THE INGERSOLL TIMES, Wednesday, January 24, 2001 - Page 5 By LAURA GREEN For The Ingersoll Times Maybe spring is around the corner, for members of the Brooksdale Women's Insti- tutecleanedtheirsewing clos- ets searching for fabric scraps or ends of cotton or polyester cotton to be donated for quilts. For their Jan. 18 meeting at the .Brooksdale United Church, members spent the day cutting blocks in4 1/2", 6 l/2",and8 1/2"squares.Each kit consists of 414 small or 180 medium or 108 large squares, fabric for a back, a l 0 ball of yarn, a spool 'of thread ' and two darning needles. The ladies in Romania will sew the quilts for their families , and for others in need at com- _ munity sewing rooms. The kits will be sent to the Christian Aid Ministries and their Canadian 'warehouse is located in Wallenstein, On- tario. - Like any sewing bee, a pot luck lunch was held. ' Members continued to cut squares during the business _ partof the meeting. Guest speaker was Dorothy Racknor of Embro who Spoke on her travels to Romania. Racknor was glad to be back - on Canadian soil after her ex-y periences. President of Oxford Dis- trict WI, Margaret Lee brought greetings from the district and joined in the cut- ting of the squares. Quilt kits for Romania Helen Turvey read a poem titled Scraps which all the sewers in the room could iden- tify with. By the end of thegday. enough squares were cut for 11 kits and fabric still went home to be cut into more squares. ' Oxford District ' Women's Institute ' logs nearly 10,000 ' Volunteer hours Oxford District Women's Institute met recently at the Salford Community Centre. In her opening remarks Presrdent Margaret Lee lauded the many volunteer hours Women's InstitUte members give. It was noted that 9,102 VOlunteer hourswere re-- 0, corded. Fur-- ' ther plans for the bus trip to Hamilton in JUne to attend Women of the World's Con- Vention Were made. A Panel of three women 1!} public of. fice shared With the group the impact of public life on their private lives. Nancy Walther, countillor for Norwich Township, Mar- garet Lupton, councillor for West Zorra Township and Peg Caffyn, Mayor of South West--Oxford, participated. Their comments were Very much appreciated. Year--end reports of a great 6' >; War" Pa v 49w, L 'J'Lma variety from all committees were given. We have gained 10 new members, but with re- gret acknowledged the dis- v banding of Embro West Zorra Women's Institute. The meet- ing concluded with the elec- tion and installation of of?cg ers con- ducted by Fran Hyatt. L o n d o n Area Presi-- _ dent. 'Slate of officers for 2001-2002 are front row left to right, 3rd V.P.--Carol Innes, Past President --- Margaret 'Lee, Presi- ' dent -- S h e i l a Greason, 2nd V.P. --- Ilene Chesterman, lst V.P. --- Janet Uren. Back row left to right: Louise Baird -- lobbying, Evelyn Art-hur-- assistant sec- retary, Mary Moore --- educa- tion, Mary Nicklas -- secre- tary/treasurer, Vivian McDonald --- 'I'weedsmuur, curator --- Sherrill Babbey public relations. - '2 /0i "f--