By Sandra Coulthard DOWNIE CORRESPONDENT ()n Wednesday February 21, the St. Pauls W.l. celebrated its 90th anniversary at the Downie Optimist Community Centre llall. President Skinner welcomed everyone. Secretary Kay Aitcheson read the original minutes of the Vivian 1911-12 meeting. Roberta Dundas and (Ielleen Coulthard introduced the digni- taries who lit candles in memory of those who have passed away. Greetings were given by Past F.W.l.0. Board Member Donna Willows. who was fill- ing in for President Christine Reaburn (stuck in traffic), Alternate PAC Norma llowe. London Area V.P. Eleanor Williams, Perth South District Past Pres. Elaine Thomson, Reeve of Township of Perth South Annabell Thomson, (she also brought greetings from the County). Rita Christie, representing MPP Bert Johnson and a letter from MP John Richardson's office was read. Marie Bean gave a very interesting History of the Branch. The ladies have put togeth- er a time capsule to be opened in 10 years at their 100th anniver- sary. Elsie Coulthard and Jessie Schcuermann had some incredible predictions for all the members. This fortune- telling session was entertaining to say the least. Special guests attend- ing were F.W.I.O. Past President Marg llarris and husband Bud from Kerwood and former members Ruby Barr and Evelyn Monteith. Jeanne Coulthard presented a cheque for $500 to the Downie Township History Book Committee, it was accepted by Marion Ready. Marlene Coulthard introduced the guest speaker Robert Miller, "Honorary Keeper of the Swans." Robert spoke on the Stratford Swans and had every- one's attention with his witty and informative talk. Miriam Dunbar thanked the speaker. The musical interludes were provided by Ron Coulthard on slide gui- tar (Hawaiian), and Royce Riehl on guitar. President Vivian Skinner and members Jeanne Coulthard (member since 1941) and Paula Taylor (newest member) cut the anniversary cake. Doris Hocking gave the courtesy remarks. The St. Pauls W.l. would like to thank Roy McKay for videotaping this event and Gordon Hocking for making the time capsule. Just a note that Robert Miller men-- tioned the Swan Parade will be held on April lst this year. A fortune-telling session was all part of the fun at St. Pauls Wl's 90th anniversary party last week. Madame Elsie Coulthard, left, and Madame Jessie Sheuermann were predicting the future. v