midway rides. Embro goes to the fair It. seemed as if all of Embro and area took advantage of the g00d weekend weather to turn out to the village's ~126th fall fair. Moving clockwise from top, the South Easthope Township team put their backs and hearts into it as they strain their way to Victory in yesterday 5 tug of war contest. Four teams tested their muscles in the competition. Earlier in the weekend, Lee-Ann Verhoef, 18, of RR 1 Embro, was crowned queen ofthe fair. The Grade 12 student at Woodstock Collegiate Institute is the daughter of Jim and Carol Verhoef. Meanwhile 2 1,{2-year-old Jen-- nifer Currah, left. ' "d 16-month-old Ryan J antzi, both of Tavistock, take a spin on one of the ByThelmaHiuser This year's fair was officially district correspondent EMBRO -- Lee-Ann Verhocf, of RR 1 Embro, was crowned Queen of the Fair here Saturday night following the official opening of the 126th an- nual Embro and Zorra Agricultural , Fair. MiSs Verhoef, 18, the daughter of Jim and Carol Verhoef, won the title over her two competitors, Sandy Walters, of RR 3 Embro and Janet McKay, of RR 2 Embro. opened at 8 p.m. Saturday by Ken Knox, director of the rural organizations and services branch with the Ontario ministry of agricuh ture and food. Also Saturday, the local Optimist and Opti-Mrs. clubs held a family variety show entitled "Ye Olde Country Fair." The show was at- tended by about 500 people. On Sunday, a western horse show was held along with a baby show and the Optimist pet show in the after- noon. Several musical groups in- cluding The Bonds of' Love, The Garner Trio and the Embro United Church junior choir provided music for the whole family. The annual tug-of--war held Sun- day consisted of four teams in-- cluding Drumbo, South Easthope, Embro and lnnerkip. "' The annual fair parade made its