April 2015 Women Walk the World WOMEN: WALK THE WORiD' ASSOCIATED COUNTRY WOMEN OF THE WORLD (ACWW) CONNECTS SUPFOPYS WOMEN 8. COMMUNlTIES WORLDWIDE of: J, On or around ACWW Day. 29th April 20l5. people throughout the world are asked to iom In Women Walk the World (or ACWWThc aim is to raise ACWW's image promote the organisation and raise funds 50 HOW CANYOU ARTICIPATE INYOUR AREA? SMALL CHANGE CAN MAKE BIG CHANGE HAPPEN BWI member Anne lnnes (5m) joined other Oxford District W] members at the Woodstock Fair Grounds where they walked as well as raise awareness of Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW). and promote the organization and its mandate with people visiting the Woodstock Farmers' Market Ruth Skillings Mary Lou Ross Nancy Muir Anya Donaldson Anne lnnes Marg Ogar Linda Hammond