A?et he! clllld (fed from drlnklnq llnp'a?leunmd milk Melalde HOUdIess. me lmmdel of [he lnlemallondl Women's Illshlule organlrallonl hecame a llteless advocale for domesltc tetanus and dewlled hersellto educalmg new mothers 'Slnce than. lhal's the Ideal the Women's lrlslllule has asplted l0 5er Anne Erlrles, wesldent ot the Oldord Dlslm-l Women 5 Inslllule Ennes sald their vlslnrl IS an Onlanc 'where women work logemer lol sale healthy communlnes and pursue an ennched and balanced II'BSMQ ' Suppomng local projects such as Team Shan' the Oldord Dlstnct Women's IHSIIIUKP has also organlaed health lalrs, donated to lngamo Homes Domesuc Abuse Semoes Oxford and area nosmtals The local Chapter has also advocated lor mam/muses lncludlng safe loodl grandmolhers ralslng lnelr grandchlldren' and satelycencems on lncal loads and school buses The Oldurd Dlslrlct Women s lnsllluta. Compnsmg nlne bralllfhes and ms members. was the reclplenl M7015 AppreSHEallorl Award by me lnternatlonal Women s Daycommmee dunng celebralmns Frldayat the Oxlord Audllorlum 'In the. spmtattalung acuon (ms award was crealea " sald Pny MCCrum otlhe International Women s Daycommlllee The award recoglllzes llle llnaald work cvlan Oxlord County woman or women's group or orgammtlen that has contrlbuted to lmpmvmg the llves at women lll the county Others nominated lor the award lncluded Manon Baker Maryclaamn Kelly Spencer Kathy Stephenson Danlelle Valedls and me Women and Wellness Commmee The annual Internauonal Wumen's Day Woodstock elem mcluded Woe meals (or 300 people, halrstwrlg by Fansnawe College students, yoga Zumbal ano dlsplays byvendors and local agenmes The everll hegan 51x years ago when a gloup of women who nlosllyworkad ln domestlc wolelme plevenllon and CUhIISeIIlng came up wlth the ldea 'We dreamed a dream olwanung an exelllwdl'l no barrlels to attendallue ' McCrunl saldv "where women can be appreclalea and loel wonde?ul abmltwno lhey are ' McCrum sad the evenl that started wnn 70 women and has crown lo 300 .5 lull or 'gond vlbrauons " 'The women .n [his room are lnllynarlpy: she sald 'You can reallylael [he posmve energy." lllls roan» 7 metals me amlreclanor' enllluslasnl ' 'wail'ar llwrs n' Klllll'Y'H'l