chemical waste would have been used as supplemental fuel in the second half of 1934. ~ "Now there's a six-month delay in the project-"if it is to go at all," Mr. Robb said. "There was no intention to delay it on cor part. If we had our druthers, we'd be in business with this soon as recent three-month . as experiment when POSSlble- nearly one million litres By the end of March, of toxic chemical Mr. Robb said the wastes were burned as company hopes to have fuel during cement the final test 'ng processing. results ~ emissmn After the application is in, the company must analysis from the On- tario Research Foun- dation in Mississauga, Still pass an en- _ . vironmental hearing and dioxm tests from and win the the Burlington firm government's stamp of ZERO"- lf Canada Cement approval before it can burn the toxic waste. The company hoped applies for the permit in early April, the en- but we're approaching to make its application vironmental hearing itasifwewillwin." by mid-February, and ""11 "HOW 1" Beachville plant go through the hearing September at the earliest. The verdict l l l i chances are very good. l manager Andrew Robb s in June. It the proposal would come sometime latenexttall. . Mr. Robb said the company is proceeding cautiously to ensure the best chances for success. "It's not just a matter of filling out forms," he said. "We've been working on plication for two mon-- ths and we're not finished yet. For both sides, much depends on the report from the Ontario Research Fopndation. Mr. Moss worries a report supporting Canada Cement will kill any opposition to the project. "If the recommends the waste, stand a chance." said. More optimistically, Mr. Moss said the six-month delay will give the fie-member report burning we don't he inc deacon herald / Wednesday March 14 l 1984 l) for 6 months in id. federal grant, the pro-- burning ject Backed by a $350,000 involves automotive Singer willappear ,. l...,_.------_. to aid Embro group} By John Roe district editor The Embro Citizens' Group has enlisted the aid of internationally- acclaimed singer Mary O'Hara in the tight to stop a local company from burning liquid industrial waste. Group spokesman Joe Moss, of RR 5 Embro, announced yesterday the Irish singer will appear in a Strat- iord fund-raising concert March 27 to help the group in its drive to raise up to $50,000 for upcoming court battles against Canada Cement Latarge Ltd. which hopes to burn industrial waste for incl at its plant eight kilometres south of Embro. It will be Miss O'Hara's only Canadian stop in an otherwise all- American tour. "We're going to pack the city hall," Mr. Moss said in an interview yesterday. "She's one of the world's top classical folk singers." Seelic11_ pagez Mary O'Hara flammable toxic wastes as an _ from the paint, ink and, more cxpenswe natural industries £85 __ .. ,0". 0...." 1--. want" mm". alternative to lion president. the ap- . Xic fuel delayed environmental group longer to raise money for court battles. In the past six weeks the group has raised about $1,500 selling chocolate bars 'and holding cooking classes. A vStratford concert later this month featuring Irish folk singer Mary O'Hara will raise more. The concert has sold more. than 300 tickets solar. Mr. Moss said the group hopes to raise about $50,000, because fighting a big company in court can be expensive. The citizens have been battling the com- pany since February 1983, when Canada Cement announced the $1 million project aim»- ed at slashing fuel costs and making year-old plant continued from page 1 Association President ".13 Jim Gibb, 1984 Farm safety Assocja» the 27-- more Gibb's involvement with safety organizations dates back to 1971 when--as municipal councillor-- he was appointed as a representative to the Oxford Safety Council. He has continued to play an active role in farm safety affairs since that time, and has served as Area lll's director of the provincial Farm Safety Asso- ciation for several years. Gibb was elected president of the Association at the 1984 Annual Meeting. Still quite active in local govern- ment, Gibb is deputy mayor of Zorro Township, and a representative for that municipality on Oxford County Council. He is also president of the Woodstock Fair Board. Gibb's administrative experience and ability to work with people will be important assets during his tenure as Farm Safety Association presi- dent. He believes that awareness is the key to safety on the farm, and will continue to encourage inihatives that increase recognition of hazards in the farm workplace. l